So here she is welcome to the family Olive! She is 3 months old.
Now dd was saying they named her Olive before going to the pet store to pick up supplies. The bowls and mat were on sale and had the olive motif on them. She said she paid $1.50 each for the ceramic bowls and $1.05 for the mat. She takes after her mother, getting a great bargain.....I taught her well.
Just a little thing...............both dd and dh are allergic to cats........not sure how dd will handle the cat dander thing?
What a cutie!!!
Hi Gill,
How sweet. Hope they do o.k. with Olive.
Hope your have a Great Day!
So sweet! Love the accessories! Good bargains!
welcome olive! what a sweet name :) gill i wanted to answer the question you asked about my post "Whispering Time". the way i created that look in the photographs was to use a very slow shutter speed on my camera. like 2 seconds or more i think. i had to experiment A LOT to get the exposure i needed but the results certainly were fun! it was an accidental problem with my camera earlier in the week that inspired me to try and 'recreate' the look that had resulted. i hope you are having a great work week!
I so want a kitten but DH is allergic not to mention our 100 lb chocolate lab might eat it :P
DS & I go to the local feed store (farm goods) and they often have barn kittens to give away - we go and get a Kitty Fix - cuddle the kittens then leave without one :(
Cute kitty! Hello Gill, thanks for dropping by my blog. Pamphlet stitch is a bookbinding stitch - like running stitch, but done on both sides so you end up going in and out of each hole, if that makes sense, using one length of thread, and knotting at the end. If you scroll back on my blog a few posts there are some clearer photos. Hope that helps! (it's very easy to do). Hope you're having a great day! Diana x
What an adorable kitten! We're both allergic to cats too -- but seem to cope quite well with the two cats. I have a theory that those who are mildly allergic sort of develop an immunity to their own cats but are affected by ones they see once in a while in a friend's house.
Love the tuxedo kitty, my daughter has one called Freda, sweet temperment, very loveydovey.And smart too!
Olive is a cutie!!!
Have a good day!
Diane at Crafty Passions
How cute is she...Hope they do well with being allergic.
Aw, cute! Looks just like a kitty my cat Harley had in her litter. I named him PJ.
Olive's definitely a cutie!
a big thank you to you all for popping by and leaving a comment. Busy, busy, busy today and tonight.
Gill :0)
What a very cute little kitty. Olive is going to be very well loved I can tell.
There's a product you can get at the pet store. It'll be around the shampoos and such. It's for the dander on cats. It's a liquid (like water, not like soap) and what I do is saturate a wet wipe or heavy paper towel and thoroughly clean the areas the cat licks most with the saturated towel. Works well. My oldest is allergic but has minimal reaction around the kitties so long as I use this.
Oh, here we go, I had to go search:
Mine's in a squeeze bottle. Spray bottle would be better!
Also, with repeated exposure you build up a resistance. The woman who organizes us fosters is allergic and she owns seven cats of her own.
Olive is a real little cutie! Thank goodness, I am not allergic as I have 33 cats! All indoor cats, too! All are spayed/neutered, disease-free, no fleas, no worms, etc. All clean and well behaved. It's not as bad as it sounds, though, as I have them separated....12 ferals in my large laundry room, 8 in my office here, and 13 in my actual living area in my home. Most of mine are rescues that I trapped to get in off the street and out of the heat.
There are wipes you can buy to wipe a cat's fur with that helps eliminate cat allergy, which is reality is actually the protein in the cat's saliva that causes the allergic reaction in people. They do work!
Please tell your daughter NOT to get those feline leukemia shots if she plans on keeping Olive indoors. If you check out my blog, read some of the posts catergorized under PETS, as my daughter's cat just finished up 19 radiation treatments for cancer not long ago. Her cancer was caused by those shots! The oncologist told us this. It was right at the injection site on the back of her neck. She had surgery last year and then it came back this year, so then she had another surgery, followed by these treatments. Radiation treatments are rough to put them through as they have to be anesthesized each day for it. Plus, it makes the site very sore and painful. She is now cancer free, but we don't know when it will pop up again.
I get just the rabies shots for mine since it is a state law here. No other shots do I get since mine are all indoor cats and don't even get near any outside cats, not even through a window screen or anywhere. I try to pass this on to everyone so they can possibly avoid this type of cancer in their cats.
We now have a third cat going through chemo at the present time. Cats do extremely well with the chemo. He was just kind of dumpy on the second day. Other than that one day, he did very well with his first round. Four more rounds to go!
My son's 17-year old cat had cancer of the jawbone and had 5 radiation treatments, and her cancer is entirely gone now! Again, for how long we do not know. So please pass this bit of information along to your daughter. I try to warn everyone of thosae feline leukemia shots.
Drop by my blog as I have several pics of my cats posted on my sidebar. I really need to work on getting the rest of them on there.
Olive is one lucky little kitty as I can see she has a wonderful, loving home! Please post pics of her from time to time as I would love to watch her grow.
Nice to meet you! I found your blog through Lib's.
(((((( HUGS ))))))
Oh, it's just me again! I forgot to mention that I have a male cat named "Oliver." He just went through a bad time as he had a urinary blockage due to kidney stones. I have posted that story on my blog, too. I have one that looks just like Olive, too, and her name is "Oreo." She has a little black spot in the white area on her face, though. I'll have to get a recent photo of her and post on my sidebar. Want to do a slide show of photos of them all when I get pics taken of them all! That's quite a job when I have 33!!! LOL
Have a great weekend!
(((((( HUGS ))))))
thanks Rachel and Nancy for all your advise on cats..........
Gill :0)
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