Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Watery Wednesday......

On Sunday we went for a drive out in the car, and we passed a river so I took some photos. It was bitter cold so all these photos are taken in the car. It was a lovely day, and at least the river was flowing, but honestly Spring seems to be a life time away at the moment!!! (Look for the animal footprints on the third one, they're on the ice/snow)

(For more detail please click on the photos)

For more Watery Wednesday photos, please click on the link


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm sure, Gill, that it felt good just to get out for awhile. I get so depressed when I'm house-bound for long periods of time...

The pictures are gorgeous--although it looks EXTREMELY cold up there!!

Stay warm.

Jess said...

It's definitely watery here right now...weathering an ice storm... and we are lucky we have electricity...and heat!

Have a great day
Love, Jess

Anonymous said...

Great shots! I almost missed the footprints. I wonder what made them. Spring will be here before you know it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. I love seeing snow at the moment as it is so hot here. Yesterday it was over 43 degrees celcius and we have another two days of it to come!


Great pictures of winter - and spring to come! But mybe that is only in my imagination and dreams....

judi/Gmj said...

awesome shots. I looked at your quilt while I was here,,, wow!! your talented. I don't think it looks girly at all.

Winifred said...

The pictires are lovely but when it snows like that I stay in. You're really adventurous. Luckily it doesn't snow much here now.

George said...

Gill, the pictures are beautiful, but I'm afraid winter is planning on staying around for a while. Is that storm heading across the U.S. likely to hit you?

Mamapippa ... said...

Here in Belgium it is very cold too. I'm dreaming of a warm spring, with lots of springsunshines... Dream ... dream ... dream ...

Unknown said...

Don't step through the ice!

Scrappy quilter said...

Your photography is incredible.

Carletta said...

I love the third photo! It does look very cold and I don't blame you for staying in the car.
I don't want to go out and haven't taken many pictures in days.

Your quilt below looks lovely!

Carletta said...

I love the third photo! It does look very cold and I don't blame you for staying in the car.
I don't want to go out and haven't taken many pictures in days.

Your quilt below looks lovely!

bass said...

All are frozen here, with Valkryien's foto's too... I wonder when our waters here will freeze eh..:)

EG CameraGirl said...

It's hard to find flowing water these days in Ontario. Hooray for you!

Jan said...

Aw, wishing for Spring. These are great photos. Thanks for pointing out the tracks.

Barbara said...

Spring does seem along time away. But it will be here before we know it. I really like the way you photographed the curve in the river. Smiles B

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely photos Gill, and wise to take them from the car. You can see so much detail when enlarging them, like those animal tracks you mentioned. We have snow down here finally. It looks so pretty but then I haven't had to go out in it. Now I hear we are going to be having an ice storm. I think I will be staying in again tomorrow.

Mojo said...

Hard to believe any water in that environment isn't frozen solid! I can almost feel the cold from here!

Anonymous said...

Brrr.... there's no snow here, but we had cold days/nights.. Now I am happy it's getting warmer.

My Watery Wednesday entry is posted here. Hope you can pass by if you have the time. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I bet it's slippery. Nice shots.

Anonymous said...

We have had some cold weather this winter Gill..Buffalo NY is having a the coldest and snowiest January since 1977...

Guy D said...

Great water shots Gill, thanks for sharing.

Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

These photos certainly do have that "depth of winter" look. I'd have shot them from inside the car, too!

Julie said...

The water does look so cold. Burrr. Great shots.

Anonymous said...

I love the sound of open water in winter, it's so unexpected and hopeful!!

Eidin said...

Rivers look pretty covered in snow.

Anonymous said...

Looks cold, but I would enjoy being there. Nice photos.

Anonymous said...

A very pleasant place to stop and snap a couple of pictures. This area must be even more beautiful in the spring and summer.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...