Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wow was all I could say when I saw this video......

I saw this over at Val's blog first.

I am a member of a site called Smart Canucks and there are some great people on there including a lady called Patty.  I wanted to share with you what she is doing:

Donation Project 2011 What can you get for $11 a week?
Last year I gave away a ton of stuff, literally. I was really happy with what I was able to do with coupons and donations but this year I wanted to try something different. So I decided to take a little bit and see how far it could take me.

My husband and I stop every morning at Tim’s for 2 x-large coffees and this costs us $3.59 every day at least 5 days a week. So to save money this year we are cutting this out but I also wanted to spread out what I spend on buying food for donations over the year too.

So since it is 2011 I have decided to take $11 a week and put it towards the purchase of donations. Each week I will try to come as close to spending $11 without going over, kind of like the Price is Right, lol, and purchase non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, health and beauty products and maybe even toys. So that means $572 for the year. Can I afford this? Well if I can spend twice that amount on coffee for DH and myself then I think we can do this.

I am hoping that this will also demonstrate the power of shopping with coupons. My friends still poo-poo my couponing but I am betting that after this they won’t be doubters anymore.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


To follow along with what she has achieved here is her post.  Now I am not sure if you have to be a member of the site to view it?  If you have to be, it is worth it just to see what she buys with $11 each week.

I made some Lemon Curd on Friday as a hostess gift as we went out for dinner to some friends.  Took her some flowers as well, but thought the Lemon Curd might be something different for them.  Here is the recipe I posted back in 2008.


Valerie said...

A lot of our superstores cracked down on the use of coupons. Can't remember why. Hubs and I donate a lot to charities, either in cash or goods. Hope your friends like the video.

Daxingcujo said...

Nice idea and good luck with that!
Love lemon curd and the toad in the hole recipe thanks!! (lil late on that I think)

Janet said...

Loved the video-she works so fast- amazing !x

MyBulletinBoard said...

Thanks for the lemon curd recipe. Was looking for something like that. ~Liz

Stephanie V said...

That's a great plan for giving and sharing. Is there anyone who doesn't love lemon curd?

Scrappy quilter said...

WOW she is doing great. Gave me an idea...will share it a bit later once I talk to dh about it. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Hugs

Karine said...

I saw that video once before, amazing isn't it?

Rose said...

what she got for $11 per week is amazing!

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The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...