Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's a...........

not a boy, nor a girl, but another bloody sinus infection!!!!  It's more or less two months to the day since I had my last sinus infection.  I am not happy.  For those of you who have medical knowledge is it common to have sinus infections like this close to one another?

Good news though the weather is miserable, cold, wet and even the threat of snow this week, so no major plans to go outside.  I do have the art gallery fundraiser on Thursday night, and unless I am on death's door I will be going!!  If you want to have a peek at what's on offer this year click on this link; it looks as though there have been some other works added.

I rather like this one, not sure what sort of bird that is.

This one also caught my eye. 

One thing for sure I will not be getting the royal family one.

I was "talking" to a fellow blogger and mentioned a "quick" project that you can pick up and work on for short periods of time, English Paper Piecing.  I gave her the link to this post and this post.  Here are more links to my work, here and here and here.  I think it is time to do some more of this.  

One thing I enjoyed doing was re-reading my old posts.  Do any of you enjoy English Paper Piecing?


Kitty Greene said...

oh dear you must feel awful, when things keep recurring like that, it drains you.
I had flu three times from beginning of December to beginning of February, then pneumonia - I thought the end had come !
do take care of yourself

The Cranky said...

Sinus infections aren't a bit funny, here's hoping it clears off soon!

Rose said...

That is getting a sinus infection way to often for comfort.

As for English paper piecing, I have never done it, but I should! Would be something to keep my hands busy at night rather than sitting with computer!

Rose said...

I meant to tell you that the bird is a nuthatch...

Country Gal said...

I had a bad bought of Sinusitis which is a bad sinus infection back in December caused by a tooth that needed to be taken out I went to the Dr who tryed to help but nothing worked for me then he sent me to the dentist and the dentist put me on antibiotics to get rid of the infection and then after the infection was gone pulled the tooth that was causing it all ! going to the dentist and getting them to ex ray your face and jaw area can tell them what is causing the sinus problems cause it is usually caused by teeth being infected deep in the gums as they are so close to the sinus cavity they can cause constant sinus problems ! Hope you get this sorted out and get relief from it all ! Take care !

~Carla~ said...

Ugh! Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Jane and Chris said...

Oh yuck! Hope you feel better soon,once antibiotics kick in, you should feel better. The bird in the painting is a nut hatch.
Jane x

William Kendall said...

Hopefully you'll be feeling better by the time the gallery show is going on. I've had sinus issues in the past. Not fun. I suggest sleeping sitting up and taking meds.

William Kendall said...

At this point if you don't take meds for the infection, it'll come back again.

Linda said...

So sorry to hear about your sinus infection, and I hope it heals quickly. I posted a few lovely paintings on my blog today that you may enjoy.

Linda www.PictureTrail.com/sewhappy said...

I use a neti pot to rinse my sinuses any time I begin to feel an infection coming on or any time i am "stuffy" and this ancient practice has a ton of merit to it and even my ENT highly endorses it. My son was reluctant to try it, but he uses his at least twice a day and sometimes daily. And what Country Gal said about infected teeth is very true and I had 3 root canals and crowns within 6 months and have been MUCH better ever since. Wishing you a good recovery with no recurrences.

Anna of Mutton Style and Years said...

If I get a respiratory infection I'm bound to get another a few weeks later.

Margie said...

Sorry to hear about the sinus infection. Hope you feel better by Thursday!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Feel better, friend! And yes, I like EPP!

Holly Hollyson @ Full of Beans and Sausages said...

That's rubbish, I hope you are feeling better by now Gill xx

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...