It was announced last week that Kanye West is going to be the headliner at the closing ceremonies at the Pan Am games in Toronto. Now I don't claim to be an expert of Kanye West, but what little I have seen of his music, most of it is bleeped out due to all the bad language he uses or I can't understand a word he says. Honestly I can't say I had heard of him, until he got together with Kim Kardashian.
Also as the games are being held in Canada and we do have the odd high profile musician that is Canadian, Drake, Celine Dion, Shania Twain, or even at a push Justin Bieber, so why on earth couldn't they hire one of them? Pitbull who is also American born is another star performing and also Serena Ryder who is actually Canadian.
Now as you probably know Canadians are a polite bunch, but this has got a lot of people angry and there are a lot of online petitions going around trying to get Kanye West replaced. Obviously this isn't going to happen, as no doubt Kanye being the astute business man he is will have made sure there is a cancellation clause in his contract.
Then just to add to all the drama we have the Toronto Mayor John Tory announcing that it is great to have someone performing who has done so much for our (Canadian) music industry.......hello he's American....LOL
Now granted the poor man did go on and make a video basically making fun of himself over his gaffe, which I see can't be shown now due to copy-right laws.
Oh well on a brighter note all this makes for headlines which brings in more publicity for the games and Canada.........
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Kanye's an egomaniac who thinks he's God. The fact that he married into that pestilence that is the Kardashian family just makes him all the more obnoxious- and he's a lousy excuse for a musician.
If Kanye West were clinging to a cliff, I'd step on his fingers.
Gordon Lightfoot could do a better job than the rest of them put together.
Jane x
Controversy is usually good for business, I fear. I have no idea why the powers that be chose him but I'm sure it has something to do with money and BIG profits. ;)
This was quite a surprise. A very bad choice, in my opinion. There are so many very talented Canadian musicians that would have been much better suited.
The man is a disaster..he lay down when Jonathon Ross asked him a question he didn't like..just lay on the floor and refused to speak or get up. Then he tried to sing a Queen song at Glastonbury...he is no Freddie and it was a terrible performance. Please don't send him to Ireland xx
Do really have to admit Kayne is an American? His mouth is so foul, no sane person will stay and listen to his horrible music. Cheryl
I am not a fan either of Biber. Spoiled brat foul mouth. has not made his Mom proud.
Both of these guys holding their crutch. What does that tell the young kids watching. It is okay. .
I totally agree with you with Kaney's foul mouth. My goodness
My friend Justin Hines who sings so beautifully. He was the first Canadian who sang the first Canadian commercial of Canada. Then it just went from there his career. Has sang for openings and closings. To all over the world. Has standing applause's. He had the Canadian Tenors on his life shows and many more people. I have know him since he was a wee young child. I have all his albums.
He is in a wheelchair but that never stopped his audience from loving him and buying his albums and his D.V.DVDs. to this day. He is 100 % over Bier or this Kaney any day. I am totally shocked we had to ignore our Canadian talent. Our Canadian dollar is low right now. So to have a American singer we have to pay out a lot of money for what?
If you have never heard of Justin Hines. He is a beautiful voice for closing the Pam Am. Write in your browser and hear him. His song with the Tenors. Say What You Will.
I haven't been interested in the Pan Am Games at all, but do agree that a Canadian performer would be best for a venue held in Canada.
Why do these events always have to have a pop singer? What's wrong with a bit of culture/// the Toronto Philharmonic perhaps? I bet they would have been a lot cheaper.
There are so many idiots around making these decisions nowadays. It should be Canadians performing & there are plenty of them. Also why not have a range of different performances as mentioned earlier a bit of culture wouldn't go amiss along with the more modern trends.
Hadn't even heard of the Pan Am games but then again I'm not exactly a great sports fan so probably won't see any if they are televised here.
Perhaps people should just not go to the ceremony!
I would sign the petition and I am American! What is wrong with Canadian talent? I don't get it!
Couldn't they find anyone else who is talented and more of a role model? I agree with the Canadian choices you suggest and I am American. Kanye is quoted as saying there are 20, 30, or 40 characters in the Bible and if the Bible was written today, he would be in it because he is so important. Gee, a bit of an ego problem.
As an American, I am so glad someone other than us will have the "pleasure" of his performance. If you'd like to keep him that would be ok too!
I am proud to say I have never seen a Kardashian episode or even read anything about then or Kanye. I think the whole lot of them are so insecure they just need all that public adoration to feel good about themselves.
Yup I would be signing the petition. Even if it didn't get rid of him. He would at least know all those people who signed don't like him
I echo your sentiments and I'm an American. Kanye is disgusting in my opinion. Can't add anything better than what you already said. :-)
I so agree!
I have to agree with William 100%... Kanye is a douche. BAD choice... nobody likes him. lol!
How nice, having an illiterate idiot performing there.
I'm sorry?
I agree with those that say it was a bad choice. I don't know what the organizers were thinking.
God bless.
You forgot to mention Michael Buble. I think Australia would adopt him if they could.
LOL at Jacqueline's comment...I never understand who makes decisions like this. I know I am not Canadian, but I would feel just like you. Or at the least, get someone everyone can enjoy! It they had got someone decent, I doubt anyone would have cared where they were from.
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