Friday, June 7, 2024

What do you do when it's hot and humid outside?

Well of course I decided to why not....LOL

I picked some rhubarb the other day and hadn't gotten around to using it, so decided to use some in the rhubarb cake,  I used this recipe.

I had to use up the rest of the leeks, so made a leek and smoked cheese quiche.
While the quiche was cooking I popped in some potatoes to make roasted potatoes which I coated in balsamic vinaigrette.
Supper was quiche, potatoes and salad.  With a piece of rhubarb cake for pudding.  It was yummy!


Joy said...

Your home must have smelled amazingly good! xx

Sharon said...

Look delicious. I try not to turn on the oven when hot and humid. We don't have air conditioning (just a small window one) and it makes things too hot. The smell must have been lovely!

DB Stewart said...


Linda said...

I get in AC! It is so cool in this house when ac is on since the kitchen is at the back of the house and on east. I can use the oven without heating the house. I need to make a rhubarb pie.

Jackie said...

Pretty much love a rhubarb anything in this house. We finished the rhubarb pie I made and I will be pulling out more frozen rhubarb to make a cake or perhaps muffins. Your cake looks delicious, as does the quiche.

God bless.

Margie from Toronto said...

I just brought a lot of rhubarb so must try that recipe! I made a quiche last week - 4 different cheeses - it was very tasty. When I cook in the Summer I try to get up early and do it all then before it gets unbearable. I only have A/C in the bedroom so try to keep the heat down as much as possible.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I love lots of cold meals in the heat of the summer so there's usually lots of pasta salads on the menu.

Chris said...

I like your rhubarb cake recipe and have lots of rhubarb to pick. Think I'll be baking soon!

Patio Postcards said...

Next to book recommendations, I like recipe shares. Thanks for the rhubarb cake. With all this rain, the rhubarb is growing like a weed :)

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