I can't breath as soon as I lay down. My throat feels full of gunk, my ears are sore and my nose is runny. There is nothing on TV.........no surprise there I guess. Molly is sitting here chewing a bone, and I am feeling sorry for myself..........
I am one of those people who needs all the sleep they can get. I don't function well on anything less than 8 hours sleep a night. If you're an insomniac how on earth do you cope not having any sleep? I am guessing I will be sleeping on and off on Wednesday, so another wasted day.
Not sure if it's a full moon out there, but it seems as though it is quite light outside. So I think I will channel surf again to see what is on the TV at 3am in the morning!!!
Strange post for me this!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
I suffer from insomnia and usually manage four hours sleep a night. The worst part of it is that it is so so boring!!
I've been in the same situation so I know how you feel. Hope you can catch up on some sleep as the day goes on.
you have my every sympathy. I have often been in your shoes. Sleeping all day to catch up. Without proper sleep I get irritable and over emotional...
Just keep in mind that this will pass. I've got one of those nasty old colds too. The antibiotic keeps me from sleeping. I just keep saying a few more days......
I really hope that today is a new day and that you feel better. Try a hot pack on your ears and eyes and boiling water in the microwave and sit over it to let the steam help relieve the pressure. Take care.
Hello Gill
When that happens you need to raise your mattress a bit so you are on a slope that way the gunk doesn't settle on your chest and your airways stay open - just put a pillow under it. This is a better option than trying to get the same effect by sleeping raised with too many pillows - that just means you'll slide down the bed lol
Hope you feel better soon - try some echinacea also honey and lemon in hot water may help
Take care
You weren't alone. Finished the antibiotic. My innards are scalded. Hoping to feel better when my insides figure out tonight that that was the last pill. DearDog is doing better, too. Hang in there!! ~Liz
Oh Gill I feel for you, that is not nice. Same here as our builders came back today and none of us sleep well when they are here as they are sleeping downstairs! Good luck with tonight and hope you can grab a few winks in the day - but yes a wasted day feeling is not good. Tomorrow will come though.
Try some Karvol capsules. You cut off the end and pour lovely oil drops on your pillow. The eucalyptus or whatever magic ingredient is in there helps to keep your breathing clear.
Wonderful things.
Hope you get a bit of sleep today.
Light the fire, get a blanky, cuddle Molly and snooze.
Jane x
Have you tried Nyquil?...most cold rememdies do nothing for me, but this stuff does, it actually unclogs my nose so I can breathe/sleep! I know I sound like the commercial...lol
If you're up tonight, forget tv, go to youtube and enter in Lark Rise to Candleford, Season 4 has just begun in the UK and some kind soul has been downloading them to you tube. The same person also downloaded the first 3 seasons. Hours of lovely watching, assuming you're into that kind of thing.
I'm still really sick with it as well...have you tried Neo Citran, it seems to help a little during the day
Oh poor you - I hope is just a cold and not the flu. Sending you "get better soon" vibes and hope you get a decent sleep tonight.
I hope you feel better soon. I too am one of those people who does not function on less than eight hours.
Take care
Hope you're feeling better soon. |When I worked I could manage on about 6 hours a night. Now I'm retired I need about 9! Have no idea why.
Take care.
Oh, my! I hope you were able to get some rest throughout the day, Gill. I don't function very well without enough sleep, either.
Did you ever find anything worth watching on TV at that hour?!
Hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs
I don't know that I am an insomniac, but I am up till 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. most nights, then up two or three times between then and 9:30 or 10:00 when I usually get up...I get up those times usually because of the cats wanting this or that.
I used to stay up till 2:00 and get up and be at work by 7:30 when I worked at the orchard...I couldn't do that now.
Oh no, Gill!!! I hope you feel better soon!!! As for insomnia, I had some over the Holidays and I spoke to my aunt who has had insomnia pretty much all her life. She told me to follow a routine before bed even when on Holiday and that if I wasn't asleep within 45 minutes to turn the light back on and read a book until I felt drowsy. I also find that no TV and no computer for at least an hour before going to bed helps me too. I sleep way better when the PC has been off for a while before I go to sleep, otherwise I can have some pretty far out dreams!!!
Its never time wasted when you take time to rest and heal. I hope you feel bettr soon. Take care
I also don't funtion well with anything less than 8 hours (I prefer 10 if I can get it!) of sleep.
Feel better!
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