The older I get I find I forget things more, so making lists and having those handy dandy sticky notes plastered everywhere helps.
I can't live without my calendar that I have hung in the kitchen. This year's model is the Coronation Street version, however I am not fussed what it looks like, what is more important is having the squares where I can write notes on the certain days. I put all the birthday and anniversaries on there so I know when they all are.
With us moving, I have a notebook where we write down anything to do with the move, plus we have a binder where we put everything to do with the move. That way if in doubt look in the book. I saw on one of the British moving shows, I think it was "Moving To The Country," one of the people had numbered all her moving boxes and did an Excel spreadsheet that told her what was in each box. I wish I could be that organized. I have written on the outside of each box what is in it and what room each box has to go into. I have bought bright coloured post-it notes to stick on the outside of each box so easily identify which box goes into each room.
I like to write a list when I go grocery shopping, as although I generally know what I want when I get there I always forget and and up buying things I don't need, or forgetting things I wanted!!!
I keep a small note pad and pens in my handbag as well, so I can write notes when I am out.
Writing lists not only saves time, it also saves money. Do you write lists and if so what for?
For more Buddy Friday posts, why not pop over to Margaret's Ramblings.......
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
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Something that has helped me when we have moved is what I call a Go Box. It's usually a box about the size of a carton of copy paper. I use it for all the last minute things that don't have a good place to pack or the things that I need very soon after arriving. Phone cords. Battery chargers. The phone book. You name it. Nuts and bolts that didn't get taped in bags to the bed rails. Just odds and ends that don't fit anyplace else. It's like having a last minute "list of things you need to find quickly" in a box.
Yes Gill I am definitely a "list" person. Only in recent years though and now I couldn't really manage without lists for everything! Good idea to label all your boxes for your forthcoming move, we did that last time we moved and will do so again. It saves such a lot of time. My Christmas boxes are organised too and they are listed on the computer! A x
I have a "memory book" in my bag full of shopping lists, jobs to do lists, window dimensions for fabric buying and all sorts of other clutter which is written down in it.
I can't imagine life without it,
These days Gill, as I get older, I find I need a list just to go to the next room. The number of times I have gone from the kitchen to the living room and then just forgotten what I went there for is countless.
Lists are my friends.
one year for our joke present at Christmas I brought Mom 76 note books. The reason why she is always writing list, from shopping to a book list she wants.
Lists are great helps you get things done and looks great when you cross them all out.
Hope the packing is going ok, take care Fiona
I was thinking about your sticky notes on your moving boxes. They are great but can become separated. What I did was get a package of multi-colored index cards, each color for a different room and i used the packing tape to adhere them after writing a basic description. A pink card that said "BOOKS" went into my daughter's room. A green card for the living room, etc. It worked and my boxes were sorted in no time.
I have small notebooks everywhere. There are some days I think I would forget my name if it weren't for having my name written in the front of some notebook. List, notes, grocery needs, other needs...
Hello Gill
Do I write lists - of course I do - have to have a way to remember all the things I have to remember lol
Seriously tho' lists (and calendar useage) are becoming more common place in our house these days than ever before.
Have always jotted down the odd things to get from the shops but now 'cose I try to do lots when I'm down the road I decide where I'm going and the order I go even before I leave the house. For one it saves time backtracking which then saves on the extra cost of petrol in the car.
Take care
I write lists for everything - and then forget my lists half the time:) but i try to be organized...
I constantly write lists.
Grocery, monthly tasks, daily tasks, blog ideas... i write lists. lists for what i plan to do and never do, lists for stuff i want to find that is stored away, lists for cards that need to be mailed and so on :)
even made list of things i wanted to go to while on my recent trip...
have a wonderful weekend.
I wrote more lists when I was younger, but find myself writing a shoopin list. All of us tend to buy more than needed and forget the list stuff
My FIL moved into our basement last year - since he had never moved b4, I told him to label the boxes for which room they should go in - instead he numbered them and wrote a list of what was in each box...and then lost the list.
He had to open ALL his boxes right away just to find things.
I always label with the room and a general idea of what is in the box - i.e., linens, glasses, books.
I am now becoming a list person. I had this topic written down for next Friday....
Because we live so far from the city, we have to make lists otherwise we come home and are always missing something that we needed to get.
As Margaret said, lists have become my friends too.
You've reminded me again why I shouldn't move!
I make lists but I lose them. I read once that the more we rely on lists the worse our memories get. However I find that just by making the list it reinforces the things in my mind. I can usually remember them when I can't remember where I've put the list.
thanks for all your comments greatly appreciated.....
i've started keeping calendars. helps me remember what's coming up and what i need to do. i forget things like crazy.
i don't keep stickies, but i think it's a good idea.
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