Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Sunshine Award,"

Cindy awarded me the "Sunshine Award," and wants me to answer some questions:

1.) What is your favourite color?

Red, despite my Nana always telling me I didn't suit red in clothing.

2.) What is your favourite animal?

Has to be a dog, they will always be there for you, mind you in Molly's case, unless there is a better smell in the air, then nobody matters!!!

3.) What is your favourite number?

I don't have one.

4.) What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?

Iced tea in a cold drink, but not the true iced tea that you have down in the southern States, the one that comes in a can like Nestea........cold tea doesn't do it for me.  In a hot drink a good cup of tea with milk no sugar, and not too strong!!!

5.) Which do you prefer - Facebook or Twitter?

I don't "do" twitter, and although I do have a Facebook account, I rarely post on there.

6.) What is your passion?

I guess after my dh and the kids, it is renovating the house and garden.

7.) Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?

Giving, as I enjoy finding the perfect gift.

8.) What's your favourite pattern?

I love all botanical/floral prints.

9.) What is your favourite day of the week?

Saturday, as that is generally when dh is off.

10.) What is your favourite flower?

Poppy, love the brightness of the flower, however I enjoy all bright coloured flowers.

Now I am supposed to award this to other people, but as this has done the rounds, I am going to say I will award this to everyone reading this and if you would like to participate, feel free, you all deserve it for taking the time to blog..........

Finally if you get a chance please do pop by Cindy's blog, as her beautiful doggy Lexus, has just had six puppies and they are gorgeous.


Cindy@NorthofWiarton said...

Gill, our "fav" days are always when our Hubby is off; wonder if they are flattered or would like to run away from out Honey Do Lists ....LOL

Jane and Chris said...

Your favourite colour is red...who knew? (hehehehe)
Jane x

Evelyn said...

love challenges like this! do you want us to copy and answer? here goes..

1.) What is your favourite color?


2.) What is your favourite animal?
3.) What is your favourite number?


4.) What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?

5.) Which do you prefer - Facebook or Twitter?

I don't "do" twitter, facebook

6.) What is your passion?

reading for pleasure, sports

7.) Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?


8.) What's your favourite pattern?

hmmm love nautical ocean stuff and anything bold and simple

9.) What is your favourite day of the week?


10.) What is your favourite flower?


Rose said...

My hubby is always trying to get me to drink hot tea and I just never want it...just so used to cold tea....

Debby said...

Love the tea comment!! Down South we do love our tea, but IMO most make it way to sweet. Mine of course is perfect! Ha

Jane said...

I like making iced tea from real tea as I like mine really lemony - I suppose I could just drink lemonade lol but I don't like it too sweet. Guess I'm kinda fussy.


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day. Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got...