Sunday seemed as good a day as any to wade through the blogs I follow and see who is still blogging.
Turns out I was following just over 270 blogs, by the time I had finished going through them all, I am now following just over 130. I knew about the odd one of two that had closed down, but did get a surprise or two at a couple of others who had closed their blogs.
I stopped following anyone who hasn't blogged in the past nine months or more, as I figure they had given up blogging, just not closed down their blog. I think I need to go back over my list as I know there are others that I don't have much of an interest in now.
I think like everyone our interests change over the days/months/years and what interested you last year may not interest you anymore.
Of the 403 people who follow my blog, I wonder how many of that number actually read my blog on a regular basis; not very many I guess?
I need to sort out my blog and figure out where to go with mine. Doing this one job is a start of tidying things up.........will warn you it is not a five minute job!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
I'm here. I've read it. My list isn't that long but I tend to use the reading list thingy so it's only those that have posted that I see as I scroll.
Hmmmm. I wasn't a follower but I am now. I've been reading your blog blog very regularly for quite a while now. It's good to see you back. Blessings, Betsy
I follow your blog regularly. To tell you the truth, I especially liked and miss the grandkid pictures but, as they grow old, I think it is wise to keep their faces from social media. So, I hope, you get to see them very frequently and enjoy being a grandma.
wow that is alot of blogs! I regularly read yours Gill
There seems to have been a flood of blogs closing down recently. Several bloggers posted to say they won't be blogging in the foreseeable future, some have just closed their blogs without comment and others have just posted more and more rarely. I am one of those bloggers who posts in fits and starts.
I'm trying to find a course on self hosting my blog and if I can do so, self hosting is the way I want to go. I want to tidy things up a bit and maybe combine my two blogs.
You are on my feed and I do read you regularly but I have to admit there are some on my list from which I skip a few posts.
I need to do the same. I suspect my blog will evolve into something different once we have moved to our new home.
GM Gil, I read your blog because I enjoy your no nonsense take on life. The recipes, what it's like to live where you do...your transition from living on acres to living closer to others...all are interesting and enjoyable. I have toyed with the idea of writing a blog. I realize it would be my need to write a blog, along with my hope others might read it. Then I think of all the others who already write and feel that's enough for me for now. If I focus on decluttering and organizing and exercise then reading other blogs such as yours is enough! Thank you.
I know, so many blogs closing down and some that say they are closed for just awhile. It seems I might find a blog I like and then bang it is gone. Like you I need to clear out my blog list.
I do read you regularly as like me you come from my country and I love to support my fellow countrywomen when I find them.
God bless.
I did the same thing a while ago. I also emailed some who were not blogging to just see how they were and it was lovely when some emailed back. One or two have come back to blogging which is nice.
I suppose people's lives change, quite a few have gone over to Facebook which I detest but I suppose it works for some as it's a quick way to keep in touch.
Keep blogging Gill!
I've followed your blog for some time. Your exploits in new home ownership really got my dander up at times, as I'm sure it did to you!
I know of a couple of photobloggers who have died; I still keep them on follow so I can go back to their pages. I go by my reading list, which lets me read who's updated since I was last online, and that way, even having three hundred different blogs to follow, not all of those are updated with anything resembling daily regularity.
I follow along via Bloglovin', probably because you are like me a Brit living in Canada (and not that far from me).
I'm still blogging, albeit on a new blog as I had a lot of technical issues with the old one and it was easier to start afresh than to try to sort the old one or move it anywhere else. I read whenever you post and follow you through bloglovin.
I need to do that to I guess but every once in a while some one will come back and start blogging. I don't always post a comment but I do read it.
I'm still blogging, albeit infrequently. I've never followed as many as you have - 400 is tremendous! - and tend to weed my list more or less annually. I'm sad to see so many bloggers either stop blogging or lock their blogs behind permissions. I know there are always reasons for these sorts of things, but it does make me sad, as they were regular posters who I really enjoyed. I don't always comment, but I do read your blog regularly. I enjoy finding new blogs through the bloggers I still follow, too. xx
I think my blog list could use some cleaning up too! I have added quite a few lately thanks to Christmas card exchange organized by a fellow blogger and once in a while I stumble across someone with whom I feel a connection. It's a very fluid thing is blogging!
I would just read what you enjoy.. I have a handful that I keep up with, yours, Janes, and a few others... but most I only check in now & then.
Carla. :)
Many have fallen off the blog radar, death has claimed more than a few, some are I'll, some are bereft of ideas.
I've come close myself but blog on.
Funny you going through your bloglist...I was going through mine some the other night and found several that are closed down. Then there are a few that have not blogged in ages, and one their blog is no longer there, but I just cannot stand to delete them. I check them at least 2 or 3 times a week to see if maybe they have posted. I hate not know what happened to them.
I am a regular reader, too. Of the readers at my blog, I would guess there are about 30 who read often and/or comment, so I really write for them; if anyone else chooses to read, that's a bonus. I follow about 50 blogs but so many are irregular that it's not hard to keep up.
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