I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
cross stitch update
This is my latest update; I have completed stitching right up to this past Tuesday. As you can see we had some stinking hot days last week, and this chart does not include the humidity, so the temps were in the 40's a couple of those days. Everyone was weary and miserable. It's a lot cooler at the moment.
As I have finished my paint by numbers I thought I'd start another puzzle, I have two yet to make. Dh bought me this Thomas Kincaide one for my birthday I think? It's a 1000 piece one and flipping hard.
I am making good progress though with it, as I have only been doing this since Sunday.What are you up too crafting wise?
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Banana Muffins
I had bought too many banana's and had some over ripe ones that even I couldn't eat, so decided to make some banana muffins. I did a google search for "moist banana muffins and came up with this recipe, for "The Best Banana Muffin Recipe."
Now I followed the exact recipe, but did not put the streusel on the top of it.
I also only have a 6 hole silicone muffin pan, so had to use a 6 hole cupcake silicone pan as well. So that the muffin pan had twice the amount of mixture in it.
I put them in the oven for the allotted time. The ones on the left needed an extra 3 minutes until they were cooked, and I cooked the ones on the left for an extra 10 minutes after that.As you can see from the photo one lot was twice the size of the other lot, due to the baking pans.
The verdict though is I would use that recipe again in a heartbeat, as they are super moist, soft and tasty.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Beware of Scams!!
Son called us the other night to tell us what had happened earlier on in the evening.
They were having their supper and a guy came to the door. Son answered it and the guys says, "I'm here to pick up the lawn tractor." Son tells the guy he doesn't have a lawn tractor; the guy explains he has put a deposit down on it from an ad on Facebook Marketplace and was given this address to pick it up.
Son says maybe you have the wrong number/address, but he doesn't have a lawn tractor. Off the guy goes, and son and family get on with their night.
Just after putting the boys to bed, there is another knock on the door. It's another guy here to see the lawn tractor. Again son explains, and again this guy says it's from an ad on Facebook Marketplace.
So someone was using son's address for a scam. It looks as though one had given a deposit and the other was just going to view it.
Thankfully both guys believed son, because it could easily have turned nasty. I have heard of this happening, but have never experienced it myself. It goes to show have even using Facebook Marketplace is now not as simple as it seems.
Has anything like this happened to you?
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Sharks in the Water! 🦈
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Saturday, June 22, 2024
What do you do if your car has a boo-boo?
You put a band aid/plaster on the boo-boo!!!
Saw this in a parking lot the other day!! Never seen a band aid/plaster that big before. This isn't my car by the way.
Friday, June 21, 2024
Chelsea Flower Show
We have been watching the Chelsea Flower Show on Brit Box. One of the things I thoroughly enjoyed was a vendor from Denmark with his willow you can visit the site here.
Imagine my surprise while at Home Depot, there were some similar ones. I had to pick one up.
I potted it up in a tub.I will keep it in the pot over winter in the garage for this year. I am thinking that as they survive in Denmark they should be okay here in our 5b zone.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Container Garden
I purchased this modular container garden at Home Depot. It was on clearance for $79. I then picked up some plants in the clearance section of Home Depot, along with some herbs and soil to plant them up.
I am too late to plant more veggies, so figured flowers and herbs would do for this year.I put petunia's in one section.
Basil, chives and parsley for the middle section.
The third was filled with two dahlia plants.
There were a couple of dahlia flowers out.
All in all very happy with how it all turned out.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Cross stitch and paint by numbers update....
Here is my temperature cross stitch latest update.
We are going to see temperatures in the higher range this coming week.Then I finished my latest paint by numbers. I am really pleased with it. I love the bright colours.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Oops, I did it again!
Today is our 41st wedding anniversary. Got up this morning and saw that hubby had put an envelope on top of my laptop. He leaves the house by 4:30 am for work. My first words out of my mouth when I saw that envelope was *hit, *hit, *hit!!! I had forgotten to pop his envelope with card in it on his lunch box for him!!
So I go and get the card to write it. As I am writing it I am reading the verse and thinking what a lovely verse it was, then right at the end it says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Again, *hit, *hit, *hit!!
So I call hubby to "confess" that yes I had forgotten our wedding anniversary and I had picked up a birthday card for him, instead of a wedding anniversary card!!
This is not the first time I have forgotten our wedding anniversary; but what's worse is I was just talking about it on my blog yesterday afternoon!! Is this the beginning signs of memory loss do you think???
Monday, June 17, 2024
Back again
I honestly think I have nothing to talk about most days. I lead a very boring life, just doing the same thing day in, day out. So I always think what can I say? So I guess I do a few posts, then take a mini break?
What's going to be on everyone's mind here in Southern Ontario this week is the weather. We are under a heat wave and it's stinking hot and humid. However on the weekend it was cooler, so hubby and I had a drive over to a village called Creemore. Now I know I have talked about it before on my blog. Here is a post from 2009. They have a Farmer's market on a Saturday and so wanted to have a wander around that.
First a cup of coffee at the Bank Cafe. When I walked into the cafe, I had a mini panic attack with the number of types of cups of coffee you could order. Brought back flashbacks of being in the UK. No I don't want a Flat White, I just want a normal cup of coffee. The lady behind the counter was super nice, and we got drip coffee and added our own milk (me) and half and half (dh).
Now one vendor I fell in love with was Bloom and Spade, because they had bucketful's of ranuculus, which is a favourite flower of mine. You can read more about growing ranuculus here.Aren't those colours just gorgeous?
As it is our wedding anniversary this week, I treated myself to a bunch of their flowers.
Although beautiful I felt they were a little expensive at $25 a bunch.
I will say though they are holding up despite the heat, and they do look pretty. The pink peony is also a show stopper.
The only other thing I bought was some lettuce greens from this vendor; which at only $3 a bag was a good deal.
I popped them into my Tupperware Fridgesmart and this is what they looked like two days later.There was enough in that package to make salad for the two of us over two days. I dressed it in a Balsamic Vinaigrette from Kraft, and added some cherry tomatoes and creamy feta. Never bought creamy feta, and won't again. We were not too keen on it.
So there you go something different from me. I will probably be doing a couple more posts this week, as I do have a couple of other things to talk about which may be of interest to you.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Friday, June 7, 2024
What do you do when it's hot and humid outside?
Well of course I decided to bake......as why not....LOL
I picked some rhubarb the other day and hadn't gotten around to using it, so decided to use some in the rhubarb cake, I used this recipe.
I had to use up the rest of the leeks, so made a leek and smoked cheese quiche.While the quiche was cooking I popped in some potatoes to make roasted potatoes which I coated in balsamic vinaigrette.
Supper was quiche, potatoes and salad. With a piece of rhubarb cake for pudding. It was yummy!
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Champagne Bubbles.............
One of our neighbours up the road posted on our subdivision Facebook site, that she had free veggie plants she was giving away. I reached out to her and asked her if I could have a couple and she said yes.
I picked up a yellow bell pepper, a chocolate bell pepper, a jalapeno pepper and two cherry tomato plants. I gave the pepper plants to our son, as he has more room than I have to plant them, plus I know he'll give me any excess he has.
Here are my cherry tomato plants, I am hoping this tub is large enough, it should be:
and this is where the blog post title comes in; the name of this variety is champagne bubbles, as they are a yellow variety.I am going to pop by this ladies house and give her a set of my reusable produce bags as a thank you gift for the plants.
Do you have a veggie garden? Or just veggies in tubs?
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Just stunning..........photo heavy.
Now despite being British I have no luck when it comes to growing roses. I have one mini rose in the garden, and it's hanging in there by a thread!
My white peony is coming into bloom also. I need to pick some, as every year we get a summer storm and it gets bashed to bits.
I also have a couple of white clematis in flower now. The purple ones are all done.
I "think" this may be a Columbine? Not 100% sure.
One thing I need to look for are Irises. This is a mini one.
Finally my bleeding heart, I have a white one, but it's all done flowering for the year. They are hardy plants.
Are you busy gardening?
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Bridgerton Season 3 | Part 2 Official Trailer | Netflix
Monday, June 3, 2024
Couple of crafting updates.........
New month, so finished of the May section and started on the June section with my temperature cross stitch.
Now is it just me, or do you also think this year is just scooting on by? May was a wet month but nice and warm. It has cooled off a little so the a/c hasn't been on the last few days, which is nice.
As I have been reading a lot of books, my paint by numbers has suffered. Here is what I have finished so far on it:
It's going to be lovely when finished, but I am struggling seeing all the numbers. They are very faint.
What have you been up to crafting wise?
Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...