Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quilts, quilts and more quilts......

 Now one of the next two photos won best in the show, but despite me asking a couple of people which one won, I never did get a straight answer!!!  Personally I prefer the last one.


JohnD said...

Delightful quilts. What happens to them? I know my daughter's m-i-l is a quilter and they do a show each year where the entries are raffled off afterwards and the proceeds go to a nominated charity.

MyBulletinBoard said...

Those are beautiful! What I've never understood is how they can sew so many little pieces together and get the whole thing to come out flat.

Karine said...

Wow, they're all beautiful! I think normally a blue ribbon means 1st place? In that case it would be the red quilt!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful! I only recently found out that one of Gregg's Aunt's makes them. My f-in-law's wife showed me one she had made her and I was so in awe of it, when Aunt heard she called me up and asked me what kind I would like. Very sweet of her considering she is in her late 80s! I was a bit reticent about putting her to all that hard work, but she insisted that it was a labor of love. I am sure other quilters can understand that.

Jane and Chris said...

My favourite is the one with the bowls of flowers.
Quilts are so beautiful,but with the amount of work that goes into them, they are also very expensive (out of my reach anyway).

Stella Jones said...

I didn't get to see all the quilts because some of them didn't load for some reason. Unfortunately, it was the last four so I am none the wiser. I'll just have to imagine, won't I. Could be my computer, who knows. They are such a mystery. Anyway, the ones I did see were lovely. So clever and so colourful.
Blessings, Star

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Very impressed as usual. Is it a ladies thing?

Kim said...

I like the last one as well. I really have to get organized and start working on my quilts again.

Rose said...

Not me...I love the next to the last one;) Actually, I love them all.

Stephanie V said...

Somehow missed this post, Gill. The quilts are lovely and so inspiring. I think I like the quirkiness of the last one, too. But they all deserve a prize. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...