The bits and bobs first. I must apologise for not visiting and commenting on your blogs recently. I have been super busy with the house. However I have also become addicted to a game, thanks to Janet I popped by her blog the other day and she had written this post and she mentioned this site that she has become hooked on. Now I am not a word puzzle type of gal, I love Sudoku puzzles, but for some reason I decided to click on the link, and lets just say it's addictive!!! I will give you the link, but don't blame me, if you get nothing done as you can't stop playing this stupid thing!!! Here it is the link.
So back to the Christmas section of this post.My neighbour behind us has her Christmas tree up, and it has been up for a few days now. This is normal for her, but what always surprises me, is that they have three year old twin boys, and a seven year old girl. I know when our kids were toddlers we put the tree up just before Christmas and it was back down just after Christmas, as they were forever "re-decorating" it. For years our trees always had a heck of a lean when all the ornaments had accumulated. Another neighbour down the road has their tree up as well. Don't you think it's a bit early?
I know I do.Well its that time of year for me, the dreaded Christmas letter. I always put a Christmas "newsletter" in with my cards, and ever year I totally stress over it. As although you want to sing the praises of your kids, it is annoying for the people reading the letter to have to read all about your "bragging." So it has to be a happy medium, but what do you write in there, when you have a boring life? I normally start my letter at the beginning of the month and it takes me until closer to the end of the month to finish it. I am behind schedule this year, as I haven't started it yet!!
Today (Saturday) one of my jobs is to write all the Christmas cards. I need to get them off by the end of November (the overseas ones). However this year I may leave it until the end of the first week of December, just for a change, and to be daring!!
Do you remember the Coach purse I got dd for her birthday? Well dd rang me up yesterday to ask me if I had stolen it??????? I ask why, well it seems every store she went in yesterday it set off the beepers/alarms. They searched through the purse to make sure the security tag wasn't on (I knew it wasn't, as I saw the guy take it off) In the end when they set off the beeper in HMV, they got them to run it over the alarm thing so that it would stop beeping!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
I always regarded Thanksgiving as the buffer keeping Christmas at bay. I never put decorations up until the turkey was just a bit of leftover turkey salad. Now I just check the calendar, which works for me, but without Thanksgiving Celebrations to look forward to, Christmas--as far as the general population is concerned--has already begun.
You've reminded me that I must stop blogging and write my Christmas letter!
I am not going to click on that link! it looks dangerous! :)
Yea! Chirstmas - I have so many christian frnds so fun is nearing!
There is a recipe posted - do check out!
It's way to early for Christmas trees. I do start mine over the Thanksgiving weekend if I can. It takes me days to get out all the Christmas decor. Once it's up I love the warm feeling that it brings to the house. This year I can't even seem to get the house cleaned, there is never enough time!
Well done you for getting your Christmas cards written so early, wow! At times like Christmas do you miss the UK more?
Fos some reason this year I am in the mood to decorate already. I won't get to it til next weekend if that but I am ready.. We ususall don't put our tree up til the the weekend after or of Thanksgiving.
Even though I know it's early, I am in the Christmas spirit. I am embracing this feeling as I've not felt this way for close to 6 years. However, I haven't decorated. Yet. It's good to feel this spirit again and my post for today was about this feeling. Talk about coincidence.
Sometimes, those purses find a back way to market. Although you didn't steal it, the vendor may have bought some that "fell off the truck." They aren't knockoffs either. My friend and I compared 2 Coach purses. Hers she bought on the street in NYC for a song and mine came from a Coach store-a gift for Christmas. We couldn't tell the difference.
We receive a chistmas card letter from one particular family - they over enthuse to the point where we think to ourselves thank goodness we are normal (or we think we are) !!!
Oh, I've played that game before, but not in about a year, because I would do it for HOURS at night! It is SO addicting.
I will not go back, I will not go back, I will not....
Yes it's definitely far too soon for Christmas trees! I think people who put them up early take them down early too because they're sick of them. I always leave mine up until Twelfth Night.
Oh the Christmas cards. One job that dakes me about three evenings to do. I probably should write a letter like you. I did once and put a couple of photos grandchildren in for people I don't see. Might try it again instead of writing mini letters on the cards.
Hope the house sale goes well. I've only moved once, over twenty years ago and I decided never again.
There must be one tucked away in a pocket or a crease somewhere it looks like a little white square
piece of paper,I use to work in a store where we would tuck these some where else not so visible, oh that must have been soo embarrassing for her!
Sorry, Gill. I did warn you Bookworm was addictive. Thanks for the mention though.
I agree, putting a Christmas tree up in November is ridiculously early. I always like a live tree, so I put mine up just before Christmas and take it down after New year.
Good luck getting your cards and newsletter done. I haven't even bought my cards yet. :-(
Hi Gill,
Good Luck on saling your home!
At for the Christmas dec. here alot of folks dec. early and Pigeon Forge,Sevierville, Gatlinburg is lit up with winterfest. So I guess I;m use to early dec.
Oh dear the purse and the beep.
HAve a great wk.
It's way to early for Christmas decorations - bring on THANKSGIVING. Althhough, we are getting snow today, so it could feel like Christmas.
My new mum-in-law told me today that her son had three Christmas trees this year and they were already up. It used to be that here in the US people would decorate their trees at Thanksgiving, a tradition with many families. In England, in my family at least, we would always put the decorations up on Christmas Eve and then take them down on 12th Night. I won't be decorating for Christmas at all this year as for the first time in many, many years we will be away from the 17th until the 31st December. Seems a bit pointless to go to all the truble. I will put the cards up and a couple of Santa Claus but that's going to be it this year.
Well I love Christmas but November is too early even for me to put the tree up. It will probably be
2nd week in December for us. Christmas cards - love to receive, love to send - but the writing! Well I love to do that too but seems to take forever. These days I do labels for the envelopes.
A x
I can't wait to decorate our xmas tree too. Although we dont get the priviledge of a white christmas, we still try and make the most of it!! Love the season :-)
November is too early for Christmas decorations.All the shops, here, have their decorations up including the store where I work. They have put some tinsel streamers above our counter and I feel as if I am working in a brothel
Christmas Cards! Aaagh! Will start thinking about those in 2 weeks...
I have my cards started now too. I do it over 4 weeks and write 25% each week then mail them all out on December 1. I have a 1 and three and 7 year old. My tree goes up on the 20th this year and comes down on the 27th.
Can I just say how much I love your blog! It has helped me so much I cant begin to tell you!
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