Thursday, October 20, 2016

Three weeks later....

and things are improving.  Not as fast as I would like, but at least I can walk a lot more than a few steps before getting out of breath.  

That first week when I went grocery shopping with dh I had to use the motorized shopping cart in Wal-Mart, now I can walk the store, albeit slowly with dh.  I drove to the garage yesterday to have my oil changed; today I plan to drive to knitting for the first time, which is a fifteen minute drive.  That will be the most I have driven in three weeks.  One of my issues is that I have been very lightheaded so have not wanted to drive far.  That was due to the side effects of the pills amongst other things.  

Another issue is that I don't look sick on the outside.  It's not like I have broken a leg or anything else you can see, it's all inside my body.  When you are talking to me on the phone or even in person, I sound perfectly fine.  It's just when I start doing anything that causes my heart to pump harder and me to breath harder that you can see I am not my usual self.

Some days I am tired, other days I have a bit more energy.  However I do feel like a fraud, because at my age (52) I should just bounce back; well that's my way of thinking.  I am back to doing all the laundry and cooking and cleaning (only the very basics are getting done.)  Each day I set myself little goals and it's been a good day if I can get those things done.

I am finding this as hard to get over this mentally as well as physically, as this was something I just wasn't expecting?

I was told that the blood clots in my lungs are like bruises and they gradually fade away like a bruise does.  Which I thought was interesting.  Also did you know that your heart releases enzymes when in distress and a blood test will show that.  That is when they figured out something was going on.  My heart was under strain that's all, so no damage there.

At the end of the day, I am grateful to be I should stop whining...LOL


kate steeper said...

I think life just gets more frustrating as you get older , mentally your still 18 but your body forgets that and lets you down on occasion.

Frugally challenged said...

Ignore "shoulds" and "oughts" and any other similar words. Just take care of yourself. Maybe your body knows better than your brain does.

mamasmercantile said...

Take care of yourself, rest up until your body is ready.

Jackie said...

Nice and slow Gil, please take it nice and slow. Healing takes time and you need to heal.

My back is starting to feel better, just doing the basics of work. Sitting until it bothers me, then I lie down until it bothers me, then it is walk until it starts to bother me. Repeat through the day.

No snow here yet (northern Saskatchewan got dumped on). The little we got melted away within a day. However temps are colder than normal, it won't be long now until we see the white stuff arrive and stay.

God bless.

Terra said...

That is good you are regaining strength, even if slowly, and are getting out again.

One Family said...

Glad you are starting to feel better. What a scary thing to happen! Take it easy.

~Carla~ said...

At least you're improving.... rest lots and take the time you need! I was sick for 3 weeks in September and that was the first time in almost 20 years being sick and I thought the same as you, "I can't believe its taking so long!!" Feel better!! Xox

Betsy said...

Oh my goodness Gil! I can relate to you so much! This has been my past year. Good one day, not so good the next. That enzyme test was one of the ways they knew I needed my pacemaker. Just take it slow and easy. I'm 56 so have felt like you, I should bounce back quicker, but no. Take the time to heal my friend. And if you ever need to talk to someone who understands, (not blood clots but heart stuff and slow healing), feel free to email me. Meanwhile I'll be in prayer for you.

Maggie said...

Glad to hear you are improving, sounds like you still need to take it slow though.

Take care.xx

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Oh my, what an ordeal you have been through, and are still going through. Slow and steady wins the race. Take care of yourself.

William Kendall said...

One day at a time. It does sound like you're improving.

Jane said...

I am so glad you are improving - what a scary time for you! I'm 60 and I still think I should be in perfect condition lol! I hope you can find out why this happened so it doesn't happen again.

Evelyn said...

I am glad you are slowly getting better Gill1

angela said...

Don't rush it. You will mend more strongly if you rest and let your body do it at its own pace
So very glad your still here blogging.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...