My brother in England is a huge fan of ebay and is always buying stuff from there. Me well I have never been a fan. However last night I decided to take the plunge and set up an ebay account and a paypal account. Now that is as far as I got, I haven't bid on anything and not sure I will, but it is fun to look around and see what's what.
Are any of you ebay experts and have hints or tips for the novices like me? I have a couple of 1930's light fixtures from the house I would like to get rid of and a couple of other things.
I don't think I have mentioned the weather in a while have I? Well as I writing this it is snowing, not a lot, but snow all the same.
Our wood pile is coming to an end and we will have used a full three bush cords of wood this winter. Luckily we have a "back-up" pile of wood, so we won't run out. Last year we only used around two and a half bush cords, so you can really tell it's been a longer and a colder winter.
What's the price of gas/petrol in your neck of the woods. I paid $1.195 a litre yesterday at our local Canadian Tire gas bar. I had an 8 x Canadian Tire coupon, so got 40 cents back in Canadian Tire money. I am saving my Canadian Tire money up for jam jars for making the wedding favour jam.
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
It helps to sell, I think, to know what shipping will be up-front. I don't know how you do it in Canada. There were handy tools in the states. If I just knew the weight and destination (I'd pick the farthest state away as a gauge, but I only charged actual shipping.) Take good pictures and don't set too low a starting bid or you won't get what you want for it. Look for others like them on ebay and see what they're going for. Might do better with Kijiji. (I much prefer Kijiji in Canada. Might take awhile to move it but no fees and no Paypal BS. All the buyer has to do is tell Paypal they're not pleased and they'll get their money back, then you're out the money and the product! It's why I left Ebay.)
I managed to get gas for 1.15 in Niagara Falls. It's been 1.23-1.19 for weeks.
gas is the same here in the ottawa region. everything is going upupup!! I have purchased on ebay, but never sold anything there.
Gas? Too much. . . . . . . . Sorry about the snow. We have had some warm weather. Hoping to get through March with no more snow.
Oh what you are in for now ! when buying set yourself a limit and stick to it ! [harder than you think if you really like something ]good fun if you are thinking of adding to your carnival glass collection -good luck !! keep us posted x
Can't help you with paypal or E-bay, don't do either. We are paying 114.9 for a litre of gas right now. I'm sure it's going to go up though. We get 5 cents back in Cdn. Tire money here. Hugs
More snow? Don't go running around outside again, Gill. We remember what happened last time. ;-P
We paid $3.89/gallon, so we're still cheaper on gas than you guys. I'm in SoCal.
Dunno much about selling on ebay, but having Paypal is a Godsend. I love it.
Have a great day!
I think you may want to place a facebook icon to your website. I just bookmarked this blog, although I had to make this manually. Just my advice.
I've only ever bought off ebay a couple times and have never sold, so I can't help you there.
Check the library, I'm sure they have an Ebay for Dummies book that will help (that wasn't an insult by the way!) :) They just have a book for everything now.
Oh and no news on the jobs front. More have been popping up that I have been submitting to, but no solid leads yet.
Gas was $3.59 per gallon here..not sure how that compares to your price. If I remember I want to check it when I have more time...
Sorry you are having snow...I know you are tired of winter. The sun is shining here and it is shirt sleeve weather, though it is supposed to get colder tomorrow...
Gas is around $1.30 a liter here on the West Coast.
We use craig's list here - lot. Used to use ebay but the cost of shipping Canada Post couldn't compete with US Post.
I use PayPal to pay for online purchases...not a very common occurrence.
I once had a look at ebay. The reason I didn't continue was trouble with PayPal. I'd never touched it before but was informed that my account information was incorrect. Bank investigated and told me that it was a load of rubbish. I've since learned that other people had the same problem.
The gas price is the same here in East Gwillimbury. Purchasing jam jars with Canadian Tire money is a great idea.
1.19 a litre? Boy, are you lucky! The cheapest gas in Montreal right now is 1.329 and the most expensive is 1.349. Am I ever glad I do not own a car...
By gas do you mean fuel for the car? if so it was $1.39 here this morning but on the radio today it said it might go up to $1.70 over the weekend. its just a joke. Our average price is around the $1.43 per litre.
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