Thursday, March 14, 2024

What happened on Wednesday..............

I have come to the conclusion it's one of "those" weeks, this week.  I got a call on Tuesday from the dentist, asking me if I wanted to change my cleaning appointment to 8am on Wednesday morning.  Said that was fine and off I went there on Wednesday morning.

The hygienist was someone I hadn't dealt with before.  Although quite nice; she was also very pushy.  As I think back to what she said about my mouth and teeth, I personally should walk into a lake and never come back out....LOL  I mean if she did "praise" anything it was followed by a negative comment about my mouth.

She did however suggest I should use a water flosser, as I refuse point blank to floss my teeth with regular floss as it feels like nails on a chalk board to me.  I will take her up on that idea, to try it out.  All in all that visit cost $140, and all she did was clean my teeth.  I do not have them polished, don't like that.  She did floss my teeth, she scraped them and poked about in my mouth.  I did not see the dentist, as it meant hanging around for another 15 minutes, as he didn't start until 9am.  So all in all a waste of time and money!!

I am back to ordering my fruit and veg bags, for $20 a month.  Here is what I got for $20.  There is only one thing we won't use and that is the celery, but I have my good friend coming up today and will give it to her.

I know I have mentioned this before but I do love my Tupperware FridgeSmart containers.  They work so good.  Here is everything put away ready to go into the fridge.

Where I pick the veggie bag up is at the north end of the city close to the mall, so had a look around there.  Plus I got a coupon in the mail for 6 free bagels from Great Canadian Bagel, as it's my birthday in March.  I have never got this before, and don't remember signing up for it?  If you click on the link and look for the birthday icon, you can sign up there.  So I picked up two sesame seed, two cheddar cheese and two everything bagels.  I also treated myself to a sesame seed bagel with veggie cream cheese and a coffee for my lunch, which cost $7.

I was also bad and picked up three books for $10 at Indigo in the mall.

I rarely go to the mall, so enjoyed my walk around it.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I got that same call from our dentist too wanting me to come in for a cleaning but wouldn't be able to see the dentist himself necessitating a second appointment later on. Nope, didn't fall for it. Seemed to me to be a money grab because I'd have to pay for two appointments.

Linda said...

I use Oral B Pro Health Original, the only one I can stand. My dentist said I was using an excellent floss. Next time you make an appointment, go on and on how you missed your regular hygienist to get her back. I had one woman I did not like at all. So, I made sure never to get her again. Life is too short to let someone mean or rude mess around in your mouth. Of course, you could accidentally bite her.

How much did you pay for all of that? Is it two bags or one? It all looks good. We don't have anything like that except something called Angel something.

angela said...

Sometimes I think dentists poke around there just to make more holes.
I had one I liked, helped with the phobia I have. He’s gone now and there is a lady. She’s not bad. But yes pushy
Don’t like that. Not at all.
Nice job with the bargain hunting

Jackie said...

My hygienist wants to use the water cleaning on me the next time I go.... It really hurts me as I have very sensitive teeth. I may try it once and if it is too bad that will be the last time. I will continue with the manual cleaning.

Wow you got a great deal on the books and that is a lovely birthday gift from the bagel place.

God bless.

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...