I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Which Kitchen would you pick and why?
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
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Monday, January 29, 2024
Cross stitch update and painting craft.
I had dd and the girls up for a visit, so I bought these bee houses from Dollar Tree. I had leftover craft paint from a couple of paint by number projects. So we painted one each.
From left to right, daughter, me, then the girls. I have said this before, I have a small amount of talent in some things, but when it comes to painting I have NONE!! 😂
Here is the latest update with the temperature cross stitch. We have had a mild week. January should be all blue colours, not green and blue. This coming week's forecast is a mixed bag, with no deep freeze in sight. Which is good and was reflected in our gas bill. It was $20 cheaper than last year. I have a spreadsheet set up to track all the bills, so I can make a budget for us; for when hubby retires.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Lint roller tip
You know those lint rollers that you use on your clothes? I bought mine from Canadian Tire for $1.99 the other day. I would assume the dollar store sells them as well?
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Pension question......
For the people who receive a pension or know people who receive pensions.
Do you get tax taken off your pension before receiving it? Or do you pay at the end of the year?
I honestly had no idea you had a choice in this. I am inclined to get 25% taken off before receiving it.
Our local library had Service Canada employee's available for questions last week, so hubby finished work early as he had some questions about the forms you have to fill out to apply for your Canada Pension (CPP) and OAS.
If you were born in Canada and had worked your 40 years the forms are pretty straight forward. However, as we were born outside of Canada and hubby worked in the UK and is getting UK pensions they are a bit more complicated.
I will say, I am amazed when people say they are just going to retire without pre-planning anything.
Do you have any pension stories to share?
Friday, January 26, 2024
Weekly Savings Challenge....Update
Now as you can see I have completed two more squares, the $51 square is also crossed off. I find it rewarding to see those squares crossed off. I leave the money in the jar, as I feel it will get "lost" in the bank amongst our other money.
There is a reason why I am saving this particular amount, which I will explain at the end of the year.
I have read a number of books over this month and managed to review them over at my book review blog, here.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Washing Machine Cleaning...........
I can blame my son and daughter-in-law for all this work 😏 We were talking the other week about our front loader washing machines and they were complaining about the mould on the seal and how they are having to clean out the filter because Liam insists on rolling around in the dirt in his snowsuit.....don't ask???
Anyhow, I decided to order some product from Amazon for both of us to clean the mould off the seal. I got it and decided to try it before giving the product to my daughter-in-law just to make sure it works. You can see it here on Amazon, and I give it a 10 out of 10. It works so well.
Make sure you read all the instructions first. Also if you are not keen on using chemicals, this product is not for you, it has acid in it.
I left it on for 6 hours, and there is enough product left in the tube to do it again.This is what it looked like before:
This is what it looked like after. You do have to do a machine cleaning cycle after you have done this to remove any remaining product after you have wiped it off.
Now at the bottom of my washer and probably yours, is a door. Inside is a filter. Mine even has instructions on how to clean it all out. Make sure you put a pan or towel on the floor to catch any water.
As I have had this set for five years and never cleaned it out, it was not only filthy it stunk. Gosh was it stinky.
The water in my bucket was black.
However after all said and done, and a little bit of work, my washer is sparkling clean.
I won't be leaving it so long next time.
My dryer has had a thorough clean out as it was playing up, so hubby had it all apart.
One job on our list is to renovate the laundry room at the end of the year. Looking forward to sorting it all out.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Shower Organization
We have a large walk in shower, with two shower heads, one at either end. We only use the one, which you can't see in this photo.
I picked up this five pack of shower organizers from Amazon, you can view them here. It had good reviews and I liked how you could affix them to your wall.
It comes with clear instructions of what you have to do and they are removable as well.
I only ended up using the two baskets as we don't have a lot of things in our shower.
Now our walk in shower is huge, and has two shower heads. We use just the one with no toiletries on it.
I will say I am very pleased with the shower baskets, and you can lift them off the hooks to clean them. The shower cleaner was a good buy, as was the shower scrubber.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Craft Class
Our local library holds a free monthly craft class. There was spaces available for the January class so I signed up. As I am writing this, there are no spaces available for the rest of the months 😞
This month they were making a mobile.
Now what you need to make the mobile are the following:- 2 paint stirring sticks, you can get these at your local DIY store
- paint
- small hook
- glue stick
- glue gun
- paper
- thread or clear fishing line
- scissors
- pencil
- four small beads or wooden discs for the bottom of each string to weigh it down
As I didn't want to put a hook directly in my ceiling, I found these command hooks which work the same and won't damage my ceiling.
If you google how to make a mobile, there are lots on the internet with a lot better instructions than I gave.
Monday, January 22, 2024
Another week down with the temperature chart
It was a colder week this past week. There is even a purple in there as last Friday our high was -13oC. Honestly though it was in the minus 20's with the windchill, it was nippy cold. This week will be hot for this time of the year with temperatures on the plus side a couple of days.
We can't complain here in Southern Ontario as this year has been so mild, which in turn makes the winter feel shorter. January has been a fast month for me. It's February I detest as that's when we get some nasty weather.
On the flip side I love September and October as those are perfect temperatures to my mind and the air feels so much fresher.
What's your favourite month of the year?
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Bathroom cleaning tips..
I clean our bathroom on a Monday and a Friday. Monday is a deeper clean than a Friday and if needed I will wipe round the other days.
Now rather than do a deep clean once a month or whatever, I try and do one big thing per week. For instance this week I cleaned the drains/plug holes, in the bath, shower and sink. I use a mixture of baking soda/bicarb soda, white vinegar and boiling water:
Pour on some baking soda........Top it with white vinegar.
Pour boiling water on top of that. It all bubbles up and cleans out the drains.
A neat tip I stumbled upon, is after you clean your toilet. Place the brush between the the toilet and seat, like in the photo to dry off before putting it back in the holder. That way your holder is not full of toilet water.
Do you have any neat tips for cleaning your bathroom?
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Friday, January 19, 2024
Do you want to join me?
In saving $1000 this year? I know I am late to the game, but the one thing I liked about this chart which you can print off here, is that if you don't have much money to spare one week, you can put $3 in your jar. If you have more to spare, you can put the $60 in. If you can't afford to put any in there is a $0 week.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
New cleaning solution
I decided to try a new to me all-purpose cleaner. I have tried the dishwashing liquid from the same brand and was very happy with it, especially the scent, so thought I'd give this one a try.
I really enjoyed the blurb on the side of it, very good marketing.So I cleaned down all the kitchen cabinet doors, counter tops, top of the cupboards etc.
I would give it a 9/10. It worked as advertised and didn't leave a residue. I wiped everything down with a microfibre cloth, but found I had to go over it with paper towel, which has nothing to do with the product, but my cloth's.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
You're a right narna."
narna/nana is slang for fool/crazy
Mainly used in the UK.
For example: I felt like a right nana, when I was the only one who turned up in fancy dress for the party.
So what is this all about? Hubby loves to watch British football/soccer on the tv. I am generally around, and although not actually paying attention, I must be half paying attention.
The other day it was on tv and I was on my laptop, when all of a sudden I thought the commentator of the game says: "He's a right narna."
My head pops up and I say to hubby; "Did he call him a right narna?"
Hubby says; "No his name is Onana."
There is a football player called Andre Onana, who plays for Manchester United, you can read about him here.
The only problem now though, is I can't unhear the word narna/banana. He will always be a "right narna!!" Poor guy, I'm sorry!!Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Another week down........
It's going to be getting bluer and bluer this week, as the temperature is just dropping and dropping this week.
What is the weather like where you live?
Monday, January 15, 2024
You're having a party?
Then why wasn't I invited 😏 it's on our property? Bit cheeky if you ask me!
They are super hard to see in this photo, but there were a total of 16 mourning doves hanging around the pergola and fence on Saturday morning.
It wasn't too cold, but they were all fluffed up.They also like sitting on top of the pergola.
Wonder what the occasion was?
Sunday, January 14, 2024
10 minutes
The other day I went downstairs to get the laundry out of the dryer and discovered it still had 10 minutes to go, so I thought, lets see what I can achieve in ten minutes!!
- Have a pee.......then while in the downstairs bathroom, gave it a quick wipe round. It's never dirty per se, but it gets dusty for some reason.
- As I was going shopping after the laundry, I thought I'd check to see what coupons I had and what had expired. I don't have many, so it didn't take long to sort out, all expired ones went into the recycling. I did however find a $3 off coupon on cheese and used that while shopping....so a win there.
- Checked a drawer where I put spare coupons and gave that a good clean out and threw out an old pair of sunglasses; don't know why I had hung onto them. Also found some medication that has expired and needs to be taken back to the pharmacy for safe disposal; which reminds me, must check out another cupboard to see if we have anymore expired meds to take back.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Gill's Special.......
When my mother is using up odds and ends in the pantry and fridge, she always calls it a "Chris's Special." On Thursday I wanted to use up some odds and ends, so put together a Gill's Special.
This is what I used:
I had bought the hot dogs for 99 cents before Christmas. Hot dogs are a treat for us as we rarely eat them. I couldn't live off hot dogs, but one every now and then makes a nice change. The potatoes were from before Christmas and were sprouting and going soft. Hubby got some British baked beans as a gift at Christmas. He thoroughly enjoys beans on toast. I chopped up the veggies. Chopped up the hot dogs and popped everything into the slow cooker for the day.The steam was rising from the slow cooker when taking this photo.
We will get multiple meals and I may even pop some in the freezer for a later date.
Friday, January 12, 2024
When was the last time you wrote a cheque? I had to send a void cheque for hubby to get paid one of his pensions from the UK. Otherwise I have no idea when I last wrote a cheque. In fact our book of cheques has our old address on it, and I refuse point blank to order more, especially when the bank tells me it's fine as is, as it has all our correct info on it for our account details.
I think cheques are going the same way as cash, by the wayside. I personally use cash. I take out a certain amount of cash every week to pay for everything. I still put cash in my pots every week. $20 in the birthday pot, $20 in the Christmas pot and $50 in the other pot. It's automatic, been doing it for years. I never have to worry about affording a Christmas or birthday present that way.
The $50 other pot is for spending money on our vacation, or things that come up. For example it's our son's 40th coming up, so I will use some of that to give him something extra for his birthday. That $50 pot has come in handy time and time again.
Do you use cheques? Do you use cash? Do you put money away every week for various things?
Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...