Back here I posted about the Northern Birthday Box Project, where you are matched with a child in Nunavut and you send up a box of items for them to have a birthday party. I got a message that the box was received took under two weeks, so pleased about that.
Through that site I discovered another Facebook group called Northern Canada Mini Projects. This group deals with different projects in different areas of the far north. Again you do have to join the group to see all the posts and get further details on what they are looking for.
Some of the projects are:
Naujaat Summer Literacy Help
Inuvik Feast and Foodbank Sale
Northern Manitoba Little Ladies Club
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Good Hope NWT Summer of Fun and Fitness Support needed
Hall Beach and Clyde River Food Bank Fundraiser Sale
Attawapiskat Summer Art and Baking Supplies Request
Port Good Hope NWT Warm Clothing and Elderwear Drive
Active Soup Kitchen Support (Sandy Lake, Baker Lake and Attawapiskat)
Active Food Bank Support
Rankin Inlet Women’s Shelter
Rankin Inlet--Adult Group Home
Sandy Lake Clothing Drive
Seeds of Love/ Greenhouse Support
Arctic Bay Women’s and Art Classes Help needed
I decided to donate to the Naujaat Summer Literacy Programme. I ordered a number of books from Book Outlet Canada as they are having a 25% off sale on children's books and they offer free shipping in Canada with orders over $45. If I had, had to pay for the shipping it would have been another $ not going to happen😏
All are worthy causes and there are many more. Amazon does deliver to certain places up North free of charge with a minimum order. Walmart charges $10 and a number of the clothing stores deliver free of charge again with a minimum order.
So especially people who read this and are in Canada please think about helping out in some way; even if it is just posting a link to this blog post of mine on your blog page or on your Facebook page. Every little helps.
Another little thing I am doing is making bookmarks for the kids using scraps of fabric I have on hand.......and believe me I have a lot!!
What you need is:
2 pieces of fabric (or scraps of fabric) 2 1/4 inches by 6 inches
1 piece of card stock paper, or light cardboard 1 1/2 inches by 5 1/4 inches
Piece of trim/ribbon/lace 5 inches
This is what it looks like when done:
That was just a sample to see what the pattern turned out like. If you need more detail on how to make these let me know and I'll explain it step by step.
Now to make a pile more and pop them into an envelope and ship up north.