Friday, March 12, 2010

Sewing, Molly and recipes....

As I said at the beginning of the week I am having a sewing week this week.  Got the two quilt blocks done that I had to do.  Got my apron made.  I used Simplicity Pattern #2691 It's fully reversible and wraps around your body.

I made this for a fundraiser/competition.  For every apron that is entered $5 is donated to a mission in Tanzania  You can win a $100 gift card for Cobwebs and Caviar, the quilting store where I am part of the block of the month club, or a free class.  I don't anticipating winning either but thought it was all in a good cause.

This is the front or the back of the apron:

This also could be the front or the back of the apron, depending on your mood?
This is a close up of the fabric, it is black and beige, sorry about the quality of the photo.
I thought I'd show you what I did with the blue English Paper Piecing, I am liking the border I put on it.  There is a lot more to be done on it.
I didn't do any sewing on Thursday, as I was busy with other things.

Now Molly had a super busy day on Thursday guarding the property from "marauding" squirrels, all from the back deck.  It kept her busy all day.  Mind you all that guarding had her worn out.  So much so she collapsed on the sofa for a well deserved rest........

That's her new thing by the way to hide her face under the pillow when she is sleeping!  Still have her on 1/2 pill per day for her allergies (the steroid one).  I have tried cutting her back to every other day, but she scratches like crazy.  I'll try cutting her back again by the end of the month, as by then she'll have been on her new food for six weeks, and the bee pollen a month.  Otherwise she is well.

Did you remember to put your money in your Daily Savings Pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

Use your microwave oven to cook meals.  It doesn't heat up the house, it cooks the food faster and there are hundreds of recipes out there for microwave cooking, including my recipe for carrot soup.

Here are a couple of links for recipes that are made in the microwave:


Cathy said...

Hello Gill
Putting the border on the table runner certainly made a difference - the flower garden 'pops' out at you now (nicely lol)

Tracey said...

Stitch always buries his head to sleep, really he likes to bury is entire body.....Daft dogs! xxxbedis

Stella Jones said...

Very pretty sewing work Gill. I love the apron. Aprons are a thing of mine. I always wear one when I'm cooking.
Blessings, Star

Rita said...

When my dog had a lot of allergies I used a shampoo called Vetinary's Best. It really helped a lot. They all so have a hot spot treatment for the really red and itchy places. I used both and that is how we got through that bad time for our poor pup. I purchased it at a pet store and followed directions closely.

JudiB said...

Hi Gill..good to hear Molly is doing so well. We are entering a bad time for allergies so don't be disappointed if she has to stay on them. I have given up on playing around with taking Kally off them. It is just not worth the itching and miserable looks I get from She must be thrilled to be out on the deck playing with her
Love your aprons..time for me to make some for us..Hubby loves cooking so will make him one.


MyBulletinBoard said...

Poor Molly. She is the sweetest thing. You must be a genuine dog person to let her on the couch. Dogs should be a part of the family. I don't understand people who get them then leave them outside. Weird, or what?

Love that apron. Going to look for the pattern.

Have a great weekend!
Liz, in the Republic

Piece by Piece said...

Love your apron, having one that wraps around your body is such a good idea. I always get food on the side or back of me, don't know how that happens. Will have to look for that pattern and make myself some.

LHA said...

Thanks for sharing! I have just bought a sewing machine after wanting one for ages, and I love it! Have made some very simple simple things so far. Am going to now try your apron! Molly is so very sweet - what a darling dog.

Scrappy quilter said...

That picture of Molly is so sweet. Love the looks of your apron and block. Great job!! Hugs

bubble said...

awww...lovely doggie :)

lovely aprons...that may be my next challenge! xxx

Anonymous said...

The paper piecing looks like it takes hours and hours to do!

I like the idea of a wrap-around apron. I ruin so many clothes when I bake! Hope you wil the gift certificate!

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely sewing projects and that's a real cute photo of Molly.

mommanator said...

nice apron. I love the color and print!

Karine said...

Your apron is lovely Gill, the flower pattern is my favorite!

As for Molly, one of our first dogs loved trying to get at squirrels from the back deck, it was great to watch :o)

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...