I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Unfortunately Gillian.........
What you do is, do a google search for "unfortunately (Your name here)" ... don't forget the quotation marks!
Here are just a few of the ones that came up for my name:
"Unfortunately Gillian"
From: http://www.gillianmckeith.info/gillianmckeithfaq/gillianmckeithconsultation.php
Unfortunately Gillian is extremely busy trying to get her message out everywhere she possibly can, and through as many different Medias as she can, to change the way people eat for the better. It is therefore unfortunate that Gillian cannot take on any new clients.
(on a side note, I find Gillian McKeith, very intimidating!!)
From: http://www.gilliananderson.ws/news/news-archive-8-2007.shtml
Unfortunately, Gillian is no longer attached to the film "Helen" due to a conflict in schedules. She had to make a very difficult decision but the project remains close to her heart and she wishes it well.
From: http://www.amazon.com/Key-Conspiracy-Gillian-ParaDoc-Book/dp/044101576X
Then Gillian is called to England to handle a house known for its supernaturally-induced deaths, and uncovers a truly horrifying entity there. And in France, they're attacked by a Loup-Garou -- who is actually a suicidal nobleman whose Fey wife is seeking a cure for his curse. Unfortunately, Gillian has attracted the attention of Jack the Ripper, and Jack intends to kill her no matter where she is.
(I won't be reading that book!!)
From: http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Olympics/2006Turin/TeamCanada/Hockey/Women/Ferrari/
Ferrari made her debut for Team Canada in 2003, but much to the chagrin of many, the World Championships -- set to take place in Beijing -- were canceled due to the SARS outbreak. However, Ferrari and the team bounced back in Halifax at the 2004 World Championship and captured gold in front of over 10,000 fans. Unfortunately, Gillian's play may not have been as good as expected as she was later named just an alternate for the 2005 silver medal winning campaign.
From: http://everything2.com/title/New%2520Order
'Get Ready' has now been out for some time. It's a bit like 'Low Life', but rockier and more guitary. 'Crystal', the lead single, is superb, although the rest of the album follows the New Order formula perhaps too closely. Unfortunately, Gillian Gilbert appears to have left the band, at least temporarily, in order to look after her and Morris' child. Time will tell as to whether the group remains together.
So it seems, I am a character in a book, an actress, a dietitian, a member of a band and an athlete.
Why don't you play along!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
50 + 1 recipes for Limes
1. Key Lime Pie
2. Kiwi Lime Marmalade
3. Lime Marmalade
4. Key Lime Cheesecake
5. Caramel Shrimp
6. Cheesy Chili Lime Gold Potato Wedges
7. Ceviche
8. Lite Guacamole
9. Veal Scaloppine with Ginger and Lime
10. Tuk Trey Salad Dressing
11. Tropical Couscous
12. Lime and Mascarpone Torte
13. Ginger Key Lime Pie
14. Lime Biscuits/Cookies
15. Citrus Mousse
16. Lime Shortbreads
17. Peach and Lime Sorbet
18. Dhal Potato Curry
19. Sweet Potato Fry
20. Phad Thai
21. Chili and Onion Sambal
22. Mexicano Pear Salsa
23. Citrus Garlic Marinade for Pork
25. Roast Honeyed Duck
26. Medallions of Lamb with Lime
27. Khmer Coconut Pork Skewers
28. Crusted Lamb Chops
29. Caribbean Grilled Chicken
30. Ambot Tik
31. Black Bean Burritos
32. Lime Chicken with Cilantro Cream Sauce and Roasted Zucchini
33. The Real Mojito
34. Key Largo Key Lime Pound Cake with Key Lime Glaze
35. Rum and Lime Prawns
36. Cilantro and Lime Butter - like how they suggest serving it with corn on the cob
37. Lime Pineapple Jam
38. Lime Muffins
39. Key Lime Cookies
40. Lime Chicken Picante
41. Lime Sandwich Sugar Cookies
42. Honey Lime Chicken Wings - makes a change from honey garlic chicken wings
43. Coconut Lime Sorbet
44. Lime Cheesecake Pie
45. Spring Lime Tea Cookies
46. Honey Lime Fruit Dip
47. Lime Tart
48. Lime Glazed Pork Chops
49. Honey Lime Fruit Toss
50. Ginger Lime Dip - this would be a good thing in the summer
51. Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken
Nutritional Info.
There are some really yummy recipes there. I didn't realize how versatile limes were.
Next week its: Watermelon
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Will be back hopefully on Monday.
Gill :0)
Moving house and having no internet...........
So for those of you who have my "home" email address, I'll email you my new email address when I get it set up.
As you also know I moderate all my comments, so as I won't have access to the internet, you won't see your comment, until my internet is back up and running.
Please check in every day though, as I have prepared posts for everyday when we are moving.
I should be posting on the move and the new house on Monday May 4th........I hope!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Guess what we were up to on Sunday......and it wasn't packing!!
Dh saw a hybrid car he was quite taken with, however the $35,000 price tag took him aback. The car was a Saturn Vue Hybrid and it did look nice. One thing that would be cheaper to run were electric bikes, I mean there were boothes everywhere for those. Can't say I have ever thought about an electric bike, but I suppose if you live in a city an electric bike may be useful?
They were giving out free copies of Green Living magazine and so I was all happy, happy to get that, as you know I adore magazines. It looks like an interesting read with a lot of great info in it. Some featured links were http://www.eatlowcarbon.org/ http://www.foodkm.com/ http://www.waterfootprint.org/ I can see me ordering a subscription to this.........now don't groan!!!
They were also giving away White Pine saplings, so we have four to plant at the new house. Granted we will be dead and buried before they reach any great height, but at least we are making an effort. I also got some info on a tree planting subsidy from Trees Ontario I need to look into this more as they are wanting you to plant 400 trees per acre........which seems an awful lot to me????
Dh wanted to find out more about solar and wind power and came away with a number of pamphlets on those. Plus we wanted to see what was what on insulation, as that is one of the first jobs we have to do is insulate the attic.
I got a full package of PC Green Dishwasher Detergent free, and I gave them to dd to use, as we rarely ever use a dishwasher. Got some more reusable bags for free, which honestly I could live without, as I have so many of them. Plus we got a couple of rolls of toilet paper made out of recyclable paper.
We were only there a couple of hours, but have to say we had a good time and will probably go back again. Now will we live to regret it that we took the day off from packing.....probably but it was a nice break!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The day after........
Have to say though it was super hot and humid on Saturday, it was shorts weather. So needless to say I have the face the same colour as a boiled lobster. I do so wish I would tan, instead all I do is go bright red and peel.
Then to add to everything, I am sure I have suffered a slight concussion, what are you saying I might be exaggerating.......who me....nnnnnnnnooooooooooooo!!!! We went to Rona on Saturday afternoon, as they had a scratch and save, where you could save a minimum of 10% which is better than nothing. So dh wanted a larger grass trimmer, as the one we have is useless. So we go to the cash out with it in the trolley. I am standing behind the trolley looking at something, when he lifts up the trimmer so the cashier can scan it and bops me on the head with it. Which of course had everyone laughing.......oh except me!!
We go out for supper, as I am pooped. The heavens opened and it poured down, so I threw my coat over my head and ran to the car, got into the car, but didn't duck enough and whacked my head on the door..........now have to say that hurt, meanwhile dh is rolling with laughter at that one. I am sure I have a lump on my head now, plus a headache......oh and NO sympathy from dh!! So you see I could possibly have a slight concussion.......listen it gives me something to whine about!!!
When we were at Rona I picked up some seeds and one packet was spinach seeds. Not too keen on spinach, but thought I would try to grow it and maybe I would learn to like it mixed with regular salad, and its good for me as its high in iron, which is something I am lacking. I also picked up more butternut squash seeds, I just love butternut squash. The some sunflowers seeds and sweet pea seeds, both are flowers I adore.
I am so excited about moving to our new place and getting the garden started!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Another Saturday, so it must be a garage sale day again!!!
I have to say I am getting excited now, as this time next week, we'll have spent our first night in our new home!! So the final countdown begins. I have got most things packed, but a lot of it is last minute stuff, plus we are still using a lot of things.
One thing I am finding hard though is not gardening. I would normally be tackling the garden now, and I was looking at the back garden bed, and with all the rain we have had it is full of weeds. However, I can't do any gardening as we have packed all the gardening tools, and dh would not be impressed if I unpacked everything!!!
I was given some Canna Lilly bulbs this week, so am looking forward to planting those. Here is some information on them, though not sure what variety they are or what colour.
Otherwise nothing too exciting is happening around here, oh and I got the mortgage sorted out so that was good!!!!
I must say our meal's are getting pretty different, as I clean out the pantry, fridge and freezer. I had a red pepper, half a red onion, and half a packet of frozen small potatoes, which I fried in a pan. We had that with a turkey breast that I had in freezer as well, for Friday nights supper. Everyday it's a case of looking in the fridge, freezer or pantry to what we can use up next.
I have some chicken pies in the freezer, a couple of casseroles, some bacon, and I bought a cooked ham today. We have plenty of eggs, along with pasta and soup, so I should be able to make some quick meals over the next few days, while we are busy with other things.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Buddy Friday - Different uses for Dryer Sheets
2. Spread sheets around foundation areas, or in trailers, or cars that are sitting and it keeps mice from entering your vehicle.
3. It takes the odor out of books and photo albums that don't get opened too often.
4. It repels mosquitoes. Tie a sheet of Bounce through a belt loop when outdoors during mosquito season.
5. Eliminate static electricity from your television (or computer) screen.
6. Since Bounce is designed to help eliminate static cling, wipe your television screen with a used sheet of Bounce to keep dust from resettling.
7. Dissolve soap scum from shower doors. Clean with a sheet of Bounce.
8. To freshen the air in your home - Place an individual sheet of Bounce in a drawer or hang in the closet.
9. Put Bounce sheet in vacuum cleaner.
10. Prevent thread from tangling. Run a threaded needle through a sheet of Bounce before beginning to sew.
11. Prevent musty suitcases. Place an individual sheet of Bounce inside empty luggage before storing.
12. To freshen the air in your car - Place a sheet of Bounce under the front seat.
13. Clean baked-on foods from a cooking pan. Put a sheet in a pan, fill with water, let sit overnight, and sponge clean. The anti-static agent apparently weakens the bond between the food and the pan.
14. Eliminate odors in wastebaskets. Place a sheet of Bounce at the bottom of the wastebasket. 15. Collect cat hair. Rubbing the area with a sheet of Bounce will magnetically attract all the loose hairs.
16. Eliminate static electricity from Venetian blinds. Wipe the blinds with a sheet of Bounce to prevent dust from resettling.
17. Wipe up sawdust from drilling or sand papering. A used sheet of Bounce will collect sawdust like a tack cloth.
18. Eliminate odors in dirty laundry. Place an individual sheet of Bounce at the bottom of a laundry bag or hamper.
19. Deodorize shoes or sneakers. Place a sheet of Bounce in your shoes or sneakers overnight.
20. Golfers put a Bounce sheet! In their back pocket to keep the bees away.
21. Put a Bounce sheet in your sleeping bag and tent before folding and storing them. It will keep them smelling fresh.
For more Buddy Friday posts pop over to Margaret's Ramblings.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Skywatch Friday....
Catch up time again..........
The packing is coming along, and the garage sale pile is also growing!!! I will be glad when it's all over.
We went to the lawyers on Wednesday to sign all the paperwork, and have to say it all went well until he reviewed the mortgage papers and that's when things went pear shape!!!! So what we sorted out at the bank and what they sent to the lawyers is night and day. They do agree though on the amount of the mortgage, so that is something I suppose!!
I am going to the bank for 9am this morning to try and sort this mess out. I swear if its not one thing, its another!!! Also discovered the guy who we are buying the house from is nearly $7,000 in arrears for his property taxes!! Don't worry our lawyer has got us all covered so we won't be liable for that. However, we can't get over how he has managed to get away with not paying his taxes in the past 18 months......must say it makes me nervous about what we are walking into.
So a week tomorrow we will be moving. Then I guess the fun will begin!!
The weather has been miserable this week, cool and rainy. You know I do believe the weather affects your mood as well, as I have been totally fed up with everything this week.
One thing I did do this week is donate dd prom dresses (grade 8 & 12) to the Salvation Army Women's & Children Shelter, as they often have teenage girls who have to stay in the shelter with their mother and siblings and if they have a school prom, they can't afford a dress, and prom season is coming up, May & June over here, so they were really pleased I had dropped them off.
Anything I have left over from the garage sale I am dropping off at the Salvation Army store, as I am sure they will be able to sell some of the things.
Also for those of you in Canada, you can get a free magazine subscription by buying certain General Mills Cereal's, here is the link You can also get $5 in coupons from them as well. The magazine/book promo is under current promotions. I got a package of cereal that I like for $3.99, and I am getting 4 copies of the Canadian Workshop Magazine for free, so I am all happy about that!!
I just signed up for a subscription for Mother Earth News, and got an email from them regarding another magazine they have called GRIT. I haven't heard of this magazine and haven't seen it in our stores. I still can't figure out how to get a subscription to Prima magazine here in Canada, so if anyone knows let me know, please???
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
50 + 1 Recipes for Peaches
1. Baked Peach Pudding
2. Creamy Peach Pie
3. Champagne Poached Peaches - very decadant
4. Fresh Peach Cobbler
5. Fresh Peach Sundae
6. Peach and Walnut Spice Cake
7. Peach Blush Neactar - non-alcoholic
8. Peach Chicken
9. Peach Ice Cream
10. Peach Melba
11. Peach Pie
12. Peach Slasa
13. Raspberry and Peach Smoothie
14. BBQ pork and peach kebabs
15. Balsamic-glazed peaches, arugula and chèvre salad
16. Chilled Coconut Rice
17. Fast berry-and-peach brûlée
18. Garden Tomato and Peach Toss
19. Grilled Peaches with Honey-Vanilla Cream
20. Italian Peach Salad
21. Late summer fruit soup
22. Peach & prosciutto salad
23. Peachy Basil Chicken
24. Poached peaches in cinnamon-ginger syrup
25. Roast Chicken with sage stuffed peaches
26. Sautéed burgers with devilled peaches
27. Southern chops with fresh peach salsa
28. Sparkling Peach Sipper - alcoholic beverage
29. Spinach Salad with honey-grilled peaches
30. Thai Peach Salad
31. Tomato-peach gazpacho
32. Warm peach sundae
33. Wild rice and peach salad
34. Chicken, Peach and Snow Pea Stir-Fry
35. Curried Chicken Salad with Peaches
36. Curried Rice, Shrimp and Peach Salad
37. Field Greens Salad with Peaches and Herbs
38. Grilled Peach Melba
39. Grilled Tex-Mex Chicken with Spicy Peach and Plum Salsa
40. Grilled Thai Chicken with Chunky Peach Pepper Sauce
41. Peach and Pear Mini Trifles
42. Peach and Honey Omelette - this is different
43. Peaches Almond Sortbread Tart
44. Peachy Grilled Salmon Fillet
45. Roasted Peaches with Cinnamon Custard
46. Rum-Glazed Peaches with Almonds
47. White Sangria with Peaches and Coronation Grapes - Alcoholic beverage
48. Peach Muffins
49. Peach Cake
50. Peach Pie
51. Farm Stand Peach Jam
Nutritional Info.
Have to say this was one of the easier fruits to find recipes for. It seems peaches and chicken is a popular thing, didn't know that? I think I will try the jam, as that sounds so good.
Next week it is: Limes
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Watery Wednesday
For more Watery Wednesday photos, please click on this link
Catch up time again..........
It poured down all day on Monday. I know I am British so I should be used to the rain, but honestly it gets into my bones nowadays when it pours down. I must be getting soft or old!!!!
Monday morning seemed to go by in a blur, the phone never stopped ringing, so I suppose that could have been why!! I did get a bit more packing down and added some more things to the garage sale pile!!! The way things are going, I can see me having as much as last week to sell!! As I was out running errands on Monday, I saw where the Salvation Army drop off point was so on Monday of next week, I will be dropping all what is left over there.
Had a bit of a weird experience on Sunday. We were just leaving the house when an SUV pulled up and the guy rolled down his window and shouted hi to me. No idea who it was, but shouted hi back. He then said he was the guy who had bought our house and had brought his friend by to show him the house. So I stood and talked to him for a minute. I commented on the dog he had in the car, and so he got out and let his dog out, a huge German Shepherd, who immediately went and peed up a storm all over the neighbours yards.
His friend got out at the same time and we stood and talked about the dog for a minute. He then asked me if the garden was greening up, and I said yes, and they proceeded to walk into our back yard with the dog, without asking permission, while I stood there with my mouth open. Dh is wondering who it is, and figured as I was talking to them, I must know them.
So I go into the back yard, and try to steer them out of the our garden, as they pass the dining room, they stop and peer into the window!!! The dog has meanwhile ran out of the yard, and dh is petting him, as there were some young kids out, and this dog was big enough to knock them over.
Now for those of you in Canada and probably the States, what these guys did is a no, no. It's written into the contract that they can visit our house one more time, no later than a week before we close. Our lawyer says under no circumstances do we let them look around the house when ever they please. It's such a lot different to how you sell houses in Britain. No where near as informal and friendly. I talked to our real estate agent this morning and told her what happened, and told her to remind these guys if they want to come over to measure up etc, they have to make an appointment before this coming Friday. So we'll see what happens next.
I think I have mentioned before that one of the neighbours has a Chihuahua. I love dogs, but that rotten dog is always yapping, as the owner is forever leaving it outside. Well Monday morning, along with the incessant yapping, the geese were honking very loudly. When I looked out of my spare bedroom window, the geese were on my neighbours roof, and they back onto the Chihuahua's house, so the poor dog was going mad. Wasn't sure which animals neck I wanted to wring first, with all the going's on.............LOL
Are you still putting your $1 away each day in the Daily Savings Club? IF so you should have $21 in your pot today!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
For all of us Canadians.......oh and everyone else...LOL
Forget Rednecks; Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Canadians.
If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, You may live in Canada.
If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, You may live in Canada. (SEEN THIS)
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation With someone who dialed a wrong number, You may live in Canada. (DONE THIS!!)
If 'Holidays' means going anywhere South of Detroit for the weekend, You may live in Canada.
If you measure distance in hours, You may live in Canada.
If you know several people Who have hit a deer more than once, You may live in Canada.
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' In the same day and back again, You may live in Canada. (THIS IS SO TRUE!!!)
If you can drive 90 km/hr through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, You may live in Canada..
If you install security lights on your house and garage,But leave both unlocked, You may live in Canada.
If you carry jumper cables in your car, And your wife knows how to use them, You may live in Canada. (I CARRY JUMPER CABLES, BUT HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO USE THEM!!, COME TO THINK ABOUT NOT SURE WHY I CARRY THEM THEN?)
If you design your kid's Halloween costume To fit over a snowsuit, You may live in Canada. (DONE THIS MANY TIMES, IN FACT IT WAS A TREAT FOR THE KIDS NOT TO HAVE TO WEAR THEIR SNOWSUITS!)
If the speed limit on the highway is 80 km -- You're going 90 and everybody is passing you, You may live in Canada. (PERSONALLY THIS APPLIES TO ALL OVER THE WORLD, NOT JUST CANADA)
If driving is better in the winter Because the potholes are filled with snow,You may live in Canada. (THEY HAVE A POINT HERE, THE POTHOLES ARE WICKED THIS YEAR)
If you know all 4 seasons: Almost winter, winter, still winter, And road construction, You may live in Canada. (OH SO TRUE!)
If you have more miles On your snow blower than your car, You may live in Canada.
If you find minus 2 degrees 'a little chilly', You may live in Canada.
If you actually understand these jokes, And forward them to all Your Canadian friends, You definitely live in Canada.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Today's Flower.........
For more Today Flower's Photos, please click on this link.
A very tired British Woman....Garage Sale Update..
The weather was good, a bit cloudy but warm, infact I think I got sun burnt on my face, as I am so fair skinned. We got rid of all the big stuff, including our kitchen table and chairs, a couple of stereos. Some book shelves, two old tv's, and a pile of what I would call junk!! I sold a number of the VHS tapes, and some of the more expensive Disney VHS tapes. A dealer came by and bought all the cd's, and the ones he didn't want he left and I sold a couple of those as well.
One woman took a bag of giant bouncy balls for 75 cents, she said she was sending them to Ecuador, whether she is or not I don't care. The guy who took the two stereos is sending them to Africa??? I had a big boxes of clothes hangers, you know the metal ones, I had FREE on the box and a pile of them went.
As always the things that you think will sell never do and things that you would normally throw out sells. Dd had some shoes and although I only got 50 cents per pair, it was money in our pocket, as she didn't want them. Same with the books I was selling them for 25 cents as we have no use for them. One woman took my box of drinking glasses, ones we never ever use, for 10 cents each, it came to less than $2.00 but I am better off having that money than a box of glasses I never use.
So I will give it a go next Saturday and see if I can get rid of some more stuff, as although we got rid of the bulk of the stuff today, dd is coming over and if she brings a pile of stuff between us we could/should make a few more dollars!!!
Have to say though I am pooped its hard work doing a garage sale and people who frequent garage sales are hagglers, which can be annoying at times.
Most of all I am thrilled to have got rid of a pile of stuff that we didn't want and/or use.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Garage Sale Day today.....and other bits and bobs..
The pricing of things is difficult I find as what I think it might be worth, other people may not. I am charging $4 each for the Disney VHS movies or 3 for $10. The rest of the VHS movies are 50 cents each or 10 for $4. Music cd's I am charging $1 each, music tapes 50 cents each. LP's $2 each and singles $1 each. I have a lot of drinking glasses I am charging 25 cents each for those. All books I am going to charge 50 cents for in the hopes of getting rid of them. The list goes on and on.
I was a happy camper yesterday afternoon as I discovered my rhubarb poking its head through the soil. I thought the voles had eaten it, so I dug that up and put it in a bucket to take to the new house with us. I don't think I told you the other day, but there is a veggie plot up at the new house. Now the woman did say she did nothing with it last year, so I am hoping to rent a rototiller/rotovator for the day and that should sort that out, so it may not be as hard a job to start a veggie garden this year as I thought it would be.
Also have you seen this on You Tube, it's really funny!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Buddy Friday - Do you pay more for certain grocery items?
Always had to buy Heinz ketchup for the kids when they lived at home, as they wouldn't eat any other brand. Did try the switcharoo, you know when you fill an empty Heinz Ketchup bottle with the cheaper brand and pass it off for the real thing, but that never worked, and to this day, the kids will only eat Heinz Ketchup.
Black garbage bags are another thing, I find the cheaper ones burst open so easy, that's its worth the extra pennies for them. However we hardly have any garbage, so I generally use oversized grocery bags. Though with me using my cloth bags at the grocery store, I don't get many plastic bags. So I generally only buy one box of 40 garbage bags a year, so it's not a big expense for me.
I also prefer the name brand (Kleenex) paper tissue (to blow your nose with), as there is nothing worse that having a cold, and cheap scratchy paper tissues. Same with toilet paper, I like the cushy type to wipe my royal butt with, not the cheap stuff. Do any of you remember the toilet paper that was like greaseproof paper? I think it was called Izal toilet paper, that was the worst toilet paper ever.......
I will try cheaper brands of everything but if they don't work, I won't use them again.
This is more for the British Expats. We did a taste test (blindfolded, very scientific!!) on Cadburys chocolate from both Britain and Canada, and there is a difference, the one from Britain tastes a whole lot better, even though they are supposed to be the same!!
For more Buddy Friday Posts, pop over to Margaret's Ramblings
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Skywatch Friday
Busy couple of days........
Tuesday was a busy day, that included us going up to the new house for a final look and to measure up for bits and bobs. I must say I was pleasantly surprised at how clean it looked. It seems as though the woman has been cleaning the place up as she is packing. It still needs a good clean but its no where near as dirty as it was. There was a little snow left up there, but it is looking like Spring. Have to say I am getting pretty excited about moving there, and before you know it, it will be here.
On Wednesday I spent the morning doing errands, which included ordering the blinds for the bedrooms in the new house. Had to go to the post office (finally got the address situation sorted out) and submit the form, and was charged $70+ for that (including taxes), but that means for the next year if any mail comes addressed to our old address, Canada Post will forward it to our new address. I have to say it is worth every penny, as we have a lot of International Mail, especially near Christmas.
Then I had to go to the bank and get a money order, as we got the bill for this years pension contribution for the British Pension. The bank was super busy, which was strange, even the tellers were surprised at how busy it was.
I got a couple of address change letters done up ready for dh to sign and I'll mail out today. I also got more stuff packed up and cleaned out a couple of kitchen cupboards. I am finding it is easier to clean cupboards out as I clear them out.
We moved some things up from the basement into the garage that we are going to sell at the garage sale. Did a bit more prep for that as well.
Have to have a small whine...........it's bad enough that I have to watch Eastenders at either 12 noon or 4pm, as they have removed it from the 7:30pm time. Now because of the rotten NHL Hockey playoffs, they have moved Coronation Street from the regular 7pm slot, to 3:30pm, which of course I forgot about, so missed Wednesday's show. I suppose I should be grateful that they have moved it to the afternoon, as last year they only showed it on a Sunday, when it's an omnibus edition.
By the way I can't justify sitting for 2 1/2 hours watching Coronation Street on a Sunday morning. I could of course record the programme, but I would never watch it.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
50 + 1 Recipes for Kiwi Fruit
1. Banana Kiwi Spring Rolls
2. Banana Kiwi Pudding
3. Blood Orange and Kiwi with Pralines
4. Kiwi Fruit Cream
5. Kiwi Fruit Muffins
6. Kiwi Jam
7. Kiwi Lime Sole
8. Dessert Pizza
9. Kiwi Pie
10. Kiwi Pork Midora
12. Kiwi Frozen Yogurt Pie
13. Kiwi Fruit Muffins
14. Kiwi Lime Marmalade
15. Kiwi Fruit Jellies
16. Kiwi Cheesecake
17. Kiwi Fruit Sorbet
18. Kiwi Fruit Cream
19. Kiwi Chutney
20. Kiwi Cranberry Fool
21. Kiwifruit Bread
22. Kiwifruit Yogurt Whip
23. Kiwi Chicken Salad
24. Kiwi and Orange Sabayon Gratin
25. Pomegranate, Orange, Papaya, and Kiwi Green Salad Recipe!
26. Kiwi Lemon Cheesecake
27. Kiwi Lemon Breeze Smoothie
28. Chicken Breast with Kiwi Sauce
29. Mint Flavoured Kiwi Sorbet
30. Kiwifruit Syllabub
31. Kiwifruit and Banana Pavlova
32. Kiwi Bulgar Salad
33. Kiwifruit Dressing
34. Stir-Fried Kiwi Pork
35. Kiwi Lamb Skewers
36. Kiwi Fish Curry
37. Avocado with Kiwifruit
38. Kiwi Glazed Camembert
39. Kiwifruit Ginger Spiced Squash
40. Gingered Prawn and Kiwi Brochettes
41. Strawberry-Kiwifruit Jam
42. Kiwi Fruit Gelato
43. Upside down Pineapple and Kiwifruit Cake
44. White Chocolate Mousse with Kiwi Sauce
45. Kiwifruit and Pineapple Ice
46. Kiwifruit Breakfast Split
47. Kiwifruit Stacks with Cinnamon Mascarpone
48. Kiwifruit Shortbread Tart
49. Layered Peach and Kiwi Trifle
50. Mango Under Kiwis
51. Roast Turkey Tenderloins with Kiwi Slaw
Nutritional Info
I didn't realize there was so much you could do with Kiwi's. They are a relatively cheap fruit here, I must make more of an effort to eat more of them.
Next week it's Peaches
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Watery Wednesday
Give me strength...........what I was up to on Monday
So I am having to go to a Canada Post station and pick up a paper copy of this form, and I think I will take it to the post office closest to where we are going to live and get them to fill it out, as surely to goodness, they must know what the correct address is???
The weather forecast has changed for the weekend, and it's supposed to be nice on Saturday, so it looks as though the garage sale is a go. While I was in the basement today, I found some sturdy boxes, that were no use for packing, so I cut them up to make signs for the yard sale, so that was a good job, done. We have to put signs up, as we are on a side street, so no through traffic.
I also made a chocolate zucchini cake as I have discovered I had five bags of shredded zucchini in the freezer left over from last year. So used a bag in making the cake. I am pleased to say I can see me emptying out the rest of the chest freezer by the end of the week......
Monday, April 13, 2009
I pride myself in keeping the house as tidy as possible......it just isn't possible at the moment, and honestly other than the basics, its not worth while cleaning the house.
I am panicking as if its miserable weather on the 18th and 25th of April, when I hope to have my yard sales I don't know what I will do, as we have so much stuff I want to get rid of.
I tried to dig up my magnolia on Sunday, but it is rooted in so much that I would have just made a big mess trying to dig it up, so I'm afraid that is going to have to stay. I did however manage to dig up my three poppies that I wanted. There are no flower gardens to speak of as far as I am aware, so it'll be all to start from scratch, so I am looking forward to doing that when the weather warms up.
I guess I just want this moving lark to be over and done with!! Sorry for whining and {{{SIGHING}}}
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Today's Flower......

Packing and a new cell phone, oh and Happy Easter
The turkey was only a 10 pounder, but it did us for supper on Friday night, lunch for five on Saturday and two casseroles for the freezer, which will come in handy over the next couple of weeks.
While the kids were here I got them to go through the last of their stuff, which in dd case was a lot of things. Ended up with two big garbage bags full of stuff to throw out. Another huge pile of stuff for the yard sale, two bags of clothing for charity, a couple of boxes dd took with her and a couple of more spaces in the basement. Dd said all I invited them up for was to clean out their junk..........YOU DON'T SAY ;0)
Dh has worked like a trooper these past couple of days and has got the shed cleared out, and most things packed up in the garage. Which has resulted in the being barely able to move in the garage.........and we wanted to put the stuff we have in the basement in the garage also.......
Dh has a couple of jobs to do around the house today, including taking the fan down in our bedroom and replacing it with the original (icky) light fixture. I also want to dig up my magnolia bush (the one I am hiding behind in my profile photo), as that was an anniversary gift from me to dh, and three of my poppies. Not sure if that is technically allowed, but at this point, I don't really care. I am betting the people who are buying our house aren't gardeners.
Now for my cell phone saga. I don't use a cell phone that often, but due to the fact I am mechanically challenged, dh feels its necessary for me to have a cell phone in case I break down in the car. So as we are changing companies for our home phone, Internet and TV, I cancelled my cell phone as well, as it was with the same company. I had a useless phone, which I could never hear, despite me turning up the volume all the time, so I destroyed that. So on April 3rd I had no cell phone service, and you know what I wasn't bothered.
Dh however was, so on Saturday, while we were in the mall, I got a new cell phone from Koodo One of the reasons I went with them, as it's only going to cost me $15 + taxes per month. For that I get 50 anytime minutes and 50 text messages per month, which is more than sufficient for me, as I only want it for emergencies etc.
Now along with me being mechanically challenged, I am also technically challenged. So for some reason when I rang my new cell phone to make sure it was working, it tweeted like a bird???? Who wants a phone that tweets like a bird? I know I don't. Couldn't figure out how to change that, so got dh to sort that out, but there is no ring tones that sound like a telephone. He picked out a ring that was the least offensive!!!
So when I was in the "store" she offered to give me a new "skin" for my cell phone, in a blue camouflage print. I said no thanks, and she said why not, so I said to her, do I look like a blue camouflage person, which when she had a better look at me, she said no I don't think so!!! I won't take something just for the heck of it, not when I have no intention of never using it.
I did manage to put in three contacts in the address book, no idea how I managed that, but I did. Now I have to figure out how to send text messages, that should be interesting. Between me and you, life would be so much easier without cell phones!!
Well that's enough of me rambling on for another day!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Odds and ends.........
On Frugal Shopper, there was this post on tacky weddings, click on this link Let me know what you think!!!
On the packing front, it's coming along slowly but surely. The garage sale pile is getting bigger and bigger!!!
The downstairs freezer is starting to look more empty. The goal is to have it cleared out by the end of next week....we'll see.
On the blogging front, I have all the recipe posts completed until the end of May. Plus the week we are moving I have posts for everyday, so that's good.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Buddy Friday - My weakness..
Now for my weakness, I am a magazine junkie, I adore magazines, I can't get enough of them. I would rather read a magazine over a book. I just did the change of addresses for my magazine's and I subscribe to 10 magazines!! Now before you all fall over and say that must be costing you a small fortune it isn't. Some of the subscriptions I get free. I have just started to get Canadian Gardening, and I got that free when I purchased some pasta. Sent in the UPC codes and for some strange reason, instead of getting it for one year I am getting it for two years???
When we went to the Women's Show last fall I filled out a form and now I get Viva magazine free for a year......I actually don't like it, so am glad I am getting it for nothing.
I just signed up for Mother Earth News for a year, for $15.50 USD. I just paid $7.99 CDN in the store for it, so I am getting six issues for just over the price of two. If I have to pay for a subscription, I try and get a better deal by subscribing for two or more years. I know with the Country Woman magazine my subscription is good until 2012!!!
One magazine I can't get a deal on is the Prima magazine, which really sucks. I had wanted to get a subscription for it, but as I can't save any money by doing that, I may as well keep that money in the bank and just buy it monthly. Plus all the freebies you guys get in the UK with the magazine, well they don't make it over here for us :0(
So what is your weakness, and how do you make it affordable for you to submit to it?
For more Buddy Friday posts, pop over to Margaret's RamblingsThursday, April 9, 2009
Skywatch Friday
Congratulations to DD
Dd has finished her graduate studies and has officially completed her university education after 6 years. She now has a Masters degree in Information Studies (I hope that's what it is...LOL) Regardless she's done.......
She has got a 12 month contract in Records Management with a large Insurance Company in downtown Toronto (corporate office), she was also offered another job with another company, but again it was a 12 month contract with no prospect of it turning into full time after that. With this company there is a good chance they will take her on full time after the 12 months.
She is the only one of her friends from school to walk out of university with a job, so she did well.
Her boyfriend is taking her to Mexico for a week to celebrate, and have a break before she starts working full-time on May 4th. They also are moving into a larger condo before the end of the month, so she is a busy girl.
So "Cons" I just wanted to tell you that your dad and me are ever so proud of you. You have worked so hard over these past few years in school and deserve all the success in the world.
With lots of love, Mam and Dad
("Cons" is her shortened name, as when ds was a toddler he couldn't pronounce her full name and it has stuck, close family call her that)
For those of you who are participating in the Daily Savings Club (is there anyone participating?) you should have $9 in your pot now, keep up the good work!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
50 + 1 Grapefruit Recipes
1. Grapefruit Pecan Cream Cheese Topper
2. Angel Food and Grapefruit Lush Cake
3. Warm Citrus with Brown Sugar
4. Grapefruit Creme Brule
5. Grapefruit and Celery Salad - I'll be giving this one a miss!!
6. Grapefruit and Chicory Salad
7. Grapefruit and Tomato Mayonnaise
8. Grapefruit Baskets
9. Grapefruit Cocktail
10. Grapefruit Sorbet
11. Grilled Grapefruit
12. Grilled Spiced Grapefruit
13. Hot Ginger Grapefruit
14. Hot Yogurt and Grapefruit
15. Microwave Grapefruit and Rum Possets
16. Pink grapefruit, raspberry, wasabi and pumpkin seed oil dressing
17. Tangy Grapefruit
18. Grapefruit Cheese Jelly
19. Chicken and Pink Grapefruit Salad
20. Avocado and Grapefruit Salad
21. Grapefruit Cake with Grapefruit Cream Cheese Frosting
22. Grapefruit, Onion, and Basil Salad
23. Grapefruit Zabaglione over Mixed Berries
24. Grilled Red Snapper with Grapefruit-Thyme Mojo
25. Roasted Beet and Grapefruit Salad
26. Ruby Red Grapefruit Cake
27. Tuna-Pesto Melts on Rye with Romaine Salad with Candied Walnuts and Grapefruit
28. Grilled Shrimp with Grapefruit BBQ Sauce
29. Grapefruit Pie
30. Grapefruit Sabayon Gratin
31. Salmon Kebobs with Quinoa and Grapefruit Salad
32. Orange - Grapefruit Marmalade with Ginger
33. Salad with onions confit and grapefruit vinaigrette
34. Blushing Grapefruit Marmalade
35. Warm Grapefruit and Baby Spinach Salad
36. Pink Grapefruit Ice
37. Hot Fruit Dessert - Slow Cooker/Crockpot recipe
38. Grapefruit and Cucumber Salad with Feta - this sounds pretty good
39. Citrus Salad with Ginger Yogurt and Grapefruit Ambrosia
40. Spiced Grapefruit Crepes with Cream Cheese
41. Pot Roast Chicken with Grapefruit and Grapefruit Juice
42. Grapefruit Tart
43. Grapefruit Granita
44. Grapefruit Key Lime Pie
45. Citrus Roast Chicken
46. Grapefruit and Jerk-Grilled Chicken with Arugula Salad Recipe!
47. Boston Lettuce, Radish and Ruby Grapefruit Salad
48. Rhubarb Grapefruit Marmalade
49. Frozen Grapefruit Mousse
50. Red Grapefruit Chiffon Cake
51. Five-Fruit Marmalade
Nutritional Info.
There is quite a nice combination of sweet and savory recipes there, hope you are able to try a couple.
Next week its: Kiwi Fruit
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A rant.......
I love the girl that cleans my teeth, granted it takes twice as long for her to clean my teeth, but that's because we keep chit chatting. Anyhow after she is finished and the dentist comes in to have a look. Now the last couple of times I have had to have fillings replaced. He reckons they are old, and are worn and need replaced. I have said the last couple of times to dh, I swear he's just trying to make more money. So fast forward to Tuesday and he says, oh you may have a cavity........I say where? He prods the offending tooth and I say, I have never had a problem in that area. He says, oh, well maybe it's just the way the x-ray picture took. I say again I don't have toothache or a problem. I ask him how old the filling is and he says its 7 years old, so I ask how long do fillings last, he says they can go after six months and last up to 40 years.
He then says, well make sure you come back if you have a problem. So I say, listen have you ever known me miss an appointment??? I go regularly every six months. I honestly think he is trying to make money by replacing old fillings. I am not a happy camper, plus now I have toothache, and not where he said the iffy tooth was!!!
Watery Wednesday.........
Oh, and yes it was nippy cold with the wind coming off the lake!!
For more Watery Wednesday photos, please click on the link
I took your advise.............
So here I am Monday evening, feeling as though I got nothing done today and honestly I don't feel any more rested.............oh well never mind.
So back to what we got up to on Sunday. It was ds birthday on Saturday and so as he was working on Saturday we went to see him on Sunday. Now he lives in a city called North Bay, which is a 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive north of us. So we have to set off early to get there. One thing we do is skip breakfast at home and stop and have breakfast at Tim Hortons. Dh a coffee and breakfast biscuit combo, me a green tea and a raspberry muffin.
We had only been driving an hour when we encountered some white stuff called SNOW.....aaaahhhh!!!!!! The further north we went the more snow we encountered, and more Wintery it looked. It turned out they had a nasty snow storm on Saturday, as prior to Saturday all their snow had gone.
Regardless it was good to see ds and we called in at Tim Hortons (again) to pick up coffee and donuts to take to him. We sat and talked to him and his room mates for a while, which I am so glad we did, as I was mentioning to them about the yard sale we were having and got on about all the VHS videos we were going to sell, for probably around 50 cents each. They then mentioned how the Disney ones in their plastic cases, are worth a heck of a lot more on Ebay. Didn't know that did you? So ds is going to sell them on Ebay for me. Along with a number of records I have, as they are apparently worth a little bit of money as well.
Anyhow we took ds out for lunch at a restaurant called Average Joes.
It overlooks Trout Lake, and it is a great place to have lunch or dinner, and the view is great. In the summer people arrive by boat from their homes and cottages to come for a meal. The food is also good. I had the crab and veggie crepes with a salad, it was yummy and very filling.
The photo below was taken in the restaurant:
This one was taken outside:
After we left the restaurant we drove down to Lake Nippising so I could take some photos of the lake, you will see them in the Watery Wednesday post. We then drove back to the house, calling in at Tim Hortons for a coffee and tea to take back with us and drank it at ds home and did some more catching up.
All too soon it was 3pm and it was time for us to head home. We did a slight detour heading past where the new house is and we were home by 7pm. All in all a great day, but a long day though.....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday morning.......
We were away most of the day on Sunday, when we got back we were pooped. So I will do another post later today..........
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Today's Flower
I have no idea why the first three photo's all have their corners cut of....strange?
For more Today's Flower photo's please click on this link
Saturday, a busy day around here......
We finally got a lawn tractor purchased, we bought this one. It never goes on sale, but this weekend at Sears they had a save 5% GST (tax) on things, so we ended up getting a 5% discount which is better than nothing. We are having it delivered on May 6th to the new house, so that's good. I know its not the best one, but its what we could afford, and we haven't seen a second hand one that we like.
We spent the morning doing more packing and clearing out. Plus dh did maintenance work on the pressure washer, lawn mower and whipper snipper (cuts edges of grass.)
In the afternoon I popped down to the grocery store to pick up some odds and ends. When I drove into the parking lot there was a police cruiser parked outside the front door, with its door's and trunk (boot) wide open and all the lights flashing. So of course my first thought is, now what!!! Anyhow the closer I got, all I could hear was loud music, it was music from Grease. So figured it couldn't be anything too drastic. What it was they were filling a cruiser with food for the food bank. So I picked up some lentils, cereal and pudding snacks for them. They gave you a list of what they were looking for.
Now one thing they were looking for was baby food and cereal. As you probably know my guys are too old for baby food, so can't say I am familiar with the prices etc. I was shocked though when I walked down the baby food aisles to find that a small jar of baby food was 77 cents, a larger jar was 99 cents. Baby milk powder was $25 a can. That is very expensive, add to that your diapers and all the other things babies need and it all adds up.
I did breast feed ds for around 10 days and gave up. Didn't even bother with dd and she was on solids at six weeks old, as we couldn't keep her full. I did use baby cereal and the odd jar of food, but I remember making my own pureed peas and carrots, or apple sauce etc. I still do make my own apple sauce for dh's lunches. I pick up the reduced apples 6 for 99 cents and cook and puree them myself.
We had cloth diapers for both kids and it didn't do them any harm. I suppose today is all about convenience isn't it?
Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...