Monday, January 18, 2016

Best ever dressing for salad greens....

Back in December when I hosted the Book Club pot luck, one of the ladies brought over a salad.  We all just loved it and there wasn't a scrap left.  I asked the lady who brought it for the recipe and I have made it a few times.  However it's the dressing that is a winner and so much better than the bought stuff.

To make the dressing you need the following:

1/4 to 1/2 cup of Olive Oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon, or 1 squirt of Dijon mustard
Sprinkle of salt.

Place all ingredients in a small jar:
Shake it all up and pour on your salad greens.  Refrigerate any leftovers; keeps for a few days.
The recipe for the salad is this:

1 Pkg baby spinach
1/2 pomegranate
1/3 c crumbled feta
candied walnuts or pecans
1/3 c sunflower seeds

You can add or subtract whatever you like or don't like.  We like it with just salad greens and crumbled feta.

An easy way to get the seeds from a pomegranate is cut the pomegranate into quarters.  Place in a bowl of water and remove the seeds while in the water.  The white bits float to the top while the seeds settle in the bottom.


Betsy said...

That sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing it with us. My husband loves salads so I'll be trying it soon.

mamasmercantile said...

Sounds like a great salad, love the ingredients for the dressing.

angela said...

Sounds yummy. I might have to give it a go xx

The Cranky said...

I have everything for the salad dressing on hand, yippee! You bet I'm going to be making it!

Jackie said...

That dressing sounds amazing. I wonder if a person could use a different vinegar flavour......

God bless.

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for the recipes, Gill. I just copied them into a file on my computer. :)

Belinda said...

That sounds so good, Gill. I will have to try it. I just made some Ranch salad dressing yesterday, our old standby. I love homemade dressings as they taste so fresh compared to store bought.

Jenn Jilks said...

I've been working my way through some baby spinach. This sounds good!

William Kendall said...

The ingredients sound tasty!

barbara woods said...

sound really good. I need to just eat salads for a few years

Leigh said...

Sounds yummy! I love homemade salad dressings.

Cat Lover said...

The salad and dressing sound delicious. We had a very similar one at a wedding a few years ago. Scrumptious!

Canadian Saver said...

Sounds really good, I love anything with maple syrup.

My favorite way to dress greens is olive oil brought back from my trip to Italy in November and a raspberry balsamic vinegar... a bit of pepper and that's it. I could lick the plate, it is so good.

Rose said...

It sounds interesting and different to the norm at least...when I saw the title of your post I was hoping it was one that my boss used to make. She does not remember how she made it, but it had olive oil, onions, sugar and catchup I believe. She made it and I had some just to be polite, and I fell in love with the stuff. I don't know why I didn't get the recipe back then.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Sounds good, I will have to give it a try

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