Saturday, April 11, 2009

Odds and ends.........

Had a couple of things to mutter on about. I was in Zellars (department store) on Tuesday and a woman in front of me spent just over $117 in Easter chocolate. I was astonished, I mean who spends over $100 on chocolate? I asked the cashier if she had seen people spend that sort of money on chocolate before and she said yes. All I could say, "and they say there is a recession." By the way the woman, paid by credit card. I know I am sounding pretty judgemental but even so........

On Frugal Shopper, there was this post on tacky weddings, click on this link Let me know what you think!!!

On the packing front, it's coming along slowly but surely. The garage sale pile is getting bigger and bigger!!!

The downstairs freezer is starting to look more empty. The goal is to have it cleared out by the end of next week....we'll see.

On the blogging front, I have all the recipe posts completed until the end of May. Plus the week we are moving I have posts for everyday, so that's good.


AmyK said...

Yeah, I don't buy this "recession" stuff, either... or else we wouldn't be seeing so many people with such frivolous spending!

MyBulletinBoard said...

You're right! That is TACKY! I clicked it off before hubby walked in. He'd think I'd lost my mind just to be looking at it! That was awful.

Now about chocolate . . . . .I love it. But over a $100 or even close to it. No way. I'd spread it out over the year. HaHa! Liz

Grumpy Old Ken said...

You are absolutely amazing. Blogs ok til May. Re people, i could fill my daft slant on the news over and over again, much to my surprise.

ChaChaneen said...

Actually I'm not surprised about the chocolate. My church does a HUGE Easter outreach in our community and when there aren't enough donations to fill the eggs, the church comes in at the final hour and buys the remainder that is needed. And to keep track of expenses for the financial accountant, it's all done by credit card.

I'm so happy for you that all your planning is going to be so helpful in the end. I learn from you my friend! Have a blessed weekend!

Unknown said...

I LOVE chocolate but even I think that is excessive - but some of those Easter ones can be expensive. My Mom won a big choc bunny that she'll give to the kids. So, I'm only going to buy some choc eggs to hide for our egg hunt and then give them something from my gift stash. Should cost me less than $5 out of pocket.

Scrappy quilter said...

I won't say anything about the chocolate because she may have been buying for a number of kids, who knows. For us, I wait until after Easter is over and then buy a few. It stores well in the freezer.

You are so organized my friend. You must be getting excited about moving. I know I sure would be.

Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Winifred said...

That makes me feel a bit mean. I buy lovely chocolate rabbits at Aldi & they're less than a pund. The chocoloate is delicious. Much nicer and larger than the Lindt version which is pretty expensive.

Also buy the chocolate eggs from Thornton's where they put the children's names on them and they only cost a fiver for 2.

Sadly a couple of them melted when I left them in a warm bedroom and we had to eat them. Oh dear what a pity!!!!! They were gorgeous.

You must be sleep blogging. I'm amazed.

Patty said...

I'm with you, they need to stop issuing credit cards, unless they know the people getting them will be able to pay them and not go bankrupt. Several of our daughters have debit cards, they look like a credit card, but it takes it directly from their checking account. But again,t hat would be too easy to use, when you ahve to write a check you think about it a little longer then just swiping the card.

Anyway, want to wish you and your family a lovely Happy Easter.

Patty said...

Wow, just came back from the Tacky Wedding. I don't know who's crazier, the parents of the girl or the young couple. I say give them a month at the most. I'm sure there isn't much she hasn't tried already so when this newness wears off, she'll tire of hubby. The photo of the two little girls in pink is sad, think what they must be growing up to become, they already are trying to look like older girls. And apparently Daddy has also paid for a boob job, because they don't quite look real to me. LOL

Evelyn said...

tacky, ummm i am speechless, sure this marriage will last long enough to pay off the bill? he will probably just declre bankruptcy and write it off.

chocolate, ummm I spent 25 for easter treats but the lady could have been buying for an annula easter egg hunt.

Margaret's Ramblings said...

You are just so organised Gill. How do you do it? I struggle at times just to get one blog done at a time. If I ever move again I think I will get you over to stay. LOL


Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments.....


erin said...

you are very have all those posts all put together. i so struggle to get mine done the day of.
have a blessed easter.

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...