Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have been tagged.........

by Lindsay to tell you six interesting/unusual things about myself.........as I am the most boring person around, this is going to be hard work.

1. You all know I am British, however I HATE Christmas Cake, Mince Pies and Plum Pudding, basically everything with dried fruit, i.e. currants, sultanas and raisins. Apparently when I was young I ate a few too many mince pies and made myself sick, and have never touched those things again. I am lucky in the fact that dh and both kids also hate the same things!!!

2. I hate flying, actually that isn't true, I don't actually hate flying, my body hates flying and I get terrible travel sickness. It was just plain miserable both on the way there and back from Britain earlier in the year.

3. I used to be quite sporty and was in both the field hockey and the netball teams at school.

4. My dream is to own a house in the country on an acre of land.

5. I have a sweet tooth, and can't get enough of milk chocolate, despite the fact that it gives me migraines.

6. I ran a home baking business out of our home for a while in Britain. I hand wrote and hand delivered flyers to all the homes in our town of around 2,000 people. I was popular with the older people who only wanted 1/2 dozen cupcakes/sponge buns, or smaller quantities of items.

So I am supposed to tag other people, but am hopeless at this sort of thing. So if you are reading this post, then you are tagged!!!! Hard luck.....lol


cheshire wife said...

I only came to have a look at a recipe and I've got tagged! I'm very boring I'll have to have a long hard think for six interesting things.

Linda said...

Yes, little toddlers, I forget the exact age can't handle dried fruit. Yes, I was feeding it to them until I wised up.

The last time I fly to Sydney from Albury the way there I felt awful then I had a tablet and the way back was much better. I suffered from car sickness when I was little.

I can't live, well I can, without my goodies for Christmas and always order a Christmas hamper with those things in it.

Winifred said...

Oh crumbs Gill, if you've struggled with this you have no idea how hard I'll find it. Mrs Boring!

Clippy Mat said...

Gill: I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but on behalf of the British Government, nay, the Queen, I am going to have to revoke your status as a British Woman.
Not liking Christmas cake, Christmas pud or mince pies is considered Treason and is actually grounds for being locked up in the Tower.
Off with your head.

The Joy of Nesting said...

Oh no no no no no, I just stopped by to thank you for the lovely birthday wish. I feel very sure that in the fine print rules that is says if it's your 53rd birthday you are exempt :c} :c}

Pattie :c}
Mazatlan Mexico

DeniseinVA said...

You and I have a lot in common, I don't really like those things you mentioned either, but love chocolate though it doesn't love me and gives me migraines too. Fun post to find out a few more things about your likes and dislikes.

Evelyn said...

chocolate also gives me migraines but I love it!

Marla said...

Thank Goodness I am the 7th person to visit! I have not been tagged!

Rudee said...

sneak attack-oh lordy. I'm invoking the pirate code and saying parley!!! I can only speak of election news that warms my heart over at my house.

An Arabian Dream said...

Gill, I love your blog.. thanks for popping over to mine as well
n I dont think your boring at all... very hard to write about ourselves... you've done well..

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I only popped in because have been away awhile and have been trying to catch up. Have already been tagged by Lindsay. Will have trouble finding 6 interesting things to tell all, no hope of 12.

But its fun finding out interesting facts about fellow bloggers. Great idea and great to read your list Gill.

A x

Kk said...

I finished my list do come in check: http://bobbybollo.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-have-been-tagged.html
It was hard and yours seems better!

Al Nims Media said...

Wow, field hockey. My favourite too. Have played the game in my school and college days, and till very recently. Thanks to a deep cut on my chin a few months back, now I am cooling off.

Flip, Flop & Fly - Sunday Song

Love Tom Jones, such a great singer................ Do you have a favourite Tom Jones song?  I really enjoy this one.