Monday, June 3, 2024

Couple of crafting updates.........

New month, so finished of the May section and started on the June section with my temperature cross stitch.

Now is it just me, or do you also think this year is just scooting on by?  May was a wet month but nice and warm.  It has cooled off a little so the a/c hasn't been on the last few days, which is nice.

As I have been reading a lot of books, my paint by numbers has suffered.  Here is what I have finished so far on it:

It's going to be lovely when finished, but I am struggling seeing all the numbers.  They are very faint.

What have you been up to crafting wise?


Joy said...

You can really see how much warmer it gets, can't you? It's going to look fantastic. Loving the painting by numbers too. xx

Angie said...

A few years back, I cross-stitched a full sized Monopoly Board for my daughter, who collects them. My eyesight just isn't what it used to be! I found that a pair of reading glasses in a much stronger lens than I use when reading greatly helped. Would this be beneficial to you while painting? I purchased mine at Dollar Tree.

My Piece of Earth said...

All the months go by fast Gill. not just May. Painting coming along nicely, going to be nice when done.

I have finished a quilt for GGD #7, and starting one for a great niece who will be arriving in October. Not crafting related but, shortened a pair of pants for my sister, she does not own a needle or any thread!

Jackie said...

I really like the idea of a cross stitch weather recording. Do you think you will continue with another next year?
You are so very neat when doing paint by number. Mine used to look like blobs until you got quite a ways away from the painting.

God bless.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm with you in thinking the months are speeding by. I suspect we'll blink and summer will be over.
I'm really enjoying your weather of the nicest, and most doable, versions I've seen.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...