That's the slogan for Buckley's medicine and it is so true. I am taking this one and thanks to it, I can actually get a few hours sleep at a time on a night. I still feel like death warmed up. My throat is killing me and I have the energy of a tortoise, but I am getting there.
I HAD to go out yesterday to pick up Molly some allergy pills. So while I was out I picked up some honey, as my mother swears by fresh lemon juice, honey and warm water when you have a bad throat. By the way when I got home I collapsed in a big heap on the sofa as I was pooped.
I haven't been on the computer, so I am afraid I haven't visited anyone's blogs, I just don't have the energy, so I am sorry about that. Turns out this cold thing is doing the rounds, so I am not the only one with this.
Stay healthy and thanks for the get well wishes and for popping by.
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Get well soon Gill. These things take their time. Honey and lemon really is as good as anything but if you take the Buckleys and that helps, good! When I was small my dad used to make me butter balls for a sore throat. He used to roll little balls of butter into sugar and give me those! Not good for the waste-line but wonderful for the throat!
Get better soon Gill ! think i`d prefer whiskey to lemon and honey any day !
Feel better soon Gill. Honey and lemon is one of my favorite hot drinks for a cold. It is so soothing.
Oh poor you! Hope you are feeling better really soon. If you need anything I am only two hours away.
Jane x
So sorry you are feeling ill, hope you are better soon.
When I was little my Mum would give me hot orange juice and honey, I didn't like the lemon juice.
Get well soon, Gill, and forget blogging until then. Above all, stay warm.
We use Buckley's here too. The taste is gross yet it does work. Hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs
my suggestion is to add some grated fresh ginger to that hot water, honey and lemon drink, it really helps!
Hi Gill...sorry to hear about your cold. I have been down twice this winter with colds and I am not impressed!!! Like you I was a dishrag..I never watch much TV and you could not pull me out of the chair or sofa which ever I landed in.
Take care..hope your feeling better soon..PS.Kally's allergies are bad right now also..and ear infection..ugh!!
Hope you feel better soon Gill . I had it over Christmas , and stil feel bunged up and dry throated , not nice at all.
Take care . X
This bug seems to be making the rounds everywhere. I had it bad the first week of January. It lingers... Week three and it is just really breaking up now. Take it easy and rest as much as you can, drink lots of fluids, and listen to your body. Brandy helps too : )
I've heard that about Buckley's. You can try some Cold FX too, I swear by it! I took it as soon as I felt my cold coming on over Christmas and although I did feellike wet rag and had very little energy for two days, the cold was gone in a week! I also do the hot water, lemon and honey thing, it does help the throat and it tastes wonderful!!!
Prayin' for you. . . . . .Pulled a rib and moving like a tortoise here, too. ~Liz
Haven't heard of Buckleys but I agree with yourMmam. Lemon & honey with hot water is great. Even better with a tot of whiskey!
Reading Star's comment reminded me that my Mam used to make me butter & sugar when I was little as I got lots of sore throats until they took out my tonsils.
Take care & get well soon.
Poor you. Hope you soon feel much better Gill. I had flu over Christmas and only really felt better a few days ago. A x
The honey works for me - I even take it just by the spoonful when I have a really bad cough - it seems to ease the tickle better then cough syrup plus it doesn't have all those nasty chemicals in it.
Get well soon.
I had whopping cough recently. My mountain doctor said to keep drinking hot green tea with lemon and buckwheat blossom honey and a shot of whiskey.
Feel better!
Your mom is right about honey....a study has been done and two teaspoons of it is more effective than dextromathoraphan that is the active ingredient in a lot of OTC cough syrups.
Hope you feel better soon.
Lots of healing thoughts being sent your way from our sunny shores to your winter wonderland!
Here's hoping you feel nearly well if not completely well. I'm with your Mum on the honey, lemon but make it whiskey not water!
People are sick over on my side of the world too, luckily for me I always have Buckley's. I swear it tastes like pine trees and diesel fuel but it does work :)
Feel better Gill!
sore throat--gargle with diluted peroxide. Yes, really. An oncologist gave me the tip. It works. (Don't try straight peroxide--not only does it taste awful--your mouth won't quit foaming!)
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