Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Made a decision..........

cutting back on mailing Christmas cards this year.  Mainly cutting back on the ones to Britain, but cutting back all the same.

And you know what..........it feels good and well overdue..........

How about you?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank you Mr Cohen

for all you did for music, rest in peace.........

Now, I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing hallelujah


Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the hallelujah


You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light in every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken hallelujah


I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah

thank you to Lyrics.com for the lyrics

Thursday, November 10, 2016


I had never heard of a Twiddlemuff until the other day and the more I read about them the more I knew I had to knit one.

As the write up says in the link above:

"Twiddlemuffs are knitted muffs with interesting bits and bobs attached. Many patients with Alzheimer’s, arthritis and dementia find them comforting and therapeutic as they help encourage movement and brain stimulation"

What an interesting idea and such a simple one.  So I have decided to knit one for my step-father.  As he gets older his hands are always cold and getting arthritic.

I had some pale green and lemon yarn leftover.  So I am knitting the inside of the muff with that.  This is a great way to use up leftover yarn.

Have you heard of a twiddlemuff before?

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Our Nora is fitter than me!!

Dh took Nora down to the river the other day while she was here.  As I had not been down that way dh took me down to the river on Saturday afternoon.  Now going down there wasn't a problem, it was the coming back up the hills that turned out to be an issue.

Nora had no problem walking there and back; thought I was going to croak....LOL  Totally out of breath despite taking breaks and walking at a snail's pace.  Guess I am not as fit yet as I thought I would be.  Sitting down in the chair for a while when we got home did the trick and my heavy breathing stopped.

Sad when you think about it, that a 3 year old can out pace her Nana!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Couple of updates........

Update on the central vac.

The store replaced the powerhead and the hose under warranty.  It turns out I have a lifetime warranty on this unit.  It also turns out this particular model has had numerous problems with the powerhead and hose, and that is why I am now on powerhead number three.

A little nugget of information for the fellow Canadians out there.  Mentioned to him about wanting a Dyson V8 cordless and right away he said NO.  To fix any problems with it, you have to deal with the head office in the States.......and there will be problems he said.  It's supposed to run for 40 minutes; it will when you first get it but over time it will run for less and less time.  If you have weak hands/wrists (I do) you will find the unit heavy over time, as you are carrying the motor all the time.

So for the time being I am sticking with my central vac.

Update on the basement:

We are getting there slowly but surely.  I have been doing some painting of the doors and trim work.  We picked up a closet organizer for the closet in the back room, so "my" goal is to get dh to install it on Saturday so I can fill it up!!

I picked up floor paint for the furnace room, as it is still and will remain bare concrete.  When painted though it cuts down on the dust.  I also picked up paint for the bathroom down there, a terracotta colour.  So I am hoping to get both areas painted this coming week.  

"My" goal is to have everything done and carpet installed by the beginning of December.  Realistically though before Christmas it should be done by.

Update on Christmas:

If I can clear out the spare bedroom, then I can actually see what I have bought already!!!  As it's November I need to sort the Christmas Cards as well.  I bought a lot of Family one's in the sales in January, but I need to sort out who I am sending them too.  With the price of stamps rising again, I will be cutting right back to the bare minimum.

Update on me:

Well I am feeling a bit better, and have a little more energy.  When I have energy I am using it.  When I have only a little energy I don't do much.  I have also discovered I can get more done in the morning and then rest up in the afternoon, when my energy level is low.

In the scheme of things, life is good, as the t-shirt says!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Another one bites the dust..........

In this case it's my powerhead from my central vac.  We have been in this house just over two years and this will be the second time I have had to have it replaced.  I have no idea what I do with it, but I have such bad luck with vacuum cleaners.  I am hoping that it will be replaced under warranty like the last powerhead was.  

I have made up my mind that I will get the Dyson V8 cordless Vacuum when I have saved up enough pennies!!

I just have too many other things that need my pennies at the moment!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I'm walking

So one of the things I have been "encouraged" to do is walk.  I am however a reluctant walker, but I am doing it.  So far my pair of trainers/running shoes have been fine, but now that the weather is getting cooler and wetter, I need to "upgrade" the something more substantial and waterproof.  So I am on the hunt for a pair of basic hiking boots.  When I started to look for these I found that there are hundreds of different kinds.  I have narrowed down my preference though.  I am liking this type of boot/shoe:

I need it to be lightweight, waterproof and not too low and not too high up my ankle.

I am walking a little more each day, and even tackled a little hill today, but am not ready for an all day hike!!!  Are there any do's or don'ts when it comes to hiking boots?  I also don't want to spend a fortune, so any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Other Sites I enjoy reading

I may not comment on them but I really enjoy reading them.

Pure Life For Living is a favourite of mine.  I think it's because I wish it were me doing what they are doing.  I know deep down it's not going to happen now, as physically neither me and dh are able to do the amount of work they are doing.  However maybe on a smaller scale?  They look like a fun couple too.

Young House Love Again they are a media/computer savvy couple who have made a living out of renovating homes and diy projects.  We have renovated homes, but are not the media savvy types; guess we have missed the boat with that one.  However, they look like an awesome family and there are some unique and fun projects they have tackled and tons of great ideas.  Well worth a peek.

I love Homestead Bloggers Network.  It's a site that features all sorts of information and not just about Homesteading.  I made this great recipe from a link they showcased, super good, moist cake.

I also enjoy Lazy Daisy Jones, despite the fact I cannot crochet.  However she does such beautiful work and features equally fabulous artists that you can't help to drool over everything she features.

The Frugal Cottage is one of those sites, where sometimes I am not sure why I read it, but then other times I find it fascinating.  She is such an honest writer and I love that.

Life After Money, is one of those blogs I just HAVE to read.  Don't agree with everything she says or does, but she leads a fascinating simple life that is worth reading about.  I cheered her on from this part of the work with her shed/summer house.  Mourned the loss of her dog and generally I follow her life a little like a stalker I guess; but she never sees me!!!

John at Going Gently is a character that's for sure.  He describes the going's on in the village he lives in, in Wales, the only way John can.  It's addictive reading what he writes.  I want a dog like his Winnie, she is a character that's for sure.

And finally for this post I have followed Sue, at Our New Life in the Country for a while and what she has done to her new place is stunning.  I would love to have what she has and she lives in a stunning part of the world.  Love all her chickens and her little doggies and cat.

If you have time to pop by some of these sites you won't be disappointed.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...