Or maybe the older I am getting the more set in my ways and crotchety I am getting?
crotch·et·y (kr
Capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse
Anyhow today is the start of a new week, so onwards and upwards as they say.
By the way I love celebrating other people's birthday's, just not my own!
I have just published a book review here.
I have just published a book review here.
Ha, I am about the same way when it comes to my Birthday, I could care less. Better to celebrate every day than just one out of the year. BTW Happy Birthday anyway! Ha
Happy birthday from one crotchety woman to another, LOL!!!!
I LOVE giving and making people smile when I am able to. Happy your Birthday was enjoyed with the people who love you so much, as that is special in its self.
You? Crochety? erm...erm...erm...
Jane x
Well Happy Birthday from me even if you are crotchety. That's a lovely word isn't it. It applies to me too sometimes!
Oh I haven't heard that phrase Crochety for years ! I feel the same way about my B-day to just another day to me now ! But Happy belated B-day anyways so there lol ! Oh the weather here today is nasty old man winter just wont give up the ghost ! Have a good day !
I always feel like I am just one day older than I was the day before! I am funny--I like to be remembered but I don't need it to be a big deal.
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