finally had a long chat with dd on Monday and came to the awful realization that I need to go on a diet so that I will look my best for this wedding. Now as those of you who have read my blog for a while, know I am allergic to exercise. No really, I am allergic to it. I hate getting all sweaty, nine times out of ten I injure myself, and it's not my idea of a good time.
Oh, and for some reason there is a lot of chocolate in the house at the moment!! So of course I can't throw that out, what a waste that would be. I am going to have to figure out how to turn the Wii on and maybe pull out the Wii Fit from the box it came in back in May of 2009. That might be sort of fun I guess, I have that Just Dance Wii game thingy also and I like to dance so I guess that could be fun as well? If I keep rabbiting on, I may just convince myself that doing some exercise will be a good thing........{{{SIGH}}}
I also had a question for you what would you say of you got a pot of homemade raspberry jam as a wedding favour? It would have a fancy dancy label on it with the bride and grooms name on it along with the date etc. I mentioned it to someone and they thought it was a very unusual wedding favour........of course we would think of something else for the kids that would be going, not that there will be many kids going, as in both mine and dd opinion young children and weddings don't mix, it's boring for them.
I am hoping all these wedding posts will fritter out in the next few days as even I will be bored of them!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Best way to lose weight is not to put anything in your mouth! LOL!
Cut out the 'carbs' 'fats' and
hi-choleserol' products. Eat 4 small litr-snack meals (carrot and celery sticks, etc) plus one full hi-protein meal a day. Regularly sip water from your own drinking bottle. You should lose 2.5kg/week if you stick to that diet.
HaHa! I too am allergic but I have been overcoming it and going to the gym for about 6 weeks now. I find if I get up early, before the brain and that tine voice in my head, are awake I get there without too much trouble. You know that voice, the one that tells you your too tired, its too early, it wont work anyway. Once Iv been then its over for the day and I dont have to worry about about it till the next.
As for the chocolate, well there too much here so if you work out what to do about it let me know! I cannot just throw it out, it goes agains everything I believe in. And now the kids are not around its just left to me to make sure it goes to a very good cause. My belly!
A cute little pot of homemade jam with a pretty lid skirt would be great!
We didn't have children except my two nephews (their Mum was my Maid of Honour)at our wedding. To be perfectly honest, we had both been to too many weddings where children were running around and grizzling through the ceremony to want that at ours. Yes, it upset some people but it was our day so "take it or leave it". If I were to give any advice to your daughter it would be to do what she wants and do not feel as though she has to explain her decisions to anyone.
Jane x
When I am feeling a bit stronger I am also going to start on the WII again- I am so damned unfit !! Merry Christmas Gill XXX
Jam sounds unusual but in a good way. In my experience, children (if part of invited families) will be in attendance at weddings. These social events are much more inclusive than they were when I was a bride.
My kids gave away little hemlock trees. They were adorable.
And the weight thing? They love you for who you are, not what you look like. There are so many outfits that are very becoming.
All the best!
I agree the jam is an unusual favor to give but I like the idea ! You are not the only one who needs to go on a diet-maybe we can encourage each other ? probably should get someone to sponsor me to raise funds for MND ![would help me stick to it -well hopefully!!] That could be a plan !
Hello Gill
Well I can't say much about the exercise thing as I'm oneof those 'gunna do it' people who recently never seem to able to get round to it lol
You know your idea of the jam as a favor sounds like a great idea and isn't such a daft one as you think - its far more Canadian than the bag of sugared almonds that we got at a Nova Scotian wedding -
Try to find some really nice small old fashioned looking jars and as you say place a rather nice name plate on them. Do you want to be remembered at 'run of the mill normal' or someone willing to try anything different or should I ask what sort of person is your daughter
Take care
jam sounds good to me
My niece gave away little boxes containing 3 home made cookies this summer at her wedding.
wishing you every success wth your dieting!
Just to let you know.... the jam is a good idea. When my son and DIL got married in 2007, we (bride and groom stirred with me as jam making coach) made 160 tiny pots of home made strawberry jam and printed up labels with the couple's name and the date and copying the design on their wedding invitation. We made fancy fabric tops for the jam pots out of fabric to match the bridesmaids dresses. The jam idea was significant as we live in an area famous for strawberries plus my dad grew strawberries for a living back in N Devon when I was a child.
My comments, it would depend on what time of the year they are planning on getting married.
The jam sounds unusual, brides and grooms have a lot of different ideas these days. It's dd day, so she can do what ever she wants to. Recently at a autumn wedding the favours were tulip bulbs, my grand daughter had caramel apples.
I think a jar of jam is a really cute idea! A friend of mine who JUST got married, Meredith, did the same with some homemade strawberry jam! (about half way down the post)
I think the jam idea could really work. How about putting a couple of pieces of white lace on some jars and black bow ties on others to mimic the bride and groom theme...
Eat drink & be merry & look yourself in the wedding pics!
You can try pilates for wedding exercise, it's easy and doesn't generally generate too much sweat, not at the beginner level anyhow or at least it didn't for me.
As for the wedding favour, I think raspberry jam is a brilliant idea, I would be very happy to get that!
Agree with JohnD BUT what's wrong with just being yourself. You'll look lovely ... brides' mothers always do.
Speaking of chocolate - right after Christmas all the good chocolate is sold at 50 % off!!! Who can resist?!
As for the wedding favor, I think that it is a great idea. Put a label on it that says "love potion - guaranteed to work for newlyweds and others".
Congratulations Gill and all, jam is great, we went to a wedding a few years ago and they gave strawberry jam so yes, go for it! Good luck and you are lovely the way you are - buy something lovely!
Fee, Somerset x
One of my friends hired the local Girl Scounts to babysit the children. They had their reception/dance at a hotel & had one of the extra conference rooms. The Girl Scounts did an excellent job of playing with the kids. There was food, movies, games and they had some sleeping bags on air mattresses. The parents could check in to see how the kids were & then go back to the main reception. It made everyone happy & everyone enjoyed the day.
I am so terribly allergic as well!
I think the jam sounds like a great idea, way better than some things I have received that make it straight to the charity pile!
I ended up giving all the left-over goodies to my in-laws today to take home with them. Just read about your daughter's engagement. Congratulations Gill, an exciting time for you. I think the jam idea is a really good one. Our daughter-in-law also did their own table flowers at the reception. They bought square, short glass vases and popped in the tops of three maybe four pastel-colored geraniums to decorate the tables. They were very pretty. Afterwards guests were told to take them home and I enjoyed mine for several days.
Great idea for a wedding favour! Wish I had of thought of that when my son got married. I too hate exercising but really need to do it. I actually made a start yesterday. I really hope that what they say about doing something everyday for a month it becomes a habit. Let's hope.
My diet starts Jan 3rd *sigh* any cookies or chocolates still in the hosue that will be tossed or well hidden by DH.
Congrats on the coming nuptuals! When is the wedding?
That Wii fit sounds fun as does the Dance thing.
They have a similar gadget for the game system my son has - I may have to get that so I too can exercise - I do have a treadmill, but that just isn't all that fun.
I would very much like to have a pot of raspberry jam as a wedding favour.
At my son's wedding last July, which is still very much in my mind, they had lots of large jars of sweets and filled sweetie jars up for the children. I was surprised at how popular they proved to be - ESPECIALLY WITH THE ADULTS!
You won't be able to fritter out these pre wedding post because it is a huge event that is going to take place and you need us, your fellow bloggers to bounce back ideas off of.
My sisters wedding was over 2 years in preparing for. I'm glad my Dad was able to give her that dream wedding, it was perfect.
There is so much to consider and your dd hasn't set a date yet has she?
The jam is a great idea because everyone loves homemade jam.
Gill I'm so excited for you and dd it will bring you even closer together helping her plan the perfect day.
I think jam would be lovely. A couple of years ago in Vancouver (BC) we attended a wedding where the bride's mother ran some sort of specialty jam and presesrve company. The favours there were a variety of fancy little jars of the most divine champagne and rose petal jam, cherry, peach, or strawberry. They were divine! Eating them on our toast every breakfast left us smiling for weeks. So by all means use the jars of jam as a favour. I just wish I were near enough to have some too. Because all this talk of food is making me hungry! Canadian Chickadee
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