Monday, January 14, 2013

Another visit with our little Princess....

We went to see our little Princess on Sunday as they were kept in hospital an extra day; something to do with bacteria (?) but nothing serious. 
Couldn't get her to open her eyes for the camera, but they are dark.  She has the laid back temperament of her dad and is going to be tall like her mothers side.

She's feeding well and sleeping well, so that is also good.

I don't know where the last few days have gone too, as I knew on Tuesday that "R" was going in to have the baby on Thursday; then she got pushed back to Friday as the hospital was so busy; so the last few days have revolved around waiting to meet our little Princess.

The hospital was that busy on Friday night that they had to make six women go to other hospitals to have their babies.  Things have changed a lot since we had our children.  We had to sign in and out of the ward.  Also they don't call it a Maternity Ward, they call it Post-Partum.  I had to ask someone as we couldn't find the Maternity Ward on the listing. 

When I had our kids we kept them on a strict four hour feeding, that doesn't seem to be the case nowadays.  Also they kick you out of hospital after 24 hours unless there is a problem.  I was in hospital for seven days with our son, granted he had jaundice but if I remember rightly five days was the norm for your first baby.  Even when I had dd I was in 48 hours and that was a straight forward delivery.

One thing that I did think was neat in the room "R" is in there was a sofa that turned into a bed, so that "M" has been sleeping there are well.  I thought that it was lovely that both mum and dad get to bond with baby all at the same time.  There wasn't that option when our kids were born.

Do you think things have changed a lot since you have had children?


bonsaimum said...

Adorable. What a photo. Things have changed. When I had NO.1 son, they were on the demand feeding bandwagon. It nearly killed me. He was wanting to feed every hour or less. In the end I demanded they get the bottle, which was apparently a big no no.

landcuckoo said...

She is beautiful, congratulations
Sarah x

Miss Holly said...

Oh my gosh....What a beautiful beautiful baby!!!! I am just so happy for you all!!!!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Oh yes, tons of things have changed. I had my kids in 1975 and 1979 and I, too, was in the hospital for five days. "Rooming in" was just beginning in 1979 and the dad's were nowhere near the delivery room. I was knocked out cold (thank goodness) and we didn't get a whole lot of training on what to do with a newborn. Most babies here were bottle fed at that time, as well. Now it has all changed completely. She is a beautiful baby, Gill!

Buttons Thoughts said...

She is beautiful. Yes things have changed and I think it is much better. Hugs B

Debby said...

Look at that head of hair!!! Such a pretty little girl. Things have for sure changed, they send the Mommy's home way before they should I think. Enjoy this time with your Princess

Karine said...

What a lovely photo of Nitara! No babies for me yet, so I can't comment on any changes!

Scarlet said...

She is absolutely beautiful. Things had changed a lot in the 7 years between me having K and KL.It was a 5 day stay with your first baby when I had K , by the time I had KL the first time mums were shipped out after 48 hours providing everything was ok. Great to hear that dads can stay. It was just 2 hours visiting per day when I had mine - 1 hour in the afternoon and 1 hour at night.

Hawaii Planner said...

A gorgeous baby! My boys are relatively young (almost 6 & 7), & I remember their births very vividly. :-) They were both early, & my youngest was born on St. Patrick's Day, & was quite, quite, quite the surprise. His delivery was very quick & we barely made it to the hospital. As we always say, he shot out like a rocket, & has been taking the world by storm ever since. :-)

Cindy@NorthofWiarton said...

I think they send new Mommies home way too early, especially if they are a first time Mother. My youngest had a full set of hair also when he was born, everyone thought he was a girl :O) . They grow so fast, as we well know with our own all grown up now, with some of us with Grandchildren for some time now ... enjoy it all as we know how fast it slips by us.

Evelyn said...

mine are 18 and 15, the first I stayed in 3 days as I had to learn to breast feed, the second I was out in 48 hours, no sofas or anything. also had to bring all my own supplies with the second, really hard as both were early and I wasn't prepared. mine were your typical very fair blond blue eyed babies

onesimplefarmgirl2 said...

Ask them where the sisth ( spelling??) is? they will tell you they will look in the archives for it.

My eldest I was in for four days ( he is 28 now) My youngest (3) I was in 8 hours.Wish it has been the other way around. I needed the eight day pampering with the last one.

~Carla~ said...

She is such an angel... xo

My last one was 5 years ago and things have changed since then even... lol! But 24 hours is the standard. I hated staying that long, but remember my mom being in there for 6 weeks after having c-sections with us. Craziness... lol!!

Em Parkinson said...

I only had my son in 2004 and was kept in because he had low blood sugar and had to be food through a tube for the first few days. I could tell they wanted rid of me to make room and there was a lack of kindness and empathy. I think this may have been bad luck though. I love the sound of the sofa bed. My partner would have been really grateful for that; he spent hours driving backwards and forwards from the hospital!

Winifred said...

Congratulations Gill. She's beautiful. Bet you are so proud.

Rose said...

Oh, she is so beautiful! I hope we get to watch her grow up on your blog. And yes, things have changed drastically since we had our kids.

When Sarah had Lorelei, it was like a party in her room. Friends and family till the moment came!

Stella Jones said...

Another beautiful picture of Nitara. Yes, things have changed very much since I had my three sons. They have changed in all the same ways you mention - not for the better if you ask me!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...