We have gone and bought a snow thrower, this one to be precise. So it's guaranteed that as we have bought a snow thrower finally, it's bound to be a snow less year, it's sod's law.
Not sure why it has taken us over 19 years of living in Canada to finally get around to buying one. It may be something to do with the fact that me and dh are getting older and our body aches in places it didn't in prior years, and shovelling snow doesn't help the situation. Or it could be the fact we live on the bend of a crescent and the snow plow driver just loves to dump 4 feet of heavy wet snow on the end of our driveway, which has had me in tears a few times wondering how on earth we were going to move it?
I do know after last years continuous snowfall we knew there was no way we were going through another winter without a snow thrower. The one we have bought is a bit big for our current driveway, but it will be great for when I move into the country.
So there you go, aren't you glad we bought a snow thrower!!!!
P.S. As I am writing this, Wednesday evening, it's snowing........but we'll just ignore that!!!
I need to see a picture f a snow-thrower! Where does it throw it to?
Yes, what exactly is a snow thrower?
Sounds like fun. Does it make snowballs too?
Didn't you complain to the council about the snow plough driver? Well I'm assuming it was a council vehicle here. I'd have gone berserk and demanded they shift it. I suppose the problem is you're stuck there.
We haven't had to shovel snow off the drive for years now even thought we live in the North. I think it's about 8 years since we had more than a few inches. Yes!!!!!!
I have highlighted the link to the snow thrower in red......
congrats on you purchase...thank goodness we do not get enough snow in these parts to require one...
we are however, finally looking into purchasing a riding mower. seems no one cares to come out on a timely basis and mow for people any more...go figure.
have a wonderful day
I love my snow thrower-but my neighbor's, not so much. He does his lawn when it snows and throws the snow into my yard.
If this is any indication, you're going to be getting lots of chances to use your new snow blower early this year!
Yahoo! How fun! Well 19 yrs isn't too bad. Probably when you were raising the kids you didn't have the money to spend on a pricy item like that.
Enjoy your new toy!
Couldn't get a picture of the thrower, but I'm assuming it's what we down here call a snow-blower? I can't decide which of the two names is funnier now that I think about them.
Glad to hear you are prepared for winter Gill. We rarely get snow here and when we do it's chaos!
A x
Snow snow snow....never heard of it..lol
We never get snow...and I have never heard of a snow thrower either... guess thats what i get for living in the south
Love, Jess
That snowthrower looks viscious. Where is it going to throw the snow?
thanks for all your comments.....I hope you could see what we bought.
We lived in New Hampshire for many years. DH is a pilot and was gone a lot. I could predict EXACTLY when it would snow. DH would leave. It would snow. We didn't have a "snow-thrower." We had a shovel. And I was the ONLY one who EVER got to use it!
Hope it works for you, Gill, that you have "global warming" and not much snow this year...
LOL, Gill! But still hoping you don't have to use it too much.
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