I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Why am I posting this You Tube video?
Well the other day I had to go to town, the tiny one, to go and get blood work done. Normally if there is a line up, it's a couple of people. The clinic opens at 8:30 a.m. so I got there just after 8:30 a.m. only to find I was number 11 in line.
I finally got my blood done at 9:30 a.m. So what did I do for the hour, well I chatted away with an older farmer. He was a wealth of information and one of the things we talked about was how some dairy farms use the carousal for milking. I had never heard of this or even seen one before.
What I found fascinating was that the cows need no encouragement to go on and off the carousal. In fact he said something quite funny. "Cows are both intelligent and stupid!" We then went on to have a long conversation about cow manure and the in's and out's of that!!
Now I bet you are all jealous of my rip-roaring exciting life aren't you? By the way I was the youngest in the waiting room!!!
Then if you thought that wasn't exciting enough on Saturday morning I cleaned all the rugs.......does the excitement never stop in my life!!!!
I have had my Bissell carpet cleaner for a number of years now and it has earned it's keep over the years and has paid for itself a number of times. Got all the carpets to clean at dd new house before she moves in.
We don't have any actual carpets just a few rugs in our house, as we still have the original wood floors in the house.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Carousels ?? Over here we call them "Rotolactors". At Walker-Gordon farml in Plainsboro, New JerseyIn 1930 they invented the soon to be world famous Rotolactor. Borden
wanted to have a topnotch dairy exhibit at the 1939 New York World's Fair.
In Australia, the first Rotolactor was introduced at the historic Camden Park Farm - In 1950, Camden Park confirmed it was no mere relic of a grand historical past, but the farm of the future. The Rotolactor was the ultimate in modern milking machinery. It was developed in New Jersey. U.S.A. and brought to Australia by Liutenant-Colonel Edward Macarthur-Onslow. The plans were drawn locally and the foundation stone laid in 1950. The building was finished in September 1952.
Okay Gill, I've never, ever seen anything like a 'cow carousel' before--I don't know whether to laugh or be amazed...Both I guess! :-)
Your day looks a lot like mine, except I stepped it up when I went to the 7-11 for a big gulp because our power was out...
Isn't it interesting what you find out just from talking to people?
Most people are in too big a rush these days to bother.
Sft x
Your life rivals mine in excitement. I love the rugs photo. And your steam cleaning machine looks really tricked out with all those label stickers - it must be turbo charged!
I have an old Bissel portable and we forgot how to use it! Love the story of the cows. Guess we are also smart and stupid.
Another reason why I'm vegan!!!
Jane x
PS The cow milking thing...not your carpet cleaner!
Actually, Gill, I think your life sounds pretty darn good! And, I love your house!
Very interesting and fun.
Three years ago I took my two youngest gd's to a farm that had the same milking carousal. It holds about, 20 cows at one time. Each cow steps on and a farm hand cleans the teats and puts on the cups. Still revolving and milking at the same time, the milking machine disengages the cups when no more milk is coming down. Then the stupid, (and they are stupid I lived on a farm most of my growing up years) cow knows enough to step off when it's stall on the carousal comes to the exit gate. These cows never get to roam the pastures, they live in a huge barn with curtains that are rolled up or down depending on the weather, fans blow fresh air on them, with their food and water being automatically distributed to them. Farming??
How exciting, you got to cleam your rugs. lol
I've been removing rawl plugs and filling the holes with polyfilla this morning - my life is very exciting too :)
Yes that's the way to go, speaking to all, I like that a lot! Amazing what you learn too! I had no idea these things existed. I think I will be veggie soon!
I've never seen those before, very interesting. Waiting in a doctor's office can be a pain but it sounds like you had an enjoyable chat with the farmer.
Our cows do roam the pasture, and we don't have a carousel. On the want list but we need more room. Cows automatically come in for milking, no bribing needed ( remember breast feeding and you begged the baby to wake up for a feed?)But go to their own stall each night ( smart cows)which would look like a messed up square dance if you spy from above. They don't know enough as to what order to enter the barn.(stupid cows)
Cute post and you are never to old to learn....right!
I did not know those carousels existed...and as for cleaning the rugs and exciting life...sometimes life is good when that is all that is going on.
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