Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sharks in the Water! 🦈

So we were babysitting on the weekend.  Babysat the boys, Saturday into Sunday while their parents were away.  The weather was awful with a lot of rain and Liam picked up a stomach bug so was in bed early poor thing.

Evan will be 3 this coming Saturday and he LOVES the video below.  I mean really, really LOVES this video.

Now to be fair when you first watch it, it's quite catchy don't you think?  However after watching it 100 times (slight exaggeration!!), it does start to get on your nerves; just saying!!!  

This guy is the Australian version of Blippi.

Now between me and you I don't know who is worse.  Blippi's voice gets on my nerves, so maybe Go Danny, or is it Danny Go(?) wins.

Remember when Barney was the hit for all younger kids?  Sesame Street has stood the test of time.  

The one thing I do enjoy is being able to watch kids movies with the kids.  I would never think of doing that other wise!

Is there a particular kids character you enjoy?


Jackie said...

I have always loved The Muppets.

God bless.

angela said...

When my daughters girls were little. We listened to the floor is lava on so many times. And I and to run and jump with them
My youngest granddaughter is now three and she loves bluey on a Friday when I have her all day we watch hours and hours of bluey

DB Stewart said...

My grandkids (pre-school) all love Bluey and Trash Truck.

Linda said...

That is sooo cute. I don't know any of the other characters you mentioned. I remember Barney but not from my children, just from hearing about Barney. I can imagine this video has lots for the kids to do, like jumping out of the water onto a sofa.
Practical Parsimony

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Our kids weren't particularly into movies and shows beyond the usual Sesame Street, Friendly Giant and Mr. Dressup but books were their thing. They had a Dr. Seuss book 'Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb' that first went through our oldest who insisted it be read several times over every..single....night for months. He just got out of it and the younger kid went into it. We must have read that book to them every night for at least two or three years (or at least it seemed like it at the time).

cross stitch update

 This is my latest update; I have completed stitching right up to this past Tuesday.  As you can see we had some stinking hot days last week...