Friday, November 7, 2008

Skywatch Friday.........

We've seen this guy fly by numerous times..........where he comes from, where he goes I have no idea.........all I know it was a perfect day to be flying around in the sky.

For more Skywatch Friday photos please click on the link.


Anonymous said...

Great shots. I used to see Parachuters all the time near one store in my town. Then i realized that there was a training school nearby and that is where they jumped from.

Photo Cache said...

Im sure he's just waiting to be featured in skywatch. :D

Have a good weekend.

earthlingorgeous said...

Nice! WHat a clear blue sky indeed a wonderful day!

kjpweb said...

Nice! Must be pretty cool to be up there!
Cheers, Klaus

DeniseinVA said...

Great SWF captures Gil. These people always make me wish I was doing what they were doing, except I do like my feet on terra firma.

Naturegirl said...

Great capture and wonderful thrill for the guy wind sailing!
A Canadian SWF girl

Sylvia K said...

What a clear, blue sky and certainly a perfect backdrop for the parachuter. Great photo!

Louise said...

It's funny you've never seen where he comes from or where he goes. He must like you neighborhood! Fun photos.

Winifred said...

These are really great pictures.

Inkivääri said...

Fly on the sky, nice pic:)

Marla said...

Nice photos with the beautiful blue skies!

rhoen said...

a very timely skywatch indeed! lovely shots!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool that you caught that picture! :-)

Unknown said...

If I didn't have vertigo, I would love to do this. Great capture.

The Southern Mom said...

Great pictures! That really looks like fun...for him!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I've always envied birds - must be great to just take off and glide through the air. Parachuting/gliding must be the next best thing - think I may be too old now! Oh well. Great photos though Gill.

A x

mommanator said...

good shots! I am always so fascinated by parachuting! if I had more nerve I would ry it myself!

maryt/theteach said...

Looks like fun...but I couldn't do it, Gill! :)

Sunday Song

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