Saturday, January 13, 2024

Gill's Special.......

When my mother is using up odds and ends in the pantry and fridge, she always calls it a "Chris's Special."  On Thursday I wanted to use up some odds and ends, so put together a Gill's Special.

This is what I used:

I had bought the hot dogs for 99 cents before Christmas.  Hot dogs are a treat for us as we rarely eat them.  I couldn't live off hot dogs, but one every now and then makes a nice change.  The potatoes were from before Christmas and were sprouting and going soft.  Hubby got some British baked beans as a gift at Christmas.  He thoroughly enjoys beans on toast.  I chopped up the veggies.  Chopped up the hot dogs and popped everything into the slow cooker for the day.

Doesn't it look good?  I did add a cup or so of frozen corn later in the afternoon.
The steam was rising from the slow cooker when taking this photo.
We will get multiple meals and I may even pop some in the freezer for a later date.

Do you do (insert your name here) specials?


Linda said...

I would never think to put all that together.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Resident Chef prides himself on using every last bit of food that he can and often makes what we call 'Kitchen Sink Soup' by throwing everything that needs using up into the crock pot and hoping for the best. So far it's always been good. He lives by the philosophy that if it's all good ingredients it should end up being good.

Belinda said...

That looks delicious, Gill. I like the name of it too.

My Piece of Earth said...

"Everything, but the kitchen sink" is my name for a dish I make. It never is the same ingredients, thus the name.

A nice warming dish for the weather we are having.

Anne in the kitchen said...

We do meals like that all the time with the bits and pieces of leftovers. When the kids were little I called it a Cowboy Meal, just to make it sound like something they would eat, and they did. The name stuck around even though the kids flew the nest.

Jackie said...

Your Gill's special looks really good.

God bless.


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day. Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got...