Saturday, March 28, 2015

Very unproductive day........

Yes, I got a few things done, but not enough to say I have been busy.  Though where the time went who knows.  I had a bit of a dragging your butt situation again.  Seriously if I carry on like this my poor butt will be red raw from trailing on the ground so much!!

I did manage to while away an hour or two going through some old blog posts.  Stumbled upon this one about Whiplash Harry and it involved the guy whose wedding we were at last weekend.  You can click on the link here.

I had a friend over the other day and was talking about moving to our old house and was telling her about the time me and Molly found the bat on the stairs one night.  Also how we have tree frogs up here, and how innocent and stupid we were when we moved to the countryside.  I have to say I am missing my country property at the moment.  I have not had to refill my bird feeder all winter, as there are no birds around.  I saw a mourning dove the other day and got excited {SIGH} 

I do not miss all the hard work though and the utility bills, they were crazy.  I love this house it's perfect for what we want and need, would be even more perfect on a couple of acres in the middle of nowhere!!

Will be seeing Our Little Munchkin today and this is one of her favourite video's:

She is also a fan of this video and we have a video of her dancing to this song.  I don't know how to upload it onto my blog though:

Have a Super Saturday!


The Cranky said...

I'm right there with the Bumdraggyitis. Boudreaux's Butt Paste helps with the whole red, raw bum. (Yes, there really is such a thing.)

Just the thought of your grand daughter dancing along to those tunes brings a smile to my face, thanks!

Boopnut said...

I too, had a case of drag a** this week, but had to plug along. I am not sure I would fit into a planned neighborhood or not.

Kitty Greene said...

I totally agree with your thoughts about the countryside. I miss it terribly, but not the hard work, and I love having a choice of shops and supermarkets here instead of just one overpriced village shop !

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

There are days like that when you just can't seem to get going. Enjoy the time with your granddaughter.

slugmama said...

Here's how to embed a video in your blog....
go to youtube and find the video you want.
Then click on the where it says "share" below it.
Then click from there on "embed".
A string a code will come up in the box below, highlighted.
Save that srting of code by holding down "control" key on your keyboard while hitting the "C" key. This saves the code to your browser.
Now go to blogger in a new window and hit the "New Post" button. When a blank post comes up, write whatever you want to say, then click the "HTML" button at the top.
On the page after where you wrote your words there will be a code that looks like this "(br /)(br /)
 (/div)"except the rounded parentheses will be pointy ones.
Put your cursor in between the two (br /)s and dump your string of code into the new post area by putting your cursor into the blank post, hold down the CONTROL key whiling hitting the "V" key.

After that just hit the "Compose" button and continue on writing your post.

Depending on the width of your blog on your monitor you may need to decrease the number in the code that is "560" to something like "420". At least that's my screen width setting-420.

I hope this helps and I wish I could come over to walk you through it. 8-)

Scrappy quilter said...

I sometimes miss our country home too however I don't miss the travel to get everywhere nor do I miss the small town gossip. I especially miss the gardening!

William Kendall said...

I imagine spring taking its time to show up is having that effect on a lot of people.

Rachel said...

I too have been very unproductive. Been dragging my butt all week too...unfortunately I need to get over it or nothing will be done at all. Have a good visit with your grandchild.

Stella Jones said...

It's quite understandable that you are missing the farmhouse Gill. ( hugs)

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I remember when you and Molly found the bat in your house -- It doesn't seem like that long ago. We've been living in 'the country' for more than 7 years now, and I still miss things about our place in the city. I have a feeling we'll both miss things about our 'old' homes.

PJ said...

Although I've never lived in the countryside before, I can imagine the tranquility vs being in the city...

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...