another gardening season over with. Other than some leaves that will have to be picked up when they fall off the trees, I think we're all ready for Winter.

Now don't worry we haven't had a flock of geese pooping all over the grass, we have had the grass aerated this week.

I planted all my Spring bulbs, fingers crossed the voles don't eat them.

It's been a pretty good gardening season. The grass is still a major problem, and honestly I don't see an end in sight to solving that problem.
The veggie garden did okay, so that was good. Lets hope this next season is even better. Roll on April 2009 when the gardening season will start again.maybe even March depending on the weather!!!
well done for sorting out garden stuff -my problem is moss. I have some moss killer but that is what happens- it kills it but doesn't actually move it.
Is that a school I see in the background?
Yes gardening is over for me too. The garden looks so depressing, at least your trees have some colour.
I've been really lazy I haven't raked the lawn of leaves. My excuse is that the lawn is too soggy due to the amount of rain we've had over the last six months. Clay, clay, clay!
I must get some more bulbs. I've planted a tub of snowdrops, they never grow in our soil and I love them. Can't blame the voles, they just rot with the dampness. You'll have to let us see your flowers in spring.
Good morning Gill, I enjoyed the pictures this morning. Hard to believe we are at the end of the year almost. We went shopping yesterday and they already have the Christmas decorations up in the parking lot. I am not ready for Christmas yet!
Can you tell a poor aussie girl what voles are?? Sorry but if you don't ask you never know.
Looks like you've had better luck than I have this year.
Here's to next year for us both!
I hate this time of year when the gardening season is over. So I have solved the problem by moving a lot of my plants indoors. Now I can enjoy at least 6 months of indoor gardening.
We had our yard aerated this past Spring and yes, they do look like little turds from some sort of an animal. Happy week-end.
We are unindated with bloody leaves from the trees in our street. Even though they belong to the city, we have to rake the leaves. I had been sweeping them to the side of the road so that the street cleaner can whisk the pile up, but apparently there's a city ordinance that says you can't because it blocks up the drains. Typical Chicago!
Morning Gill!
One of the things I love about living here is I can play in the dirt year around!!! In fact we are starting the dry season :c] So all the little corner plant stands are now open :c} Just like they do in the Spring up North. We can grow nontropical flowers
Pattie :c}
Mazatlan Mexico
My veggie garden has been done for awhile now. The flower gardens are sad and most of the leaves have fallen off of the trees. Gosh, I have so many leaves on the ground!
What a spacious back yard you have. Very nice lawn. Can't wait to see the pics when your planting blooms
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