Well dd sent me some photos of her. Not sure which one is the dafter, the cat or those two!!! I was sitting on the sofa last weekend, when that daft cat came up behind my and pounced on my back and dug her claws in, she didn't stay there long!!! Her tummy is shaved at the moment as she had her "operation" the other week. Anyhow here are photos.
They have discovered that cat nip makes Olive a crazy cat, and here is a photo of her after she has had some cat nip, look at her ears........
Here is Olive sleeping.......who would put a blanket on a cat, except those daft pair!!!
They must have been folding laundry and Olive decided to help.
Finally Olive in a box. She loves boxes, paper bags and bags in general. She tried to get into my handbag numerous times last week, until I zipped it up. I had a big bag in my car, so brought it in so she would stop attacking me and played in the bag for ages.
Now future dil has two cats Biggins and Baby, when she sends me photos of them I'll post them also.
I love cats. We don't have one anymore but do have some really fun photos of some of my old feline friends.
A x
Surely that green-eyed cat is on steroids!
cute little one ^..^
actually they love to be covered up and be snug and cozy...
have a lovely day.
Olive looks completely spaced out after cat-nip!
Adorable kitty!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Gill!
Olive is adorable! Love LOVE LOVE the one of her after the catnip!!
I remember Olive.
We have 2 cats that looks just like her.
Happy Thanksgivng!
She is adorable!!! Love the shot of her after the catnip. LOL
I sometimes put a little doll quilt over one of the boys when they're sleeping. And Smudge will sometimes crawl under the duvet, particularly in the winter.
Olive is a real cutie, I love the catnip photo. My cats love paper bags and boxes too. They also like to lie all over the laundry when it's still warm from the drier.
Olive looks exactly like my old cat PJ... and sounds like she acts just like PJ's mom--the craziest cat I've ever met! She looooves to sit in boxes, bags, even in between newspapers. I'll have to post some of the goofy pictures of her one of these days..
Now if that isn't just like a cat! It doesn't even take catnip to make Hound (the kitten) crazy...she was born with a screw loose (which is why her parents abandoned her in the well house is what Mac says). She is a cutey, her "mum and dad" must be crazy cat people lol!
Great post...
thanks for all your comments...
what a cute cat! neither of my cats are affected by catnip. evelyn
Okay, I'm curious, why do people give cats 'catnip'? Great photos of Olive, she is really adorable.
LOL never mind those ears, look at the crazy eyes after the catnip. Too cute
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