Monday, December 22, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Winter.....

I thought I'd take some photos for you of the snow. On Monday, we had no snow at all, these photos show how much snow we have had this week. I took these Sunday morning, we are in for more snow right up until Christmas Eve, so I am guessing we'll be having a white Christmas....don't you think!!!! Thank goodness we have the snow blower/thrower as it has come in handy this week. I am guessing we have had about a foot of snow this week.

The first five photos are all from our back yard.

The next three photos were taken at the front of the house:

I am only hoping we don't have as much snow as last year, as we run out of places to shovel it, as we live on a pie shaped lot, and have very little land at the front, and a lot of land at the back of the house. Already the piles of snow are quite high on the front of the property.


Rudee said...

I feel your pain. It's soooo cold in Detroit (-17C) at present and expected to get colder. It's pretty but I hear we're to get rain on Wednesday. Have a great holiday!

Cathi said...

With any luck, we'll get the rain on Wednesday they're talking about and some of the snowbanks will get washed away.

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos! really wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does..
If we can believe the weatherman there is more snow coming our way!
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

That's a lot of snow there! It makes beautiful photos though!

Twisted Fencepost said...

The snow in your pictures is beautiful.
We don't get much snow here. The kids would love your snow!!!

Clippy Mat said...

I'm just 'down the road' from you so don't shovel it MY way. I am sick of shovelling!

Niki said...

Outside of Ottawa we are pretty swamped in the white stuff! But I do hate a green Christmas so I won't complain.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Gill, and a blessed 2009!

mommanator said...

I am really glad I dont live where you do, but am freezing in MAryland whilst here! I told my daughter yesterday I thought snow may make it warmer outside. theis am it's 17 degrees with a wind cill of I dont know, but COLD!

Cathy said...

I'd love a white snow with specks of brown and yellow. My yorkie loves the snow she flips it up with her nose and bites at it.

Ginnie said...

Very snowy!! No sign of any here! Quite mild infact today.... I want snow for Christmas!!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Gill: You certainly got blasted with snow for Christmas. Santa will have no problem getting around your area.

QuiltedSimple said...

Love the snow. Wish we had that much - we just have cold.

George said...

It definitely looks like winter. This morning it is -15C here in our part of Tennessee, but we have no snow.

Ingrid said...

That's ages that I haven't seen so much snow here in Belgium !

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Have only just come across your mind bending blog. Is a mere man allowed to follow you. Part of my interest is the fact that my wife is a coeliac. Do you ever 'do' gluten free food. ( I know it's expecting a lot.) I'm fairly new to this blogging lark. I also follow clippy mats work. You're all experts at the side of me.
Good luck to you.

Marvin said...

I'd say it definitely qualifies as winter at your place. Beautiful captures of the snow.

Stephanie D said...

Wow, looks as if you got all your winter at once!

Beautiful photos, though!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments and Christmas wishes.........


Maria said...

We have no snow in Vienna (yet?) and it's still rather warm outside, and therefore I say I love to see your snow pictures :)
I wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for your visit!

Evelyn said...

we got hit with a weather bomb with 40 cm of drifting snow. I hate the stuff and can live with a green christmas. no snowblower here, all shovelled by our hands.

Anonymous said...

We don't have much snow, but it is REALLY cold. Brrrr

Have a merry Christmas!

Lakeland Jo said...

fantastic pictures.
No sign of snow here- very mild. Can't say I am sorry though snow on Christmas day would look lovely ( but it's not forecast)

Janet said...

Yikes, you did get a lot of snow. It's bitterly cold here in Oklahoma, but no snow forecast for Crimbo.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...