Just seen a hot air balloon go past the house. Looks kind of fun, if you don't mind heights.......
The morning's are so nice and cool at the moment, just love that.
Dh's hand is on the mend, still wearing the brace at work.
Talking about his work, the factory where he is contracted out to had to call the police in, as someone was growing marijuana plants in the grounds??? No one was arrested!
Dh was up at 2:30 am this morning to go to work........hopefully he'll be home by lunch time......
Our Little Munchkin went on a Thomas the Tank Engine train ride last weekend and had a great time:
This week she also said Nana without someone prompting her to say it!
Got all 9 gnomes done, just making another three now as "spares."
Our Little Man was running a temperature this week, but is fine now. He'll be one on September 12th.
Our Little Princess has a new name now; "Little Miss Chatterbox," as she never shuts up and is always asking why.......sound familiar!
Going to get the yearly sticker/licence for my car today, as it goes up $10 in September......AGAIN!
Right; better get in the shower as just just after 7:30 am. Have a great day!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
It was a shredding type of day........
When you have trouble getting into the paid bill file, it's time to do some shredding!
The pile wasn't too bad........
and I only had three of these waste paper bins full. Had this waste paper bin for years; got it from Ikea.
I should be good now for another few months
And talking about paper, do you remember this song:
The pile wasn't too bad........
and I only had three of these waste paper bins full. Had this waste paper bin for years; got it from Ikea.
I should be good now for another few months
And talking about paper, do you remember this song:
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Lots and lots of body parts.......
I am busy knitting gnomes as take home gifts for Our Little Man's first birthday in September. I have a bag full of body parts all ready to sew together. I like to knit a few and then sew them up all at once.
Here are five that are completely finished.
I have also knit a couple of baby hats. The one on the left is for a little girl it is pale blue, lilac and cream, and the other on is a blue/lilac shade for one of two babies that are due in the New Year. I am hoping one of them will be a boy!!
For more Yarn Along with Ginny posts please click on this link.
Here are five that are completely finished.
I have also knit a couple of baby hats. The one on the left is for a little girl it is pale blue, lilac and cream, and the other on is a blue/lilac shade for one of two babies that are due in the New Year. I am hoping one of them will be a boy!!
I haven't had much time to do any reading. Although I did get this book read this past week:
Ariadne Evans swore her sleuthing days were over after her very own knitting shop became a crime scene a few months back. But she hadn't anticipated that the Freeport Wool and Yarn Festival would become the site of another murder -- with hers truly as a prime suspect. Since Ari was the one to find the body of Felicia Barr -- the much detested and influential owner of Knit It Up magazine -- with a knitting needle stuck in her back, the cops are needling Ari for answers. In a stitch, Ari dons her hand-knit detective cap and helps her on-and-off boyfriend, Detective Josh Pierce, untangle the day's events and solve a very woolly crime -- before the killer strikes again....
It was an okay book; guessed part of the murder/mystery, but not all of it; it was an easy read. You can read more about it here on Amazon. Does have a couple of knitting patterns in the back of the book for A Padded Coat Hanger, which is super simple and a "No Hair Day" Chemo Cap, again a very easy pattern to follow and uses Lion Brand Fun Fur.
For more Yarn Along with Ginny posts please click on this link.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
I am a rotten blogger at the moment..........
however in all fairness I have been busy.
On Saturday we went up to Barrie where gas/petrol prices were below the dollar mark per litre. Been a long time since we have seen that:
Called in at the garden centre and had a wander around and among all the photos I took, I took this one:
Called in at the DIY store and bought wood to start finishing off the basement and then came home. We then headed out to the airport to pick up son and daughter-in-law; as they had been in Rome, Italy for the week on vacation. They had a super time and walked 73 kilometres while there.
Their flight along with a "hundred" other's all landed at the same time. They were held back twice when walking to customs as there were that many people trying to get through. We had a good time waiting as it's always interesting people watching and seeing what other people were up too.
On Sunday I was up bright and early as I was a woman on a mission:
Yes the deck was to seal. I got all the flat surfaces, the stairs and some of the railings done.
I can only do so much at once as it kills my hands. It looks so much better though. I hope to finish it off either Thursday or Friday depending on the weather this week.
Monday was also a busy day. One thing I did decide to do was a batch cook.
I got a baked bean lasagna made, shepherd's pie for both of us for one night and dh for Sunday night; I am out. Then two meals of scotch eggs. I had hoped to stretch the ground beef/mince to include pasta sauce but there just wasn't enough meat.
In between all of this I have been knitting. I have five gnomes completely finished. Two gnomes knit that just need to be sewn up and stuffed and am starting another one. I am hoping to get them ll done by the beginning of next week.
On Saturday we went up to Barrie where gas/petrol prices were below the dollar mark per litre. Been a long time since we have seen that:
Called in at the garden centre and had a wander around and among all the photos I took, I took this one:
Called in at the DIY store and bought wood to start finishing off the basement and then came home. We then headed out to the airport to pick up son and daughter-in-law; as they had been in Rome, Italy for the week on vacation. They had a super time and walked 73 kilometres while there.
Their flight along with a "hundred" other's all landed at the same time. They were held back twice when walking to customs as there were that many people trying to get through. We had a good time waiting as it's always interesting people watching and seeing what other people were up too.
On Sunday I was up bright and early as I was a woman on a mission:
Yes the deck was to seal. I got all the flat surfaces, the stairs and some of the railings done.
I can only do so much at once as it kills my hands. It looks so much better though. I hope to finish it off either Thursday or Friday depending on the weather this week.
Monday was also a busy day. One thing I did decide to do was a batch cook.
I got a baked bean lasagna made, shepherd's pie for both of us for one night and dh for Sunday night; I am out. Then two meals of scotch eggs. I had hoped to stretch the ground beef/mince to include pasta sauce but there just wasn't enough meat.
In between all of this I have been knitting. I have five gnomes completely finished. Two gnomes knit that just need to be sewn up and stuffed and am starting another one. I am hoping to get them ll done by the beginning of next week.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
It's zucchini/courgette time of year again.
One of my favourite meals that involve zucchini is Sausage Risotto:
Here is the recipe. What you see in the dish above is what was leftover after our supper. I will put this in a freezer bag and freeze it for another meal and bulk it up with more veggies if need be.
I did a post back in 2008 for 50 + 1 recipes for zucchini here. I can't guarantee all the links will work now, but I know some of them do.
I finished off another person for Christmas yesterday by ordering a couple of things online. That will make four people totally done. Very happy about that.
I gave away a couple more of my gnomes yesterday also, they will be heading to Grand Cayman next week. Three went to California this week. I wasn't planning on giving the gnomes away yesterday; took them out of the pile I am knitting for Our Little Man's birthday. So back to the knitting needles to get more knit.
Have you started Christmas shopping yet?
Here is the recipe. What you see in the dish above is what was leftover after our supper. I will put this in a freezer bag and freeze it for another meal and bulk it up with more veggies if need be.
I did a post back in 2008 for 50 + 1 recipes for zucchini here. I can't guarantee all the links will work now, but I know some of them do.
I finished off another person for Christmas yesterday by ordering a couple of things online. That will make four people totally done. Very happy about that.
I gave away a couple more of my gnomes yesterday also, they will be heading to Grand Cayman next week. Three went to California this week. I wasn't planning on giving the gnomes away yesterday; took them out of the pile I am knitting for Our Little Man's birthday. So back to the knitting needles to get more knit.
Have you started Christmas shopping yet?
Friday, August 21, 2015
Back again................
Not sure where the last week or so went too, but it has gone by fast. I have been busy knitting of course; I am making (at least) nine gnomes for Our Little Man's birthday in September as part of the take home gifts. Mind you if you read The Knitting Basket's blog post this week, here, it turns out knitting is good for your health? Who knew?
The weather of course has been stinking hot and humid. I am so over summer now, I mean SO OVER IT!!! Roll on the nice cool Fall weather. And as usual the month of August is just flying by.
Meanwhile here we are with another week's worth of homes for sale.
This week's "Home of the Week," is on the market for $2 million. I of course don't like the price, but I do like the house itself. I love the entrance up to the house. It's an older home but very bright and airy inside with nice landscaping.
The "Condo of the Week," is on the market for $550,000. Again it is nice and airy. It says in the blurb that a couple with two children live there, but when looking at the photos I get the feeling that they have probably moved out. As trying to keep a place that tidy with two young children is nigh on impossible. I just don't see any clutter at all?
Once again the, "Cottage of the Week," is a mansion and is on the market for $2.7 million. I wouldn't change a thing, but who can afford that price? Mind you it would be a year round home for us. It is pretty light and airy again despite all that wood. I would love to be able to sit on that dock and watch the world go by..........though in this case it will probably just be ducks as it's a private lake!!
Now back to reality here is "Gill's Cottage of the Week," is on the market for $459,900 and for that price you not only get a 2 bedroom log home, but 2 guest cabins and 16 acres. I love it, wouldn't change much and would move there tomorrow!!! Very oldie, worldy, reminds me of Little House in the Big Woods, don't you think?
Finally a bit of a funny story. You know how I am always complaining about the gardeners and what a poor job they do weeding the gardens? I transplanted a rhubarb plant from a tub into the garden. Every time a couple of leaves pop through the soil, the gardeners think they are weeds and chop them off with their hoes. I have had to put bamboo poles and string around the area, in the hopes they leave it alone.........can't win can I!
The weather of course has been stinking hot and humid. I am so over summer now, I mean SO OVER IT!!! Roll on the nice cool Fall weather. And as usual the month of August is just flying by.
Meanwhile here we are with another week's worth of homes for sale.
This week's "Home of the Week," is on the market for $2 million. I of course don't like the price, but I do like the house itself. I love the entrance up to the house. It's an older home but very bright and airy inside with nice landscaping.
The "Condo of the Week," is on the market for $550,000. Again it is nice and airy. It says in the blurb that a couple with two children live there, but when looking at the photos I get the feeling that they have probably moved out. As trying to keep a place that tidy with two young children is nigh on impossible. I just don't see any clutter at all?
Once again the, "Cottage of the Week," is a mansion and is on the market for $2.7 million. I wouldn't change a thing, but who can afford that price? Mind you it would be a year round home for us. It is pretty light and airy again despite all that wood. I would love to be able to sit on that dock and watch the world go by..........though in this case it will probably just be ducks as it's a private lake!!
Now back to reality here is "Gill's Cottage of the Week," is on the market for $459,900 and for that price you not only get a 2 bedroom log home, but 2 guest cabins and 16 acres. I love it, wouldn't change much and would move there tomorrow!!! Very oldie, worldy, reminds me of Little House in the Big Woods, don't you think?
Finally a bit of a funny story. You know how I am always complaining about the gardeners and what a poor job they do weeding the gardens? I transplanted a rhubarb plant from a tub into the garden. Every time a couple of leaves pop through the soil, the gardeners think they are weeds and chop them off with their hoes. I have had to put bamboo poles and string around the area, in the hopes they leave it alone.........can't win can I!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Just popped to let you know..........
I am taking a little break...........got lots going on...........nothing to worry about......be back soon.
Home of the Week and other things.........
This week's "Home of the Week," is not my cup of tea and it's not the $1.2 million asking price that's putting me off; it's the fact that it is a triplex; aka: a three times one bedroom apartments in a two story building. You can't swing a cat (sorry Jane and fellow cat lovers) in any of the apartment's. No I'll pass.
I LOVE, LOVE this week's "Condo of the Week," It's on the market at $550,000 and is a co-op. I don't know anything about co-op's but unless you are a cash buyer it could be a little difficult trying to get a mortgage. It is small at 800 square feet, but look at those views and it does feel bright and airy inside, don't you think?
The "Cottage of the Week," is on the market for $3 million and comes with two smaller islands. It looks very nice but you can only reach it by boat from what the description says? Also who has $3 million to spare for a cottage, not me!
Gill's "Cottage of the Week,"is on the market for $189,900 and yes it needs a little work!! Okay it needs a bit of work, but is on 31 acres. I love it and will be showing dh this one. The bathroom does worry me...........A LOT!! The kitchen needs work and the deck outside is DANGEROUS but the potential is there and oh did I mention the 31 acres!! I wonder how long that would take me to cut the grass?? I'M JOKING!!!
Okay now I am confused thank you everyone for pointing out the link doesn't work. So I went back to the listing only to find it's not there anymore? I have to assume it has sold, as I know I saw it yesterday......senile I may be getting but I know I saw it!!! I was even planning in my mind what I would do to make it ours; what changes I would make.....oh well I will look for another cottage and post it tomorrow.
I posted a book review yesterday for "The Chaperone," by Laura Moriarty. It's a super book and our book club choice for September, you can read it here.
I am a gnome knitting factory at the moment. I have 9 (I think) to make for Our Little Man's birthday party as take home gifts. I volunteered for it.
I LOVE, LOVE this week's "Condo of the Week," It's on the market at $550,000 and is a co-op. I don't know anything about co-op's but unless you are a cash buyer it could be a little difficult trying to get a mortgage. It is small at 800 square feet, but look at those views and it does feel bright and airy inside, don't you think?
The "Cottage of the Week," is on the market for $3 million and comes with two smaller islands. It looks very nice but you can only reach it by boat from what the description says? Also who has $3 million to spare for a cottage, not me!
I posted a book review yesterday for "The Chaperone," by Laura Moriarty. It's a super book and our book club choice for September, you can read it here.
I am a gnome knitting factory at the moment. I have 9 (I think) to make for Our Little Man's birthday party as take home gifts. I volunteered for it.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
I got lost on the way home yesterday?????
I mean really.........it was a bloody comedy of errors I swear.
I had been out and decided to take a "short cut" up a road I had never traveled before. I am going to assume in all of Canada, but don't know for a fact, in the countryside we have side roads and concessions. The side roads go west to east and the concessions go north to south. To separate counties they call that concession "so and so" town line road. Are you following???
So being a "clever clogs" I decide to scoot up one of those town line roads, as I knew where I was stopping at next was on the east side of this road. Great plan, until the road went around a corner and I was supposed to "turn off" instead of following the road.
No problem I thought I would just scoot up another concession. Yes the road was paved, but then it turned into a gravel road, which of course had just been recently graveled. Believe me when I say you HAVE to slow down as if you do decide to try and go faster it feels as though you are skating on ice.
I was cringing the whole time as despite going slow I could hear all the stones pinging against the underneath of my car. It was like a dust storm behind me, so all I could think of my black car will now be brown.
Then to add insult to everything I was eating my lunch as I was driving; one of those new lunch wrap's from Tim Hortons (got a coupon for a free one) and I took it out of the packaging and melted cheese sauce went right down the front of me...............
Luckily at my next stop I was able to wipe myself down and look sort of presentable. I am staying in today it's safer!!
I had been out and decided to take a "short cut" up a road I had never traveled before. I am going to assume in all of Canada, but don't know for a fact, in the countryside we have side roads and concessions. The side roads go west to east and the concessions go north to south. To separate counties they call that concession "so and so" town line road. Are you following???
So being a "clever clogs" I decide to scoot up one of those town line roads, as I knew where I was stopping at next was on the east side of this road. Great plan, until the road went around a corner and I was supposed to "turn off" instead of following the road.
No problem I thought I would just scoot up another concession. Yes the road was paved, but then it turned into a gravel road, which of course had just been recently graveled. Believe me when I say you HAVE to slow down as if you do decide to try and go faster it feels as though you are skating on ice.
I was cringing the whole time as despite going slow I could hear all the stones pinging against the underneath of my car. It was like a dust storm behind me, so all I could think of my black car will now be brown.
Then to add insult to everything I was eating my lunch as I was driving; one of those new lunch wrap's from Tim Hortons (got a coupon for a free one) and I took it out of the packaging and melted cheese sauce went right down the front of me...............
Luckily at my next stop I was able to wipe myself down and look sort of presentable. I am staying in today it's safer!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
It's a bit like this at the moment......
I hope to get around to visiting everyone's blogs on Thursday..........
Thanks for the advice yesterday it was great.....
Thanks for the advice yesterday it was great.....
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Quick update on dh.........
He went to the chiropractor yesterday as he had hurt his shoulder when he fell. Got his shoulders adjusted and he said he felt a bit better.
His left hand is still sore and the chiropractor reckons he has torn his tendon(s) or was it ligament(s) in his hand? So we'll give it the rest of this week and then another trip to the doctor will be in order I think.
If anyone else has had this problem would a hand brace be helpful? Like the one you wear when you have carpal tunnel. I was thinking it would restrict his movement in his hand and let it heal?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..........
His left hand is still sore and the chiropractor reckons he has torn his tendon(s) or was it ligament(s) in his hand? So we'll give it the rest of this week and then another trip to the doctor will be in order I think.
If anyone else has had this problem would a hand brace be helpful? Like the one you wear when you have carpal tunnel. I was thinking it would restrict his movement in his hand and let it heal?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..........
Monday, August 10, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
And the mudslinging begins............
On August the 2nd 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper requested writs of election for a federal general election from Governor General David Johnston. Basically Parliament was dissolved until the general election on October 19th 2015.
I have mixed feelings about all of this. The thought of all the mudslinging for the next couple of months, does not sit well with me. During this time I am guessing squat all will get done re: the Government. And finally, I have no faith in any of them for the first time in a long, long time.
I guess it could be worse, we could have Donald Trump running for Prime Minister..........
Despite assurances this isn't going to cost the tax payer, I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!! {{{SIGH}}}
That's all I have to say politically..........back to my usual topics tomorrow!
Finally because this always makes me smile........
I have mixed feelings about all of this. The thought of all the mudslinging for the next couple of months, does not sit well with me. During this time I am guessing squat all will get done re: the Government. And finally, I have no faith in any of them for the first time in a long, long time.
I guess it could be worse, we could have Donald Trump running for Prime Minister..........
Despite assurances this isn't going to cost the tax payer, I DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!! {{{SIGH}}}
That's all I have to say politically..........back to my usual topics tomorrow!
Finally because this always makes me smile........
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Asphalting the road.........
Now where the guy is standing on our grass that corner is an issue. Every time it rains or they put the sprinklers on, we have a swimming pool there. So it should be interesting to see where the water goes next time it rains. We all think they put the drain in the wrong place.
This is supposed to last 25 years before it needs repaving.
I stayed in all day, as I figured it was easier than parking my car elsewhere and walking........oh and you know me I am totally allergic to exercise....LOL
Friday, August 7, 2015
Home of the Week and a blast from the past.
This week's "Home of the Week," is on sale for $3.9 million and I actually love it. Mind you it doesn't even have a garage and is a townhouse (terraced property).
This week's "Condo of the Week," costs $700,000 and is not my cup of tea. I am not a fan of concrete floors and open duct work, but that's just me!
This week's "Cottage of the Week," is on sale for $4 million and it does include an island for that price. I love the cottage it is gorgeous and I wouldn't change a thing. Just a shame it's not on the market for $400,000, then I would be more interested in it!!
Gill's Cottage of the Week, is on the market for $389,900 It's on the Bruce Peninsula overlooking Georgian Bay. Now they do get some stormy weather up there, but the views from this place must be stunning when a storm comes in over the lake? This is the type of cottage we rent when we go down south. Will say though I am not 100% sure if I could live in this type of home forever, as those log walls get very dusty and full of cobwebs.........well the rental places do!!
I am painting some more trim so I have the music on. I heard this song:
Now if you are British you will immediately recognize this as the theme song from the Benny Hill show. I had no idea this was an "actual song."
Benny Hill was a British comedian who's antics would not be "politically correct," nowadays but back in the day was classed as very funny. He even had a number one music hit in 1971:
and here is a clip of what he used to do!! Please be aware it's sexist and not politically correct.....
This week's "Condo of the Week," costs $700,000 and is not my cup of tea. I am not a fan of concrete floors and open duct work, but that's just me!
This week's "Cottage of the Week," is on sale for $4 million and it does include an island for that price. I love the cottage it is gorgeous and I wouldn't change a thing. Just a shame it's not on the market for $400,000, then I would be more interested in it!!
Gill's Cottage of the Week, is on the market for $389,900 It's on the Bruce Peninsula overlooking Georgian Bay. Now they do get some stormy weather up there, but the views from this place must be stunning when a storm comes in over the lake? This is the type of cottage we rent when we go down south. Will say though I am not 100% sure if I could live in this type of home forever, as those log walls get very dusty and full of cobwebs.........well the rental places do!!
I am painting some more trim so I have the music on. I heard this song:
Now if you are British you will immediately recognize this as the theme song from the Benny Hill show. I had no idea this was an "actual song."
Benny Hill was a British comedian who's antics would not be "politically correct," nowadays but back in the day was classed as very funny. He even had a number one music hit in 1971:
and here is a clip of what he used to do!! Please be aware it's sexist and not politically correct.....
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Update on dh............
For those of you who are my friends on Facebook, you know the first part of this story.
On Sunday dh was cleaning out the flower beds on top of the retaining walls ready for us to mulch it all. We have decided it's easier doing this than me constantly asking the gardeners to weed them. The wall is close to four feet tall. Normal people would use a ladder to go up and down, but not my dh. On his way down he tripped over his feet and fell from the top of the wall. He fell on his left side and did the most damage to his arm and wrist:
Fast forward to Wednesday and I have been putting an antiseptic cream, gauze and bandage over it for when he is at work and overnight and despite that it was weeping yellow pus. Plus his hand was so swollen that you could barely see his knuckles. So he went to the doctors and got some antibiotics for the swelling and pus and had an x-ray on his hand. Pleased to say it is not fractured and just very swollen.
Hopefully he has learned from this!
Beautiful sky when we were out and about.
On Sunday dh was cleaning out the flower beds on top of the retaining walls ready for us to mulch it all. We have decided it's easier doing this than me constantly asking the gardeners to weed them. The wall is close to four feet tall. Normal people would use a ladder to go up and down, but not my dh. On his way down he tripped over his feet and fell from the top of the wall. He fell on his left side and did the most damage to his arm and wrist:
Fast forward to Wednesday and I have been putting an antiseptic cream, gauze and bandage over it for when he is at work and overnight and despite that it was weeping yellow pus. Plus his hand was so swollen that you could barely see his knuckles. So he went to the doctors and got some antibiotics for the swelling and pus and had an x-ray on his hand. Pleased to say it is not fractured and just very swollen.
Hopefully he has learned from this!
Beautiful sky when we were out and about.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Funny little bits for Yarn Along this week........
This is what I got done this past week in knitting:
Those are all the bits knitted up for two more gnomes. I have a third one on my needles as these are all gifts for a neighbours grandkids who are coming to visit next week. Just need to sew them together and stuff.
I read and reviewed this book:
Those are all the bits knitted up for two more gnomes. I have a third one on my needles as these are all gifts for a neighbours grandkids who are coming to visit next week. Just need to sew them together and stuff.
I read and reviewed this book:
and this book which I reviewed also:
I am starting this book; it's our book club choice for September "The Chaperone," by Laura Moriarty:
For more Yarn Along posts with Ginny, please click on this link.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
15 minutes of fame.........
I was reading this article about the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown and what a three ring circus her funeral turned out to be and it was mentioned half of the people came crawling out of the woodwork to claim their 15 minutes of fame to "appear" at the funeral and mourn her death. Her aunt was "removed" from the service and immediately talked to the waiting paparazzi. She apparently wants to star in her own reality series??
The television is inundated with reality series and I always wonder why on earth people subject themselves to staring in these series?
Then I thought are we bloggers blogging for our 15 minutes of fame? I personally prefer to remain relatively anonymous, as with anything in life very few people tend to agree with everything you say. I find the press tends to dwell on the negative rather than the positive.
Can't say I know anyone famous, so I won't be in front of the camera's anytime soon; how about you?
The television is inundated with reality series and I always wonder why on earth people subject themselves to staring in these series?
Then I thought are we bloggers blogging for our 15 minutes of fame? I personally prefer to remain relatively anonymous, as with anything in life very few people tend to agree with everything you say. I find the press tends to dwell on the negative rather than the positive.
Can't say I know anyone famous, so I won't be in front of the camera's anytime soon; how about you?
Monday, August 3, 2015
I am around.........
it's just been a quiet week due to the hot and humid weather. I have been hibernating so nothing much has been happening. We had some nasty weather go through yesterday and last night. No damage on our property, but a lot of damage was done close to where we used to live. At least now with all the rain yesterday the grass has had a good water. We are not happy with the way they are watering the grass. We do have a sprinkler system, but it is controlled by the "sprinkler people." We are also not allowed to water our grass............less said about this the better...LOL
Sad news from Britain, a beloved entertainer, Cilla Black passed away; she was only 72:
I love this song which I heard on an advertisement. It is also a pretty neat video with a great message it is well worth watching:
And finally Our Little Munchkin may be a soccer player much to her Granddad's delight as he is a big football/soccer fan.
Sad news from Britain, a beloved entertainer, Cilla Black passed away; she was only 72:
I love this song which I heard on an advertisement. It is also a pretty neat video with a great message it is well worth watching:
And finally Our Little Munchkin may be a soccer player much to her Granddad's delight as he is a big football/soccer fan.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...