Sunday, August 8, 2010

Today's Flower

I have planted Gladiolus this year for the first time, and am so pleased with them.  These are the first ones to flower, I have other colours to flower as well.

For more Today's Flower posts, please click on this link


Karine said...

Wow Gill, they're beautiful!!!

Stephanie V said...

Those white edges are stunning! Everyone grew gladioli when I was a little girl. They seemed to just go out of fashion for a time. Maybe our yards were too small?
But I can see that they were just reinventing themselves for the catwalk.

EG CameraGirl said...

The glads are beautiful. I stopped growing them because they always blew over...but hey! You may be convincing me to try again!

eileeninmd said...

Gill, your gladiolus are beautiful! Very pretty color.

Patty said...

Beautiful. But aren't these the kind of flower, that the bulbs have to be dug up and stored before Winter? They are beautiful, but for us ole farts, that's too much work anymore.

Unknown said...

fabulous looking flower. so vibrant.

Rose said...

They are gorgeous...I love glads. But didn't get any planted this year.

Canadian Saver said...

I love the colors :-)

Stephanie from said...

lovely glads. I planted some about 6 years ago, in the wron spot, so I moved them and dug them up again anad again, evertually losing track. The after about 3 years of not seeing them, one popped uop the other other day! How fun.

Your's are really beautiful too.

Kathy said...

Beautiful glads! I've had them before and can't wait to get some back in my garden again.

Cyn said...

Beautiful. I love Glads, too. They look so spectacular. Looking forward to seeing more pics of the different colors when they bloom.
I posted a flower pic today as well. An Orchid some friends gave me. Flowers speak such volumes!
Cyn; -)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful red!!!!!!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Very beautiful shade of red.

Winifred said...

They're gorgeous colours.

One thing stops me, I'd have to stake them or they'd get blown over.

Teresa said...

They are such a beautiful flower. I have raised them before, but I'm horrible about getting them dug up before it freezes.

mommanator said...

The colors are so vibrant, nice pics!

The Witch said...

These are beautiful looking.
My Grandfather use too grow them in every colour imaginable and then sell them. Deep Purple was my favorite.
I haven't planted any because I find we have to stake them heavily or they just blow down to the ground.
Thanks for sharing, it brought back some fond memories.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...