I am the worst blogger out there, really. What is my problem? It's a new year so like a lot of you out there I guess I'll make a belated New Year's resolution and start blogging again. I think my problem is that I have a pretty boring mundane life, and who on earth would want to read about it? I do though have a few things in the works though and over the next few months I will begin to share with you what's going on.
The one thing I will share with you today though, is that we are going to be grandparents again TWICE this year in the space of a week or two. Our Little Princess and Our Little Man are getting a brother or sister at the end of May and Our Little Munchkin will be getting a brother or sister a week or two later.
So as you can imagine, quilting and knitting are high on my to-do list this year. However I also have a number of other things on my to-do list for the year. I wonder of I make a list, it will help me achieve them? I guess it won't hurt?
1. Prepare for two new grand babies.
2. Knitting a pair of socks - it has been on my to-do list since I started knitting.
3. Prepare "stock" for a table at a Christmas Sale in November/December - I'll talk about that at a later date.
4. Finish the basement, or get as much done as possible to the carpeting stage, so in Spring of 2017 all we have to do is put the carpet down there. This situation is all down to money.
5. Put plans in motion for dh to retire in the next couple of years - this is something I would like to explore more in depth and will do in many posts over the year.
6. Explore more ways to save money and share with you all, what works and what doesn't.
7. Be more organized. I know I do have that "A" type personality, but I have been letting things slip recently, so need to be more on top of things.
8. Get the rest of the main floor decorated - another big chunk will be done by the end of the month.
9. Try and go away on vacation later in the year.
10. Menu plan - this is a hard one for me, but if I do it I feel more organized.
11. Come up with ways to save money when grocery shopping, as believe me the price of food is rising by the day.
If there is a subject you would like me to explore please let me know.
And finally, just because, here is my first knitting for one of the new babies to be. It's one of the baby gnomes, customized by me. He or she is less than six inches in height.
That is the phone next to it, and I made a matching baby hat. The books on the side are ones I have to review, so keep an eye out for those reviews. Fingers crossed I can manage a post for tomorrow!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Hi Gill, nice to see you back. Hope everything is good for you. Looking forward to reading your posts. Take care.
Welcome back to Blogland Gill!
Everyone has something to say that is interesting to someone out here.
Congrats on being a grandma again!!
Welcome back. Two new grandbabies, wow are you ever lucky!!!
I understand completely about prices at the grocery store. I live in Saskatchewan and am finding it difficult to serve my carnivore of a husband meat at every dinner.
I was going to buy some pork ribs one day and looked at the price.... No way was I going to pay $47.00 for 4 lbs of ribs. Put them back in the display case immediately and walked away.
God bless.
Congratulations on 2 new Grand babies. I also have 2 new Grand babies expected, exciting times. Looking forward to seeing your makes for them.
Congratulations on the impending new grandchildren!
Ha ha, I have had similar thoughts about my life and blogging. Congrats on your two future grandbabies.
Sounds like a busy year ahead, how exciting to have your family grow with 2 new babies xx
congratulations on the new grandchildren on their way. nice to see you back blogging, i will be looking forward to some posts on how to save money while grocery shopping.
It's good to see you back! Two new grandbabies! How exciting! I often feel my life is pretty boring too. But then, I've made so many good friends through my blog that I don't want to lose track of them. It sounds as though you have some very good plans for the upcoming year. I enjoyed reading through your list and thought that I could adapt many of those for myself. I'm glad you're back.
Blessings, Betsy
Nice to see you back old gal
You are so busy... be sure to take some time to rest.
Welcome back and congratulations on the new babies. Grandparenting is the best gig in the world.
Wow, two new grandbabies! You are so lucky! I took a few days off from blogging during the holidays. I found it hard to start back. I sometimes don't post at Pics & Pieces...but almost always put a pic at Time Stand Still.
I am always interested in what you are sewing and knitting...
Welcome back Gill - looks live an active and busy year ahead. I think my life is pretty boring too but people keep reading. I think part of it is that we become connected and we like to see what each other is up to.
Hi Gill, I found you thru Golden Pines Blog. I know how you feel. Some days it seems that my life is just to boring to bother anyone with, but then my life is boring in a different manner than yours, so I'll read your posts with interest and you can read mine and maybe we'll each learn something new.
Congratulations Gill! good to see you back to blogging!
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