Friday, February 10, 2012

How little bit of money add's up to bigger bits of money!!!

Couple of things happened over the past couple of days regarding money that I'd thought I'd share with you.

I got a letter in the mail from our bank regarding our mortgage.  I mentioned here that I had increased our weekly payment by just over $9 to round up the figure.  That little increase has knocked three weeks off the life of our mortgage.  It may not seem like a lot but three weeks, is three weeks and we don't miss those $9+

A few years ago I decided to put the last three digits of our chequing account in a GIC type of account, for example if the chequing account had $567.89, I would move $7.89 into the account.  I think I did that for three years and during that time I put around $1,800 in that account.  I had forgotten about it.......well sort of, as everytime it comes due I just tell them to re- invest this.  Anyhow our financial adviser called on Wednesday to see if we wanted to top up our RRSP's. She mentioned she'll be calling me back later in the month to confirm I want to re-invest this money and was pretty surprised at how I came to "save" the money in the first place.

In both cases little things add up into bigger things.

On Thursday I did not do any decluttering.  However I did go into town to drop off the computer things we had no use for in the electronics drop off.  I also took some of dh's clothing to the drop off.  Deposited a $5 Pinecone cheque and took out our money for the week.  I am on target for my goal to deposit an extra $200 into our savings account this month.  Money has gone into all my pots for the week, including my sealed pot and my garden box, which now has a healthy $70 in there!!!

One big expense this week was Molly's sack of food, which is nearly $91, it lasts six weeks which isn't bad and even better I had managed to save the money up for it.  I normally stick it on my credit card, so was pleased with that.  I am going to have a Molly's food jar and will put money in there on a weekly basis from now on.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were no spend days this week.  Wednesday is when I did my banking online and Thursday I spent money on dog food and put money in my pots.  Friday will be a spend day as I have to go grocery shopping. Saturday we need to buy salt for the water softener.  So three days out of seven will have been no spend days this week, not bad, but not great.


Fran said...

That just shows that the old saying about looking after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves is true. Well done on the no spend Amy's x

Andi's English Attic said...

You know, I have a certain amount I spend every month and each month I try to spend below that. Until now, the difference has just dissolved into the bank account. Inspired by your 'last three digits' savings scheme, I'm now saving the difference in a savings account. It's hard as money is needed for the unplanned (Mum, I really need a new school jumper etc.) but I hope to have SOME money to save at the end of this month. xx

Cindy@NorthofWiarton said...

Great no spending & savings, Gill. Wow "Molly" gets her own Jar? Good for her. Good Friday to you.

Debby said...

Love the little ways to save you have come up with!! I only had a goal of an extra $100.00 this month. all this decluttering has me to pooped to spend $$

Mysti said...

I round things up too. It is easier in the checkbook, and it is amazing how a few dollars here and there can become something major.

Piece by Piece said...

Little bits of $'s here and there do add up. Last month I decided that at the end of each month I would keep a certain balance in my chequeing account, $'s over that amount would be devided between my car payment and my trip savings account. My sealed pot is doing very well and for every no spend day I have been putting $1.00 in it, four extra dollars this week went in. Grocery shopping today.

Scrappy quilter said...

Great ways to save. Hugs

Rose said...

I haven't had much change to put in my pots, but think I will go add a little bit of cash to my one pot. But it does add up. Also, there are credit cards that you get cash back on...I do that and just deduct it from my checking account and pay it off when it comes due. Just takes a little bit time to make sure everything it right. But you would be amazed at how that adds up. Not to mention $250 just to get the card....I guess you couldn't do that if you didn't know how to handle money/credit cards.

Haddock said...

Like my dad used to sat "the old school is still hard bend on saving... maybe they have seen the hard days."

Anonymous said...

The rounding off worked out well Gill!

3 No spend days is a good week!

Cassie said...

I love your last 3 digits idea! I'm totally going to borrow that once I'm out of debt again.

Anonymous said...

Your last 3 digits is a great idea for saving money! PS love your puppy, so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I've linked you up in my blogroll :)

Cathy said...

Hello Gill
Have to take my hat off to you - if anyone can find a way it seems you can! You are doing well on all fronts.
Hope you don't mind - I've linked to you in my latest post.
Take care

Meri said...

It's so much fun to see your numbers growing. I really like the new look of the blog.

~Carla~ said...

LOVE the new blog look! Looks awesome! :) Little bits of $$ surely do add up! Good job!

Sunday Song

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