Saturday, December 27, 2008

Boxing Day Sales and a cross stitch mystery............

It's a tradition in our house to get up early on Boxing Day and go to the sales to get some bargains.

Now I have to say me and dh didn't really want anything in particular this year. Both kids wanted new tv's, however ds "negotiated" with the store where he lives and he is getting the same Boxing Day sales price when he goes back up to his home in January. Dd bought her tv online at the Boxing Day sale price on Christmas Eve. So neither of them had to get up in the middle of the night to line up for hours to get the special Boxing Day pricing on their tv's.

They did get up before 6am though and hit the mall for a few other things they wanted. We met up with them at 9am and had a look around, but honestly the stores were having such good sales before Christmas, that the Boxing Day sales were basically the same as before Christmas.

I did pick up my usual Boxing Day sale items, Christmas cards and wrapping paper. However we were back home by just after 12 noon.

I think with the stores having the pre-Christmas sales, in the hopes of boosting sales in this recession and the ability now of ordering things online, I feel that our Boxing Day shopping trip will be a thing of the past.

Now for the mystery, I am doing a cross stitch at the moment, this is how much I have done. I should have it finished in a couple of days as its a super fast and easy picture. I will post the finished product when its completed.


Grumpy Old Ken said...

My,you are well organised. No mere man could match that.

Rudee said...

I have one thing to return but will wait for a more sane day than the day after. My son works at a local mall and came home complaining about his legs aching last night.

George said...

Would Boxing Day be the same without the trip to the mall? I already to much of my shopping online to avid the crowds!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Gill, Sounds like you had a nice Boxing Day--and didn't spend too much money. I had heard that the before-Christmas sales were so good that the After-Christmas ones wouldn't be much better.

Can't wait to see the completed cross-stitch picture...

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments, I just haven't had time to visit anyone's blogs today, sorry!!


Lakeland Jo said...

I would never visit the malls over here on Boxing Day. Apparently the traffic queues were totally out of control- hours and hours of queues

QuiltedSimple said...

Wow - you are organized! I'm staying out of the stores for the time being - good saled be darned!
Glad you had a good Christmas and Boxing Day!

Cathy said...

Never heard of Boxing Day Sales. I did hear that Friday was the "New" Black Friday.

mommanator said...

looks like a horse to me?

Winifred said...

I can never face the Boxing Day sales, have always had enough of shopping and spending by Christmas.

Saw it on telly and it looked manic here. Have to say I don't understand how the shops are saying their sales were down, all the shops were choc a bloc before Christmas. It was wild.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...