Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy Bee.........

Have to say today (Sunday) was a productive day. I did something that I know we woman hate to do, well at least I do. I cleaned out my closet. I also finally admitted to myself, that all my thin clothes were never going to fit again and I should get rid of them. That in itself is an accomplishment, if you ask me.

It was actually an eye opener as well, as I have hung onto some of these clothes for the past 20 + years. I will have to say there are a couple of "what was I thinking items" in my closet. Including a dropped waisted corduroy Laura Ashley dress with a big bow, circa Princess of Wales period. Along with numerous items with the lovely shoulder pads in there. Which I am guessing are all out of style now?

So now I have four big garbage bags full of clothes to send to charity and another garbage bag to throw out. Plus I have a ton more room in my closet and drawers.

I then tidied up the cold cellar, which is one of those places that always gets missed. Plus I got a ton of laundry done. So all in all a productive day, wouldn't you say?


Rinkly Rimes said...

There's something about 'getting sorted' isn't there! I've been doing a bit of Spring Cleaning, and I now have every blouse on its own hanger (instead of sharing). I feel as though I've climbed Everest!

Caroline said...

You are a busy bee very rewarding though isn't it. Great to hear you got through your closet I actually love doing it. It's fantastic you pass your clothes on to charity I know someone that throws all hers in the bin- yes good labels & everything almost makes me cry when I think how others could use it.

Reader Wil said...

I know what you mean! I cleaned out mine before the holidays. There were clothes that were too small but still in very good condition. So I took the whole bunch put them in bags and took them to the East European Mission. They take all kind of clothes, furniture and even wheelchairs to the former communist countries, like Hungary, Romania and the Ukraine. They also try to spread the gospel and give these people bibles. Thanks for visiting my goanna!

Ginnie said...

What a good days work!

cheshire wife said...

It does feel good to sort out your wardrobe and make space for some more clothes and it sounds as if you have made a lot of space.

Diary From Africa said...

I love having days like that (although let me be honest here - they're few & far between !). Ah yes. Thin clothes. I have clothing in 5 different sizes in my cupboard .... indicating the 5 different sizes I've been (!!) I, too hang on to those and some items I know I will never wear again (or are embarrassingly out of date) yet I just cannot seem to get rid of them - what is it with us women, 'eh ?!?!?!

headly said...

Shoulder pads may make a comback and you'll be sorrry. jk

I like to go through my closets every couple months. generall because with three small kids I am never sure how many actual shirts i have that don't have stains on them I could wear outside if I had too ;)

DeniseinVA said...

Yes I would say a very rewarding day. I have closets that need to be cleared out. Goodness, the thought of it but when it's all done, the feeling is wonderful. Great post.

Kerri Farley said...

I would say that is a HIGHLY productive day!!

Unknown said...

I need to do this again, since I have more clothes than storage space for them. I have the hopes of losing weight so have hung onto some of the smaller sizes but gave up on the clothes that I fit into in high school a long time ago. A few years ago I donated my prom dresses and a few other formal ones to the fairy godmother program. They loan out prom dresses to girls who can't afford them. That made me feel really good.

Tilly said...

I was doing a lot of this too this weekend. I have several pairs of size 8 trousers and there is no way that I'll ever get in them again! I saw on a comment you left that you are originally from Cumbria. I discovered during my family history research that my Dad had ancestors in Cumbria!

QuiltedSimple said...

Looks to me like you have had a number of productive days! Loved the quizes!

Jan said...

I had a major closet clear out when we moved from California to Oklahoma. I had to do the same, and admit there was no way on earth I was ever going to fit into my thin clothes again.

The Vintage Kitten said...

Hi, I just came across your blog and saw you are originally from Cumbria. Im a 10 minute drive from the Cumbrian border or half an hour from Penrith. I regularly go to the lakes or shop in Carlisle. I was in Pooley Bridge recently. It was COLD!

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

I know that feeling , feels good to give and feels even better get rid of.Its a yipee moment!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments.........a couple of my thinner friends are going to go through the bags, then they will be going onto the charity store.


Niki said...

good for you! feels great doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

That's great that you cleaned out your closet. I need to do mine, too. Well, I'll just add that to tomorrow's TO DO list.

Bonny said...

Well, thanks for stopping by! Your blog has so many fun things to look at! I'm going to adopt some of your green bean recipes.

I wish that I could be that productive. I feel good if I did laundry at all!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh yuck, you have reminded me of my closet. I don't even want to think about it.Grand daughter and I have cleaned all day today. I am pooped. LOL.

Vi said...

Very productive day you had there Gill. :-) I must clean out my closet soon also. A job I have been putting off for a long time.
Thanks for stopping by my sadly neglected blog. lol Things are great...I'm just not blogging anymore.

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