I mentioned a week or so ago I was going to have a giveaway on my blog and hinted what it was about. Well they finally arrived in the mail today so all can be revealed. I asked my step-father to paint me a telephone box to match the post box he painted for me, and then asked him to paint another two pairs. Dd is taking one of the pairs of paintings and the other two I am giving away to one or two of you.
Here they are:
They are approximately 5" x 7" and are water colours. I'll be honest with you I don't know whether to give them away to two separate people or keep the pair together? I will mail all over the world, so it's open to everyone.
The rules, if that's what you want to call them?
1. You MUST be a follower of my blog.
2. Leave a comment on this post and let me know if you think there should be two winners or just the one?
3. I want whomever wins to email me a photo of the framed paintings so I can forward it on to my step-father.
4. Would really appreciate it if you could let the readers of your blog know about the giveaway.
5. I must have a way of contacting you if you win, and if you don't respond within 24 hours of me contacting you I will draw another name.
6. You may only enter the once.
I will draw a name(s) on February 16th, probably around noon time, my time.
Good luck!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Count me in! One or two winners. Well if there were one winner ..me...that would be best because I like symmetry!( Is that the way you spell it..can't think straight!)
I'll try the linky picture, if I can't manage I'll ask Chris to do it.
Jane x
I love them, all of my boys are Doctor Who fans (except I think the tardis is blue). Awww, semantics.
I would love one winner, they go well together, don't they?
Will definitely send a pic of them framed.
Very nice watercolours you might tell your step-father I have said. I think it would be nice to have 2 winners, then that way 2 people have the enjoyment rather then just one. Will link you up, Gill. Best be making myself a note to that effect or surely I will forget. Good day for you... brr here, so hopefully warmer there.
can i win ?
or should i just drive down the road a bit and get him to paint me my own ?
or am i just being tight as i have a few allready he painted for us ?
Rule #7 - family is not allowed to win........drat that means Nick you can't win ;0) So you'll have to see if a certain someone will paint you a set!!
Desparately trying to find where to follow. Having lived in England 16 years I would really value the opportunity to win one or both (If it came down to choosing, I'd choose the mailbox!)
Gill, what a lovely giveaway. I'll add this to my blog for you. Off to meet up with P and have a coffee together. It's been a long time.
The paintings are a pair-personally I think they shoud stay together.
I've just been cathing up on your 'doings' - you have been busy. Decluttering takes forever. You'll get it done and down the road, you'll find you have to do it again. Things just creep into the house. Maa
well if I win them! I will place them in the art section of our flower showlater in the year!!!!!
( not in my name of course)
I think 2 winners.
Love the colours.
Sft x
Gill I could be so slfish, tell you just one winner...but I won't...in fact I'll have a better chance of winning one of them if you draw two names...I'd love either, I miss England so, lol...already see mine framed in my mind...my email address is on both my blogs, One Cat Shy of Crazy and on Holding Patterns. I'm so excited!!!
Gill, I've entered and like a couple of others don't see the follow site like the one on my blogs...any help here!
I am sorry but I have no idea I thought there was a follow icon at the top of the blog. If someone has any ideas please let me know...
How stinkin cute is that, LOVE them. I will hook your post to my blog tonight. I would love to win one or both!!
Oh they are so nice looking together; give them as a pair. They are lovely.
The paintings are lovely and believe they should stay as a pair.
Having said that I would not want to be gready if I won, so there should be two happy winners, with a painting each.
The paintings are lovely and believe they should stay as a pair.
Having said that I would not want to be gready if I won, so there should be two happy winners, with a painting each.
The link to your blog for the Giveaway has been just posted onto my blog, Gill.
Wow, I have been reading your blog but not commenting since I wasn't posting anything...I chose the perfect day to start commenting again...enter me in the giveaway. I think either way you do it would be fine...
Linked your post up on my blog tonight
Hi Gill - count me in! I would keep the paintings together! I love them - my mother did watercolours and I have a few of hers framed - they are among my most prized possessions. I will post about your give-away and yes, I would follow you anywhere lol!
Thanks for the info you left in my comments. I left a reply for you. I still don't see a place on your blog to sign up as a follower.
Gill, was going to email you but didn't see your address on the profile...apparently the follow spot has not been added, so go into your setup and include
...that should fix the problem...
Hi Gill, What a fantastic giveaway. Please count me in, I am a follower as you know. I think that you should have two winners - spread the joy.
I will add your giveaway to the sidebar of my blog as well.
hugs, Kaye xoxox
P.S. Thank you so much to your FIL - he is very talented.
count me in! two winners please. do you have my contact info? i will post it here as I trust your followers cefidler@nb.sympatico.ca you can tell I really want to win!
what beautiful paintings! i would like to say they should stay together as a pair.
Gill, They are so cute! What alovely idea. I think depending on how many respond for the number of winners :)
Good luck all!
I've posted about your giveaway right here: http://lifebeginsatretirement.blogspot.com/2012/02/that-british-woman-is-having-give-away.html
and here is my email address:
Okay I don't think Jane needs to win. I have the perfect place in my house for these. I already have them matted and framed in my head. My blog is called Out My Window. I think these should be kept together. :)
Very impressed with your step-father's art work. Just lovely! The winner is going to love them.
Tried to join your blog, hope I was successful..please count me in for the draw..I think they should stay together as a pair...they are super..saw some like them when I visited England with my mother in 1989..can't wait to try some of the recipes you have posted. Lanniedee
Cont me in I have no idea where my first comment went darn internet.
I think they are a beautiful set. Anyone would be overjoyed to have them hanging in their house. Masterpiece of talent.
I love you brothers comment.Hey go down the road:) (just kidding). I would be there all the time watching this master work.
Love your new look. B
Hello!! I just found you at " life at whispering pines" It is so wonderful what she does for those beautiful dogs.....I am totally in love with Mr. Lucas....
I would love to be in your giveaway....I am a huge lover of water colors and these are just wonderful!!! I love them together but I think it would be wonderful to have two winners.....really they are just heaven...
I started to follow and am looking forward to that very much....
So great to find you! Have a lovely day!
Hi Gill! A busy week and I missed this post--What a fun giveaway! I really love watercolors and these would be lovely framed by themselves. I would keep one, I could never part with either of them! :-)
Oh Gill- it's nearly midnight here and I'm just in from work and I can' remember more than the first two instructions already- I think I'm a follower of your blog! Here I am!I will try to post link tomorrow- I think there should be two winners!! Gorgeously talented stuff, by the way- the pictures and the blog- very techno new layout!
I wasnt going to..I really wasnt..but then I thought what the heck. Just because I live in Ireland does not make me forget the phone boxes and post boxes of my youth! Red phone boxes in the 70s were where we spent weekends, chatting to grannies and aunts and uncles...saying thank you for pressies. They were where we spent the 80s, phoning boys and friends for illicit meetings we did not want our parents to find out about lol. Yup..had to enter in the end lol xxx
I would love the telephone reminds me of the telephone box we had in our village I think its still there.
lovely watercolours.
Just did a link post
My first time to your blog, such beautiful art work. My wife and I love to hang originals on out wall. We have artist in our family. I sure hope I win. Also I am having a give away on my blog that you and your readers my be interested in?
I am now following your blog, 1 winner/the paintings should remain paired, I will make a link to your site from my main blog, would of course email a photo of framed paintings (as soon as I got that done)!
Theanne of http://www.theanneandbaron.com
Definitely separate them, they are more important on their own and each should be viewed for it's own merits.
I lived for a year in London, these would certainly bring back fond memories.
X David, NYC
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