Thursday, December 16, 2010

Remember little Olga?

Well she has over $10,000 in her fund now, can you believe that?  I know I was so happy when I saw that.

So now we have to try and raise another $10,000 before Christmas.  As it costs around $25,000 to adopt one of these little ones.  I would love it if everyone would do a post on their blog about Olga and Reece's Rainbow so these poor little ones don't end up in mental institutions.  Here is a link to Olga and the Angel Tree  and to the homepage of Reece's Rainbow  If you can find it in your heart to even donate $10 that would be greatly appreciated.  All these little ones deserve a better life, and there are families out there who are more than willing to adopt but don't have the $25,000 it can cost.

On Wednesday it had stopped snowing and the sun was shining.  Now it was still bitter cold, but just having the sun shining made it feel a better day!!

I think the trees look as though they have royal icing spread over them here.
This song was playing in the liquor store when I was in there on Wednesday.  I was picking up a couple bottles of wine as last minute gifts.  They are for folk who pop in with a gift for us, and I wasn't expecting it.  So I'll keep them in another room, and just pop them in a bottle bag and say, Merry Christmas to you as well!!!

I also bought an Amaryllis kit the other day and have decided to keep that to one side in case I need a last minute gift as well.


Jane and Chris said...

Great news about Olga's adoption fund!
Jane x

MyBulletinBoard said...

Love those California raisins! Almost makes me feel bad when I eat 'em.

I sent a write-up about Olga to friends on email last night and ask them to spread it around. Think if the word gets around, the right family and the funds will come together. There are some very nice people out in the blog world. ~Liz

Unknown said...

While I didnt post about Olga specifically, I did a RR post.
For me, Daria caught my heart. If I wasnt single with twin toddlers, I'd be signing up for the home study now and starting the fund raising to bring her home.

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...