Thursday, April 16, 2015

Shadows and reflections........

It was finally warm enough for me to open the garden doors in the back.  We hunted out the patio chairs on the weekend, but haven't sat out there yet.
 Reflections in the glass from the windows.
 You can see the actual colour of the glass here; they're from Pier 1.  I had just had a cool drink of ginger ale with ice.  Spent the rest of the day having the ability to burp the alphabet!!!  That is why I rarely drink carbonated drinks!!
 Look at all that sun shining in from the window.  Perfect place to soak up some rays!


Unknown said...

Goodness, here i sit on the other side of the world drinking ginger ale on ice. Coooooool... Its my favourite drink.

Jenn Jilks said...

Isn't the warming land joyful?
I don't like carbonated drinks, ABCs aside!

Jane and Chris said...

We have the windows and patio door flung open all day, the sun is full on the house until we get leaves.
Jane x

Kitty Greene said...

You can burp the alphabet ? a little too much information there I think - ha ha

The Cranky said...

Our deck gets little use since it has zero privacy... I'm thinking of erecting some trellis and growing honeysuckle up it.
The only time I drink ginger ale is if my tummy is upset.

William Kendall said...

I'm also inclined to only go with ginger ale if I've got a wobbly stomach.

Anna of Mutton Style and Years said...

I'm needing a non alcoholic drink for my going out repertoire. I'll add ginger ale on ice for the summer.
It's so honey when the sun shines on the garden and through the windows. I like sitting and reading in a sunny spot. Maybe I'm a cat.

Pom Pom said...

I'm glad that spring has arrived in your neck of the woods.

Rose said...

Aren't you happy to see the sun??? I just cannot get enough of it. Had not thought of burping the alphabet!!! Well, not since a child anyway...

magsmcc said...

Isn't it bliss when you get the season of open doors and sun-basking!

John Going Gently said...

Am loving that chair

DeniseinVA said...

Isn't it wonderful to be able to open up the windows again? Great photos!

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Few things sparkle as brilliantly as sunshine on glass and I've often found myself taking photographs of it too! So wonderful to be able to open our windows and doors on the outside world again and bring fresh air in to clear away the Winter

Karen said...

I had a REALLY bad cold, now it's the allergies. Can't win this time of year.

Joolz said...

Haha, burp the alphabet! Too funny!
I like coke (even better if it has brandy in it!) but yes, I could burp the alphabet too if I drank it regularly!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...