When growing up my mam had a schedule of doing things on certain days. Over the years my schedule hasn't been as rigid and has changed depending on who was home and the seasons.
For the next month or two I do have a schedule that I hope to stick too. Here it is:
Monday: Housework
Tuesday: Basement painting
Wednesday: Basement painting
Thursday: visiting children or at knitting
Friday: grocery shopping/housework
Weekend: who knows!!
It's not written in stone of course, but I think if I could stick too it at least for the rest of this month and July, I could get the walls and ceilings painted in the basement, and if dh gets some of the trim up and doors, I could get a lot of that done as well. The space I am painting is probably around 800 square feet split into three rooms, plus under stairs and closets. Yes you could live down there quite comfortably.
So wish me luck that I stick to this schedule. Do you have a schedule?