Monday, July 26, 2010

Lazy day on Sunday

I did do laundry and a couple of other things, and went to church, but after that nothing. I was given a book to read, The Grave Tattoo," by Val McDermid. I have never read anything of hers, I'm not a crime novel type of person. However after reading this book I have changed my mind.

This book is set in both London and the Lake District; so a place (the Lake District) I was familiar with.  It's a bit of mystery, a bit of history, some murder's, peppered with a little romance here and there.  I did wonder at first how all the characters would mesh together, but they did wonderfully.  It was one of those books I didn't want to put down as I wanted to know what happens next.  I learned some new things from the book about William Wordsworth and Fletcher Christian; and it has made me want to read more of Val's books.

By the way, it looks as though different countries had different covers on their books, as the one I read had a different cover entirely.


Unknown said...

This sounds like one to put on my list. I love the Lake district, being only an hours drive away. I love a book that I don't want to put down! Susie x

MyBulletinBoard said...

Sounds like a good read to take your mind off all that horrid humidity. Glad you got a little rest and relaxation!

Liz, The Republic

Rose said...

I hope I can remember this name...maybe I will go add it to my list I have started of authors/books I want to check out.

Stella Jones said...

Yes, they do all have different covers. I noticed that too. I haven't read any of Val's books yet but I am a great fan of P D James so will give it a try, when I get the time. I love having books recommended to me, don't you.
Blessings, Star

Winifred said...

I haven't read any of her books either. Is it as gruesome as Wire in the Blood? It's brilliant but gives me the creeps.

Have to say I do like crime novels. I particularly like Anne Perry's books about Victorian crime. Also love the Cadfael books.

John Going Gently said...

I shall look aout for this one

Darlene said...

Oooo....looks like a good book. How was the language in it? I hate books with a lot of profanity in them.

It looks like we follow a few of the same blogs. Thanks for stopping by mine.

Karine said...

I'm back home and am trying to catch up on my blog reading a bit :o) I'm glad you had a quiet day and enjoyed the book, my Sweetheart tore through a book and a half over the weekend, so we had a nice quiet time too :o)

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Thanks for the tip Gill, I am often loooking for something new to read. A x

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