Remember this post about me having some waxing done? Well would you know it on Tuesday off I trot to the salon for a pedicure and waxing. Am I stupid, I must be, as I whined like crazy last time.........I still remember the pain..........and here I am again having it done. I not only get my upper lip waxed, I know a moustache on women in some countries is attractive Canada and the US isn't one of them, I get my bikini line waxed, plus my WHOLE legs?????
Now lets just say I'm no slim Jim. Thunder thighs would be a good description of my upper legs. So I lay down and she take one look at those gorgeous long svelte legs (I WISH) and decides that not only does she need the 10 gallon pail of wax to cover the amount of flesh, but with the amount of hair growing on those legs, she had better get the industrial strength wax out, and for good measure lets heat it up to boiling point so its an experience to remember..........
Okay, I am kidding about the 10 gallon pail and the industrial strength........I am barely kidding about it being molten least I had the fore sight to tell her to blow on the wax to cool it down a bit before putting it on my top lip. That's all I need is third degree burns on my upper lip, what an attractive sight that would be? Then she mutters something about using a shovel to put on the wax with.......again joking!!!
Now the girl doing the waxing and pedicure is called Thu, she's a lovely little thing, but she insists on calling me Gillian with a hard "G", instead of "J." Anyhow she says, Gillian lay down and just have a nap while I do this. So I lay down and it just dawns on me what she said, "Have a nap." So up I pop again and say "People actually sleep through a waxing???" She then laughs and says "I was joking." I don't find it as funny as she does?
Anyhow, off she goes and honestly there are worse things in life...........not many things, but there are worse things in life. I was particularly sensitive just above the ankle, which I thought was a little unusual. Then all around the bikini line, that's still torturous, and the bit between your leg and bum.
Suffice to say I have survived the whole experience and now have hairless legs, so at least I won't have to shave my legs daily for the first week, plus I have lovely pinky/mauve toenails. Oh and best of all, my feet are so soft now, its freaky, I can normally sand a wall down with my rough heels.
So that's it no more waxing for me, enough of this pain...........well at least until next time ;0)
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
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What a relief I was born happily hairless and don't need to go for waxing on legs et al, but I was wincing with you all the same! I do get my eyebrows done and that is bad enough.
Wowsers! Bless you for doing the whole leg waxing thing. I get my lips and brows waxed - but you couldn't pay me to have my private parts waxed. Oh the pain! And I had natural childbirth (not by choice of course!).
Good grief, makes me want to run to get mine done - not! But thanks for starting my day out with a bit of a laugh. Great post!
Too funny Gill - that was very entertaining! Great for a laugh after getting 2 grumpy kids off to school. I've never waxed before and you have convinced not to even consider it!
That was so funny, you are obviously a glutton for punishment. ;-) I think I'll stick to shaving, ta very much.
Ummm no thanks. I tolerate getting my brows done about every 3 months when I can no longer see through them hanging down over my eyes - but my legs or bikini area? uh No way! I would rather shave every time I shower. And u said it only lasts a week b4 u have to shave again? That is crazy!
Made me laugh though :)
Hi Gill,
Enjoy being hairless while you can!:o)
HAve a great day.
You do tell a great story!!
I could feel your pain!!!
You gave me a great big smile and for that I am sorry.... I should not be laughing at you.... laughing with you sounds better...!! Hehehehe!
Diane at Crafty Passions
You are too funny girl !
LOL, I am jealous...
I want to get my legs waxed so bad, but not in my budget this week. Hard to justify when I just keep getting free razors. (I'm not complaining, Love the free razors) I've tried to wax myself, but I think there is a part of the brain that just wont let a person inflict that much pain on themselves.
Enjoy the smooth legs!!
I am far to chicken to get anything waxed other then my eyebrows.. and even that's been an (unfortunately) long time... oh the joys of having kids and the guilt of doing anything for yourself!
thanks for all your comments....
I am glad to hear that feet can be rescued, it gives me hope.
The shoe brand is Kubo.
Thanks for visiting.
Hi Gill
Thanks for visiting our blog - I wonder why we all had headaches. If you lived near me we could blame the weather or something like that.
I loved your story about the waxing - I remember the first time I waxed my eyebrows myself and was removing a few hairs above my brow - but I didn't realise that the end of the strip was hanging over my eyebrow - oops! I ended up with a bare stripe in the middle of my brow. I only tweeze now or get them professionally done!
That sounds painful! I have never done this before. You are brave! lol
The agony woman put themselves through! I can't get waxing dome as I have too many broken capillaries so I will have to live vicariously through you.
I'm sure you felt highly pampered afterwards.
(Had to take my first dose of the elderberry syrup today, I had the sniffles)
this is such a funny story and i take it as a serious warning! i would rather pluck out every little hair myself than let anyone else have a go. ouch!!
Well, Gill. Thank you for sharing! Know exactly what I am NOT going to do, now... Was just very lucky to be born with very, very light hair - and have never shaved my legs past my knee caps. I wish I never would have started shaving - wouldn't have to shave my legs at all - the hair, above my knees, is so light and thin you can barely see it. But, once you start, you can't stop. I have had my eyebrows waxed - once. That was enough for me... Cannot - CANNOT - imagine having my legs and bikini area done!
Sitting here with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard...
Visited on Rose's recommendation, and thoroughly enjoyed this! I've never had a wax, and am not sure I would WANT one! :-) All I hear are horror stories! :-) Have a great weekend!
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